Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 336 Changes in Notting City and Holy Soul Village

Chapter 336 Changes in Notting City and Holy Soul Village
Notting City.

The city walls are as quaint as before, but the inside of the city is much more prosperous than usual. All kinds of new life-style soul tools have gradually appeared in such a small city.

However, compared with big cities such as Wuhun City and Tiandou City, the living soul guides that appear here are of an obsolete type, but for the residents of this small town, they are very advanced.

Moreover, a soul tool assembly factory has been established near Notting City. Various parts are transported from other cities and assembled here, providing jobs for many civilians.

It can be said that young people from many villages near Notting City come to Notting City to work... In the process, Notting City's area is also constantly expanding, and perhaps one day it will swallow up most of the nearby small villages. Village.

Tang San arrived at Wuhun Palace. Compared with usual times, this iconic church-like building did not undergo many changes, but it was much larger in area.

The guard at the door rubbed his eyes, as if he recognized him, and said incredulously: "Are you... the Holy Son!?"

"Shh~ Uncle Li, you're on duty today." Tang San smiled, "Don't be too loud. I don't want to cause a commotion, so I just came over to see Brother Tao."

"It's really you!" The guard became excited, and the hand holding the spear couldn't help trembling. He was excited and at a loss. It took him a while to calm down, and he lowered his voice and said: "Palace Master Su is not inside, and Miss Sisi is in charge. "

"Not there? Where has he gone?" Tang San was surprised.

"Half a year ago, a large factory for assembling soul tools was established outside Notting City. Many young people from the city and nearby villages came to work, especially the young people in the villages. Although they made more money, But the farmland is abandoned... I heard that there is a civilian food capital over there in Wuhun City, and they are researching high-yielding grain varieties?" Halfway through, the guard suddenly asked.

"Indeed." Tang San nodded, "After all, food is the foundation, but Li Shuqian also knows that cultivating high-yielding grain species takes time, and it also requires trial planting through experimental fields over there."

"So that's it." Menwai also knew that growing grain was not an easy task, let alone cultivating high-yielding grain seeds. He suddenly realized, and then said, "Young and strong people come to work, and they make a lot of money, but here we The food produced by oneself is less, and food needs to be imported from other places... For this reason, Palace Master Su feels that Notting City does not need to ask outsiders for growing food. After all, the area near Notting City is Except for Notting Forest, there are no spirit beasts in other woods and grasslands and can be developed as farmland."

"And those small villages can also become stations in the farmland, responsible for the care, management, and protection of the farmland..."

"He is in Holy Soul Village now, and this plan has been started half a year ago, and he has applied for funds from above. I heard that the temple master in Tiandou City has agreed and allocated funds to prepare for Notting City. And the nearby villages should be used as test sites for new models. After the farmland is established, we will observe it for three to five years. If possible, we can implement it in other small towns with similar conditions to Notting City."

"It seems that Brother Tao is quite ambitious." Tang San sighed, chatting with the guard Uncle Li for a few words, then entered the hall and went straight to the former offices of Matthew Nuo and Su Yuntao.

"Mom, I want to eat candied haws!"

Before knocking on the door, Tang San heard a childish voice coming from inside, with a hint of pleading.

"Be good, wait until mommy finishes the work at hand, then go out and buy it for you." Sisi responded perfunctorily, and then tied the chubby child to a chair nearby with a ribbon, "Now play [one, two, three, don't move] wooden man game.”

"one two three···"

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens. Tang San walked in, and under Si Si's slightly blank gaze, he walked to the two-year-old child who was tied to the chair, and said with a smile: "Sister Si Si, is this how you teach your children?"

"Ha~ This is not so naughty." After reacting, Sisi immediately stood up and made tea for Tang San and Gu Yuena. As for Shenhou, Youji, and Haizhu - Tang San came to visit his friends. Yes, there is no need to bring in irrelevant personnel. As for Gu Yuena, this little girl followed here on her own.

"Sister Sisi is still as young and beautiful as ever." Tang San praised.

"Haha, no way." Sisi smiled, obviously very satisfied with Tang San's praise, and then looked at Gu Yuena: "This is... your daughter?"

"Ahem!" Tang San almost spit out the tea and said speechlessly, "Please, I'm only sixteen. No matter how she looks at her, she must be eight years old, right? It's impossible for me to give birth to a child at the age of eight, right? I was still here at the time Where’s Notting College?”

"Her name is Gu Yuena, and she is very talented in the training of a soul master."

Gu Yuena said: "Hello, my name is Gu Yuena. I am eight years old this year. My talent is slightly better than Tang San's, and I have reached the Soul Sect."

Eight-year-old Soul Sect!
Sisi has gained a lot of experience, she is only level 35 now.

"I heard from Uncle Li outside the door that Brother Tao went to Holy Soul Village?" Tang San asked.

"Yes, she has been working hard these years to learn the knowledge required by Wuhun Temple and wants to make a big career." Sisi felt that it would be good if the family was safe, but since her husband has pursuits , then she can only support it.

"As expected of Brother Tao, he is very ambitious." Tang San smiled, took out a wooden box, and said: "This is the Foundation Establishment Pill made by Xiao Wu. It is good for the health of children who have not yet awakened their martial spirits. Eat one piece a month, twelve pieces in total.”

"Oh, you're here, and you're here with a gift." Sisi smiled and took the wooden box, held it in her arms, and said to the child with joy on her face: "Hurry up and call me brother."

The tied child was a little reluctant, but because of Sisi's sharp eyes, he still called out "brother" in a low voice.

"So good." Tang San didn't pay much attention. After all, children aged three to five are at their most naughty and mischievous, and Sisi was still tying up the child. It was strange that the other party was happy.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and Tang San took Gu Yuena out of the office, called Shenhou, Youji, and Haizhu who were waiting outside, and walked towards the Holy Soul Village.

Tang San noticed that the road between Holy Soul Village and Notting City was obviously much wider. Originally it could only accommodate two oxcarts walking side by side, but now it was more than 15 meters wide.

The closer you get to the village, the more farmland there is, and the green rice fields sway in the wind, which is particularly refreshing.

When he arrived at the entrance of Holy Soul Village, Tang San found that the houses in the village had been renovated, and there were a lot more houses in the village. The size was close to that of some small towns.

"Is this your hometown? It looks quite nice." Gu Yuena looked around and found that the houses here were shorter than Notting City, but the large fields of rice outside the village made her feel It is different from the beauty of Star Dou Forest.

If the plants in the Star Forest are wild and wild, then the farmland outside the Holy Soul Village is ingeniously orderly, but it does not make people feel depressed, but makes them feel relaxed and happy.

[Humans, a creative and multifaceted race! 】

(End of this chapter)

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