Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 373 Zhu Zhuqing is not suitable to be emperor

Chapter 373 Zhu Zhuqing is not suitable to be emperor

Soul masters have always been arrogant, and it is not easy to manage them. Even if Zhu Zhuqing is powerful and can convince them openly, he cannot stop them from doing things secretly.

The success of Wuhun Palace is actually considered lucky.

After all, most of the soul masters who join Wuhun Palace still have beliefs, such as: for the glory of angels.

Although this sentence has no specific content, it at least provides some cohesion for Wuhun Palace to manage so many people. After that, Wuhun Palace began to promote "building martial arts for heaven and earth, and casting souls for all living beings" and constantly enriched its connotations. : Labor creates value (wealth), thinking and summarizing experience, culture enriches wisdom, etc.

Then, he began to recruit talents from all walks of life in a practical way, conduct research in a down-to-earth manner, cultivate high-yield crops, mine, build roads, establish soul guidance factories, provide jobs, establish Wuhun Enlightenment Academy, etc.

Moreover, all major branch temples are required to make public the use of funds obtained from the two empires, and everyone can supervise and report.

Although the darkness has not been eliminated, it has just been hidden deeper, but for the vast majority of people on the continent, the Spirit Hall's actions are much more fair and just than those of the two empires.

At least Wuhun Palace is constantly improving.

And what about the two great empires?

Zhu Zhuqing was able to realize that the top management within the two empires were connected by interest networks and were deeply rooted. If they wanted to change, it would not happen overnight.

Either tear everything down and start over again, or boil the frog in warm water and wait until the older generation is dead and the new generation has not fully taken over the status, wealth and interests of the older generation, exert influence, and make corrections like this from generation to generation.

The latter was directly eliminated by Zhu Zhuqing!

too long!

She didn't want to do it for so long. She felt that long-term pain was better than short-term pain, and it would be easier to pull it out by the roots.

"Strength can make soul masters take it seriously; so how to convince them?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"What do you think is the foundation of politics?" Tang San asked.

"Interests?" Zhu Zhuqing recalled how many high-ranking officials in the Star Luo Empire had many interactions with each other. He also heard from Zhu Zhuyun orally that the interest connections between various officials and families were extremely deep. It was a web of power and sex that was invisible and intangible to the naked eye. They are entangled with each other and difficult to remove.

Don’t you see that the Star Luo Empire is openly researching weapon-type soul guides, but a lot of families are obstructing it, both openly and secretly?

Do they know that a soul guide capable of bursting attacks can make the empire stronger?


But this would harm their immediate interests.

From a long-term perspective, people in each family can see that, but people's hearts are selfish. When soul-guiding devices like martial arts develop vigorously, the role of these families established by relying on martial spirits will not be obvious. In the future, Their status will definitely not be that high, and even a civilian soul master with a talent for researching soul guidance devices may be able to look down on these noble family members in the future.

How can this be tolerated?

In addition, most of these families have a sense of luck and believe that neither the Tiandou Empire nor the Wuhun Palace will launch an unjust war against Xing Luo.

After all, the outbreak of war on the mainland always needs a high-sounding reason to cover it up. No matter how outrageous the reason may be, after all, you cannot start a war for no reason, otherwise it is no different from a madman.

This is the consensus of the mainland.

But the root of war is ultimately for profit.

"No." Tang San shook his head, "There is only one essence of politics, and that is to make friends more numerous and enemies less." Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed: "So, we must kill all our enemies. Now, keep your friends, right?”

"This is the lowest choice, and the best choice is to turn enemies into friends, and in this process, you must be the leader." Tang San smiled lightly, "In a family, there are always people who are different from the family's mainstream thinking. In the same way, you can find people who share the same goals as you and build your own team."

Building a team requires confidence.

And Zhu Zhuqing happens to have it!

That is her strength!

Of course, strength alone is not enough, she needs to enrich herself in other aspects, so Tang San would tell her before that she must understand economics, management, education, etc.

She is not required to understand everything, but at least she must not be led by others or fooled when she encounters corresponding problems.

"I don't want to make excuses with those people." Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly. It was obvious that he had no interest in making fun of others and treated others with a cold face unless they were acquaintances.

"So, I said, we must be like-minded." Tang San smiled, but he sighed slightly in his heart. After all, with Zhu Zhuqing's personality, he couldn't be the emperor.

The person sitting in that position can be majestic, confused, or even cruel.

But he must not be a cold-tempered person with an iceberg face.

An emperor who cherishes his words like gold...

It is the tragedy of an empire.

Even for those emperors who were eloquent and expressed their meaning clearly, their courtiers would read his words over a dozen times to see if there was any other meaning hidden in them.

And the emperor, who didn't say a word, might have gone "crazy" among his ministers.

Zhu Zhuqing thought thoughtfully and nodded: "Indeed, if you have similar ideas to mine and have the courage to act, you should be able to chat with me."

"Don't talk about this." Xiao Wu was not interested in this kind of thing at all. She took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and asked: "How long will it take for you to come back this time? Your family didn't ask for it, right? Why don't you go to Wuhun City? play for fun?"

"That's fine." Thinking of being able to stay with Tang San for a while, Zhu Zhuqing was very moved and agreed without too much hesitation - anyway, things were still the same in the Star Luo Empire. After he returned, he would propose to his sister. , participate in the affairs of the empire, let’s talk about other things.

On the way to Wuhun City, while staying at a hotel, he saw Xiao Wu and Tang San living in the same room. Zhu Zhuqing had a touch of melancholy on his face, and said to himself: "Xiao Wu is so close to me."

After noticing Zhu Zhuqing's expression, Lan Yinzi pulled him over and said, "You also like Tang San, right? Don't deny it, I can tell."

"You, little girl, are also an infatuated person."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Lan Yinzi with a strange expression: "Lan Yinzi, you are not older than me, are you? Call me Xiao Nizi? Isn't it a bit too much?"

"Ahem, I'm actually quite old." Lan Yinzi pretended to be mature, but that young face was not convincing at all.

Zhu Zhuqing thought she was joking, so he didn't pay much attention and asked: "When did Xiao Wu and Third Brother start sleeping in the same room? Do they also live together in Wuhun City?"

If so, she felt that it would be a bit difficult for her to snatch Tang San away from Xiao Wu. After all, Xiao Wu was still Tang San's god-sister, childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart... She felt that she had little chance. Do she need two maids and one husband? If it's Xiao Wu, it's not impossible.

At this time, she had completely forgotten her attitude when she looked down on Dai Mubai...

(End of this chapter)

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