Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 372 Dark Demonic Wind and Thunder Transformation

Chapter 372 Dark Demonic Wind and Thunder Transformation

"Long time no see, Zhuqing, I didn't expect to see you here." Tang San spoke first and greeted the other party.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw Tang San, his eyes moved slightly, with excitement, excitement, and resentment, but in the end he remained calm and walked slowly over, with a faint smile on his lips, saying: "It's been a while since we've seen each other. , my captain."

"Haha, don't be so polite. We have all graduated from Tiandou Royal Academy. There is no need to call us captain anymore." Tang San waved his hand casually and asked the reason why Zhu Zhuqing came to Star Dou Forest, "By the way, you are here Soul hunter?"

"Well, according to your instructions before I left, captain, I focus on practicing the three arts of darkness, wind, and thunder. Since my fourth soul ring comes from the Dark Demon Wind Tiger, and my soul skill is the Dark Demon Hurricane; then the fifth soul Huan, I need to find Dark Demon Thunder Tiger, and the soul skill he brought me is Dark Demon Crazy Thunder Blast."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly and talked about his progress.

"Of these two soul skills, the former strengthens the wind element, and the latter strengthens my thunder element and so on."

"However, in the past few years, I have spent most of my time thinking of ways to use my own power to leverage the energy of heaven and earth in the entire Douluo Continent. These two attributes have been enhanced, and they have indeed helped me."

"And I came to the Star Dou Forest this time to obtain my sixth spirit ring, which is also the wind and thunder winged tiger that you once told me. This kind of spirit beast that can control the power of wind and thunder at the same time has once again strengthened me. The power of wind and thunder also gives me an amplifying skill: Dark Demon Wind and Thunder Transformation."

"In this state, all my attributes can be increased three times, and my speed can be increased nearly six times. In addition, this skill can also be superimposed with the Dark Demon Nether Transformation, increasing all attributes six times, and my speed. It can even be increased to nine times!”

"The only pity is that the increase rate of this Dark Demonic Wind and Thunder Transformation is fixed and cannot increase with the improvement of my soul power."

Xiao Wu comforted her: "It doesn't matter, it's already very powerful. After all, not all amplification skills can be improved with the increase of cultivation level."

Others, such as Yu Tianheng, have fixed amplification skills.

Zhu Zhuqing's Dark Demon Wind and Thunder Transformation can be even stronger in the future, because her Dark Demon Netherworld Transformation can also improve all attributes, and the improvement rate can increase with the breakthrough of soul power level.

"This increase is enough."

Tang San smiled, "For you, the attack capabilities of the soul skills, the first soul skill: Netherworld Stab, the second soul skill: Netherworld Hundred Slash, are already enough. The rest is to make up for it with the help of soul rings. With your own foundation, and then using your own power to leverage the energy of the entire Douluo Continent, you will be able to dominate the world."

For now, Zhu Zhuqing's physical fitness is also constantly getting stronger. The soul ring of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger has caused her martial soul to evolve, and it has even given her an external soul bone: the Dark Demon Bone Armor. .

At the Soul Emperor level, her physical fitness is already comparable to that of an ordinary titled Douluo.

Coupled with her speed, Dark Demon Bone Armor, and the two amplifying soul skills of Dark Demon Netherworld Transformation and Dark Demon Wind Thunder Transformation, Zhu Zhuqing was now able to compete with Titled Douluo.

If he could more perfectly control the balance between the soul power operation circuit and the martial soul maintenance circuit, and leverage the energy of heaven and earth with the smallest amount of force, Zhu Zhuqing could fight against a super Douluo above level 95.

"The power that dominates the world is not as good as yours." Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help blurting out, and then realized that Xiao Wu and Lan Yinzi were also around. He felt that these words were too straightforward, so he immediately changed the subject and talked about the Star Luo Empire. "Speaking of it, I am currently passing on the concept of non-cannibalism to the children and young people of the Zhu family and the Dai family, but I have gained very little."

"It's understandable." Tang San didn't seem to hear the first half of the sentence. He talked about the second half and said slowly: "The elders who can influence a child's personality the most are the elders in the family, followed by the rest. If you want to change, you can't change it overnight. It's something. Unless this child was left alone by his parents from the beginning and didn't take care of him."

As for the cruel struggle of the Star Luo royal family, as long as they are not crushed with greater violence, they will not change. After all, the atmosphere in the Star Luo Empire is more "open" and "aggressive".

Zhu Zhuqing wants to change. Currently, there is only one way in front of her, which is to crush everything with strong strength, take away the throne of the Dai family, and then start vigorous reforms.

Because you are the strongest, others cannot resist. Either, you have to take your time, and——

and so on.

Wuhun Palace is currently growing and has a different impact on the entire continent. Whether a war breaks out in the future or subtly changes the concepts of people across the continent, this is Zhu Zhuqing's opportunity.

What Zhu Zhuqing has to do now is to constantly enrich herself, not only in terms of strength, but also in politics, culture, management, economy, etc. She must know a little bit, and the so-called "a little bit" is second only to those who are immersed in it. Rulers, teachers, officials, businessmen, etc. who have been in this way for many years.

If the full score is one hundred, in these aspects, it must be at least eighty.

If you want to be an emperor, you must know a little bit about everything.

Being strong can only suppress the person in front of you. The further away from the imperial city, the more "free" and absurd those petty officials become.

Hearing what Tang San said, Zhu Zhuqing felt heavy in his heart. He realized that he was still very immature, but he also felt a desire to chase forward bravely.

It is precisely because of the difficulties that it is worth the challenge!

Moreover, she has now become the Soul Emperor, so she doesn't need to worry too much about her strength. Practicing the soul skills makes perfect. The rest is mainly to study her own two sets of energy circulation circuits.

Calculating this, I usually have quite a lot of free time, so I don't necessarily have to spend it all on practicing chess, calligraphy and painting. I can participate in the management of the Star Luo Empire.

With his own strength and his sisterly relationship with Crown Princess Zhu Zhuyun, it can be said that it is extremely easy to get an official position.

Moreover, in Zhu Zhuqing's view, the Xingluo Empire was more suitable for the imperial examination than the Tiandou Empire.

After all, there are not so many kingdoms and principalities in the Star Luo Empire. Except for the Dai family, the Zhu family, and other families that existed in the early days of its establishment, there are not as many hereditary nobles as the Tiandou Empire. The implementation of the imperial examination system is more complicated than that of the Tiandou Empire. Much easier.

"I understand, third brother." Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, and then asked, "Are you also out to hunt soul beasts?"

"Yes." Tang San nodded, "Xiao Wu and I are already soul saints, and Lan Yinzi has also reached the level of soul emperor. Guang Ling, Rongrong, they are about to reach soul emperor, and Huo Wu is about to enter soul emperor." It’s the holy realm.”

"Everyone's progress is really fast. I thought that after reaching the Soul King, each level of improvement requires a lot of soul power. I can catch up, but I didn't expect that you have surpassed me by a big level." Zhu Zhuqing He sighed, then narrowed his eyes, "But, Captain, why do you know so well about Rongrong and Huo Wu?"

"And Lan Yinzi, why is she following you?"

The five-year agreement was agreed upon at the beginning, and then Yu Feng, Bai Chenxiang, Shi Mo, Shi Mo, Yu Tian Heng, and Dugu Yan were far apart. Everyone else, except for her when she returned to the Star Luo Empire, all lived in the same place. right?

"How should I put it? We are all in Wuhun City and live relatively close to each other." Tang San shrugged and described the specific situation in Wuhun City, "You have also received news, right? News is transmitted very quickly nowadays. You should have seen what Wuhun City looks like through photos and videos, right?"

"Indeed, I never thought that Spirit Masters and ordinary people could build such a temple together with such creativity. In just two or three years, such a large city could be built."

Zhu Zhuqing's attention was really diverted and he started thinking about how to manage the soul master...

(End of this chapter)

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