Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 335 Little Book: Tang 3’s Spouse 2!

Chapter 335 Little Book: Tang San’s Spouse +2!

After arranging everyone's training progress, and sorting out his own Jade Bone Golden Muscle Divine Treasure Cultivation Method through the characteristics of these original martial soul owners, Tang San prepared to take Gu Yuena, Shen Hou, You Ji, Hai Zhu and others went back to Notting City and Holy Soul Village, and then headed to Wuhun City.

But Fan Niu and Fan Ma came over, hoping that Tang San could witness their proposal.


These two tall guys actually found their true love?

Who is it?
They should be the maids from Silver Blue Manor. After all, they don't seem to know other famous people in Tiandou City.

With curiosity, Tang San followed the two of them to the back garden of the manor, where many servants were pruning leaves and watering the green plants.

The two brothers Fan Niu and Fan Ma walked up to Mu Yanluo and Mu Qiluo, knelt down on one knee, tenderly handed over the ring they took out of their arms, and said in unison: "Yanluo (Qiluo), are you willing?" Marry me?"

Very straightforward!
But everyone present was fascinated.

The two sisters Mu Yanluo and Mu Qiluo looked at each other, and they could see the excitement and confusion in each other's eyes. It was obvious that they did not expect that these two people would propose to them on such an occasion.

Moreover, this scene was watched by the Earl, which was really embarrassing!
But in the end, the two still went to the ring.

The two sets of twins hugged each other, and the whole back garden was filled with warmth. The surrounding maids also applauded. Tang San also applauded, and asked: "When will you really get married? By then, I may not be able to get married." I will definitely be there, but in this manor, except for the main house where I live and the guest rooms, I can lend it to you for fun."

Mu Yanluo shook his head and said, "My sister and I are both dead flowers and willows. There is no need for the Earl to bother us so much. We can just keep the wedding simple when the time comes."

For the two of them, they are satisfied to have a home, so there is no need to be too grand.

Tang San understood the thoughts of several people, so he didn't try to persuade them. He just said: "Then I will wish you a happy wedding in advance."

After all, he will spend most of his time in Wuhun City in the future. He doesn't come back here often, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to attend the wedding of these four people in person...
"Lord Earl, be careful on the road, my mother and I will miss you all the time!" At the gate of Yinlan Manor, Ling Meng and Ling Xi bid farewell to Tang San and others.

"Don't say it so sadly..." Hearing the "bleakness" in this tone, Tang San would even wonder if he had died...

On the way to Notting City, Gu Yuena asked: "Then Dai Mubai won't attack the two sisters Mu Qiluo and Mu Yanluo, right? Were they lovers before?"

"You said it was before, it doesn't matter now. Besides, as a member of Yinlan Manor, as long as Dai Mubai is not so stupid that his brain is rotten, he will not attack those two people again." Tang San said casually He said, "However, speaking of which, Dai Mubai would choose the twins, perhaps because of the martial arts factor. After all, their martial spirits are both roses."

Gu Yuena wondered what tigers and roses had in common, and asked doubtfully: "Does this mean anything?"

"If you have a tiger in your heart, you can smell the roses carefully." Tang San said lightly, "There is such a saying that describes people with lofty ambitions who will also be impressed by gentleness and beauty."

"Dai Mubai's martial spirit is the white tiger, which represents the masculine side; while the martial spirits of those two people are rose, which represents the feminine side."

"The combination of hardness and softness, the combination of yin and yang, is beneficial to practice."


Judging from Dai Mubai's personality, Tang San probably wouldn't have expected so much, but he just happened to meet a pair of twins whose martial spirits were Qiangwei.

It can be regarded as a realistic interpretation of "there is a tiger in my heart and I smell the roses carefully".

"Is there such a thing?" This was the first time Gu Yuena heard about this kind of practice, and she couldn't help but have doubts. After all, a tiger and a rose, one animal and one plant, couldn't be beaten with eight poles!

"Mainly physical and mental, not soul power." Tang San added.

"Oh~" Gu Yuena understood immediately and looked at Tang San with contempt, "Essentially, it is still an expression of desire."

"You can't say that, it can be regarded as a combination of work and rest." Tang San shrugged, turned around and called Shenhou, Youji, and Haizhu who were following him to his side, and analyzed the general direction of their cultivation for them -

"Haizhu, your martial spirit is the bones, or the skeleton, the whole body's skeleton."

"This advantage is obvious. Your body bones are wider and harder than ordinary people. In your future training, you must specialize in physical skills."

In fact, if this skeleton martial spirit could manifest outside the body, Tang San thought of the "Susanohu" in Naruto. Unfortunately, it was in a possessed state, that is, it was combined with its own original skeleton and could not be exposed.

In the future, it may be possible to obtain a specific soul skill to make the skeleton appear in an energy form, but that will be in the future, and it does not have reference value at the moment.

Moreover, the skeleton spirit is a natural lever. If you use it well in the future, you can use the minimum force to exert the maximum effect. Just specialize in this way. There is no need to specialize for a skill similar to Susanoo. Obtaining the skill of releasing martial souls is not worth the gain.

"I see, I understand." Haizhu is a young man about two meters tall. He is relatively shy. He looks tall and thin, but has a broad frame. If it is at night, people with poor eyesight will look at it. Like a giant skeleton covered in human skin.

Obviously, because of the martial spirit, the nutrients in the food are concentrated into the skeleton of the physical body to cope with the use of the martial spirit when it is possessed, causing the muscles to lose weight.

I guess the internal organs have also been under high load!
According to Lingxi, before entering Yinlan Manor, this guy was just a skeleton covered in human skin, and he could only barely tell what he looked like.

Electrolux suggested: "This guy is very suitable as a material for the undead skeleton. He is a good natural seed."

"Please don't say such horrible things again. People who are not guilty of heinous crimes cannot be used as consumable materials." Tang San retorted, "And as the Holy Law God of the Undead, what's the point of playing with skeletons? Only by playing with souls can you be powerful. Wait until you come back. When you come to Wuhun City, there must be a lot of fallen souls accumulated in the starry sky world, you can slowly observe, analyze, and study them."

"That makes sense." Electrolux compromised, but he still liked Haizhu, a guy with a unique talent for being an undead skeleton - if this guy was used to refine skeleton-like undead, he would definitely be able to He is expected to become a god-level skeleton puppet... Unfortunately, this natural disaster of death has "become a good person".

"Next, it's you, Youji." Tang San's eyes fell on Youji, a girl with dwarfism, 17 years old, one year older than Shenhou.

But her skin is very rough and has many wrinkles, making her look like an old woman with fairer skin.

Green age, "old" wrinkles.

Tang San could imagine that after she awakened her martial spirit, she must have received a lot of criticism, so that her personality was very introverted among the 12 people.

Being able to live to 17 years old also proves that he has great courage, but he must also be suffering a lot in his heart.

"You don't like your skin very much, right?"

"Yes, Lord Earl." Youji nodded, and his eyes seemed to form a fan-shaped diagram, revealing three parts of the complexity of the past, three parts of yearning for the future, three parts of gratitude, and one part of reverence for Tang San. . "My skin has been wrinkled since I was a child. I still remember that when my mother abandoned me, she said that I had wrinkled skin and was too ugly to be her daughter... When I was eight years old, I almost didn't know what to do. What should I do? When I grew up, I started wandering with other people. In order to compete for food, I even killed other people. Finally, I was caught. After several changes, I was sent to the slave market. At first, I thought it was good to be a slave. , at least I don’t have to worry about my belly, but later I found out that no nobleman was willing to buy me, a wrinkled little old lady, until I met Sister Lingmeng.”

"You don't look introverted at all." Tang San smiled, and then got down to business, "For you, your future training is to strengthen your perception and control of your skin."

Compared with other people, the chicken's skin is very sensitive, and it can even control the skin to move slightly, which proves that its body's nervous system is very sensitive.

"Skin can be hardened, and you can take the defense system, but I don't recommend it. I hope you take the path of perception, control, and transformation."

"Perception, as the name suggests, is to perceive vibrations in the air. The skin is actually the most sensitive organ on the human body. If it is not used for perception, it is definitely a waste of talent."

"Control means strengthening mental training to be able to control one's own skin like one's hands and feet, treating it as one's other hand."

"Transformation is the use of skin martial arts: the plasticity of human skin is very powerful. When the skin becomes a martial spirit, its ability to change shape will inevitably be more prominent. In the future, you may be able to use the martial spirit to imitate anyone. Even the appearance and breath of the soul beast are used to disguise it."

"If you obtain a good soul skill, you may be able to obtain part of that person's abilities during the imitation period."

Such as the mirror beast.

In the original work, Oscar absorbed the soul ring of this soul beast and gained the ability to copy other people's martial souls, but he only needed the blood of others as a medium.

If Youji can absorb the soul ring of this kind of soul beast in the future, it is impossible to directly imitate it. After all, her martial soul is skin, which has an advantage over sausage in imitation.

However, there is a premise. The first few spirit rings need to be planned first to make final preparations for the final imitation and reproduction.

"Is my martial spirit so powerful?" Youji couldn't believe it, but the Earl in front of her was also a master of martial spirit theory, so it was naturally impossible to deceive her.

If it is deception, what is the purpose?

It seemed that he had nothing worthy of being deceived by the earl. As for his body, if the earl wanted it, he would just wash it off and lie down on the bed.

It's a pity that the earl will never look down on such a wrinkled woman like her.

Finally, Tang San looked at Shen Hou and said: "Your martial spirit is the heart, including the blood vessels connected to the heart. Therefore, your energy and blood power is the most powerful among the 12 people, but among the You must not have eaten enough before entering Yinlan Manor, right?"

Shen Hou's face turned red and he uttered one word: "Yes!"

She suspected that the earl might think she had eaten too much, but she was trying her best to control her food intake. However, because of her martial spirit, she needed much more nutrition than ordinary people.

"I heard from Lingxi that you can control your appetite when eating?"


A trace of cold sweat broke out on Shen Hou's forehead, and he wondered if the earl didn't want her anymore. After all, regaining her freedom meant that the master didn't need to consider her food problem in a sense.

"You don't need to control it from now on. You can eat as much as you can. Although Yinlan Manor is not as rich as the two empires, it can still afford a little food." Tang San saw her embarrassment and comforted, “Just don’t waste it when the time comes.”

"Lord Earl~" Shen Hou was filled with tears. She was a young girl with true feelings. Her emotions and sorrows were all expressed on her face and she couldn't hide her inner thoughts at all.

"As for the direction of your cultivation, there is no doubt that it is to strengthen the power of the heart and strengthen the qi and blood." Tang San brought the topic back to cultivation, "As for controlling the beating frequency of the heart, for you, even if you reach the Title Dou Even at Luo's level, I can't directly control the beating frequency of my heart. I can only indirectly control the beating speed of my heart through stimulation with qi, blood, soul power or mental power."

"Therefore, you can only move in the direction of strengthening the heart power and improving qi and blood."

"For now, there is only one soul beast you will choose in the future: the Big Hearted Rat."

"This kind of soul beast has no special attributes, but in terms of biological proportions, it has the largest heart among all soul beasts, occupying almost a quarter of its body."

"The soul masters who have obtained their soul rings have all obtained soul skills that speed up their heartbeats and activate their energy and blood to improve their all-round strength. They are similar to madness, but what is different from the madness skills is that they use the spirit ring of the Big Hearted Mouse. The side effect of this soul skill is starvation, which can be recovered as long as you eat and drink enough."

"The side effect of the madness skill is a period of weakness."

Shen Hou scratched the back of his head and didn't quite understand: "It doesn't sound any different? If you faint from hunger, isn't that also a sign of weakness?"

"Indeed, but the difference lies in the recovery situation." Tang San pointed out the difference between the two, "It can be said that the skills of the Big Heart Rat have no side effects. You can continue to use them after you are full and your energy and blood have recovered, while the skills of Madness It will damage the human body to a great extent, and this skill has a long cooling time. Even if the body recovers, you may not be able to continue to use this soul skill."

Of course, if it is used forcefully, it is not impossible, but Tang San understands that it will cause irreparable serious consequences.

Therefore, compared to Madness, the skills of Big Heart Rat are more suitable for Shen Monkey.

"So that's it." Shen Hou suddenly understood, but Tang San could tell that this guy didn't understand at all, and he just made one point clear: from now on, when hunting spirit beasts, he will choose the big heart rat.

On the other side, Gu Yuena was secretly recording in a small notebook in her heart:

Tang San’s spouse +2!

 Regarding the original martial soul, I suddenly had an idea——

  Tokusatsu team······
  Can multiple martial souls be fused together to create one person?


  Ancient demon god?

  The law of heaven and earth?

  Fa Tianxiangdi?

  Forget it, let’s not do it for now.

(End of this chapter)

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