Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 374 Discussion on Xu Xing

Chapter 374 Discussion on Xu Xing

"After the Continental Classic." Lan Yinzi told the truth, "You know, the relationship between the two of them is already ambiguous. In addition, there is Guang Ling, and after that, Ning Rongrong, and then Fire Dance.”

"Four?" Zhu Zhuqing's eyes widened in disbelief, but he didn't think Tang San was a scumbag. Instead, he thought Tang San was too attractive to girls.

That's it for Xiao Wu and Guang Ling. After all, they grew up together with Tang San, and it was normal for them to develop feelings and couldn't help themselves.

But Ning Rongrong and Huo Wu joined in, which is intriguing.

One is the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and the other is an extremely talented fire soul master. They are both extremely arrogant, how can they tolerate their other half looking for other women?

It can only be that Tang San is too good.

Excellent in every way.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but blush, but in front of Lan Yinzi, he kept breathing, calmed his emotions, and asked: "What about you?"

Lan Yinzi spread his hands and said: "My relationship with him is even more intimate, but it is not the kind of love between a man and a woman, but similar to the love a mother has for her son."

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt that this pure and lively Lan Yinzi was the one who knew how to play the best.

Mother and son role play?

If it was true, she also felt that Tang San was the "father" and Lan Yinzi was the "daughter". This Lan Yinzi was going to play a role in turning over and becoming the master.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Lan Yinzi saw the weirdness and distrust in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, and stopped continuing. He just suggested, "If you really like Tang San, my suggestion is to burst in suddenly and take the initiative to join in." , Tang San is a person who likes to be passive, and after being passive, he becomes active."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement, and then realized something was wrong: "How do you know so clearly?"

"As his mother, it's normal to see his little secret, right?" Lan Yinzi said matter-of-factly.

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

I really can’t tell that this Lan Yinzi is still a voyeur... I have to be more careful in the future. How can such a secret be known to others casually?

Absolutely not!

However, Zhu Zhuqing still didn't have the courage to break into Tang San and Xiao Wu's room, and she didn't mention it at all on the way to Wuhun City.

It was still embarrassing for her to say this kind of thing.

However, in order to avoid running out of topics to talk about, Zhu Zhuqing brought up another thing: Xingguan Sect's exploration of the sea.

"Haoshai Tianzhou?" Hearing Zhu Zhuqing say that he secretly saw the scene of Xingguan Sect going out to sea, and the description of the big ship, Tang San immediately understood the origin of that big ship - it was most likely that it was a member of the Xingguan Sect. There was a strong man who explored the core of the Infinite Desert three hundred years ago, and finally came out alive, leaving such a vast sea and sky boat to the sect.

It's no wonder that after encountering the Star Crown Sect in the Infinite Desert, the team leader Xing Lao knew some of the rules in the core area.

"It turns out that the big ship is named Haohai Tianzhou." After listening to Tang San's description of the core of the Infinite Desert, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly realized, and then became even more wary of Xingguan Sect.

Although the Dai family and the Zhu family also have relevant information about the core area of ​​​​the Infinite Desert, the relevant records are limited to desert storms and openings every hundred years, but there are no records of soul-guiding mechas.

The Xingguan Sect concealed this matter from the Dai family and the Zhu family!

"Then Xu Xing should go to sea to explore the ocean, or overseas islands, and his talent is not weak. Once he reaches Soul Saint, he will probably awaken the field that was demonstrated in the Mainland Elite Competition." Compared to In the entire Xingguan Sect, the person Zhu Zhuqing was most wary of was Xu Xing. That guy's talent is extremely powerful, especially in the star field. Once it is deployed, the time and space within it will be dominated by him.

Although in the competition, he needed to rely on other people's star power to exert his true power, and Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor included the barrier of the domain and took root in the earth, making it impossible for him to change the direction in the domain. But when he truly grows up and his realm truly awakens, it is impossible to say that he can truly achieve the realm of time and space and the realm of stars.

"Xu Xing is a very ambitious person." Zhu Zhuqing continued, "Although I don't know him well, I am not willing to be inferior to others."

Tang San didn't express his opinion on this point. After all, he wasn't willing to be inferior to others, unless it was in bed... ahem, it was just that he had the ability to make Bibi Dong give in.

And Xu Xing has no ability to make Dai Legao regress.

"The development of the sea is also important, but not now. We still need to develop and utilize the land first. After all, it is impossible to grow crops in the current sea." As to whether Xu Xing's plan to go to sea can develop marine resources, Tang San didn't take it seriously. In the modern society in the previous life, science and technology were advanced, and human development of the ocean was just a drop in the ocean, not to mention that Xu Xing, who only had a vast sea and sky boat, could develop a shitty ocean.

Unless one day he awakens the system and cheats directly.

Therefore, when Xu Xing explores the sea, he can only look for other islands and land at most. Even in Tang San's imagination, he may want to be Magellan of the Douluo World, travel around the world, and discover the new continent-Sun and Moon. mainland.

According to Tang San's speculation, in ten thousand years, the Sun Moon Continent would be able to collide with the Douluo Continent, based on two possibilities.

First, the Sun Moon Continent is not far from the Douluo Continent.

Second, there are beings who promoted this incident and increased the area of ​​Douluo Continent.

Otherwise, in this real world, it is simply impossible for continental plates to drift and collide within ten thousand years, unless the core of the planet and the plane consciousness jointly promote... Well, this is really possible, after all, in the Douluo series , after Tang Hao and A Yin became gods, they have been living in seclusion on Douluo Continent...

Cutting off distracting thoughts, Tang San continued, "If you are really worried, you can pay more attention to the situation of the Star Crown Sect in the future, but I estimate that within three to five years, you won't hear anything big from the Star Crown Sect. Take action.”

"That's right, the sea is vast and mysterious. Even if the Star Crown Sect has a vast sea boat, there is a chance of getting lost in it..." Zhu Zhuqing also knows how difficult it is to explore the sea. Even if the two empires and martial arts After Tang San announced the effects of whale glue, the Soul Palace began to train troops and soul master teams to explore the ocean, but now they are only exploring in coastal areas and have not gone deep into other areas of the ocean.

In addition to the shortage of talents with navigation-related knowledge, more importantly, there are countless sea spirit beasts in the depths of the sea, and there are also countless thousands-year-level beasts.

This is the biggest obstacle for the three major forces of Douluo Continent to explore the sea.

Tang San's attitude towards developing the ocean was very simple. It was something to be done in the future. Now, we could prepare in advance, but we couldn't act blindly.

Luck is important, but thorough preparation is even more important before the actual departure.

After all, in terms of the number of Haohai Tianzhou, Tang San had more in his hands, but they were not directly used by Wuhun Palace because the soul guidance equipment inside the Haohai Tianzhou had not been fully understood yet...


At the same time, after about three years of sailing on the vast sea, I finally found a new coastline after losing my way many times...

(End of this chapter)

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