Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 375 Xu Xing discovers the New World

Chapter 375 Xu Xing discovers the New World

After more than three years, the weather-beaten Xu Xing saw the coast again and couldn't help crying.

He really regrets it!

If he had known in advance that going to sea would be so tiring and difficult, he would not have spoken to the clan leader.

Apart from the risks of going to sea, including wind, waves and extreme weather, the most troublesome thing is your own confusion.

At first, most people on the Haohai Tianzhou (except the sailors) were quite excited because this was their first time seeing the sea. However, after half a month, everyone became a little disgusted with the sea.

Looking around, there were no human beings, only the deep blue water surrounded by ink, as if there was only sea water in the whole world except for the vast sea and sky boat they were on.

Three months later, some people couldn't bear it anymore, but they were comforted by Xu Xing, who was a little depressed.

Half a year later, Xu Xing couldn't stand it anymore and even wanted to return. However, he just returned and found nothing. He couldn't bear it and could only move on.

Later, they entered unfamiliar waters and wanted to return, but they didn't know which direction to take. The sailors on the ship were scratching their heads and a bit at a loss as they entered waters they had never been to before.

But fortunately, the Haohai Tianzhou is powerful, and it is as solid as a rock when faced with the collision of ten thousand year old soul beasts under the sea. It cannot shake, and it can ensure the safety of everyone.

It’s just that as time goes by, the food on the vast sea boat becomes less and less. Marine fish can be caught everywhere, but if they often eat marine fish, everyone on the boat will also suffer from physical weakness and adverse reactions, and even the soul master cannot avoid it.

Fortunately, along the way, they also discovered some islands, collected a lot of edible wild vegetables, wild fruits, etc., and even laid a large area of ​​farmland on the deck of the Haohai Tianzhou.

Although it can't grow rice, wheat, etc., it can be used to grow some vegetables.

In this way, everyone sailed on the sea for more than three years. During this period, some people on the ship mutinied and some wanted to escape, but Xu Xing stopped them all, even killing chickens to scare monkeys.

It can be said that Xu Xing has grown a lot in the past three years, and his decisiveness in killing is unparalleled by others. Anyone who dares to disobey him will be killed, including members of the same clan of the Xingguan Sect.

There is only one voice on the entire vast sea boat, and that is Xu Xing!

But now that Xu Xing saw the coastline that was as white as a fish belly, he still got excited and shouted to the people on the Haohai Sky Boat: "Speed ​​up! Get ashore!"


The crew members are also excited. In terms of longing for land, they are even more eager for land than Xu Xing——

The boredom of the sea voyage and the oppression of captain Xu Xing made them unable to resist. Now that they saw a new land, for them, it meant that the torture was finally over. The last things they had to do were nothing more than two:

First, some people returned and reported to the Xingguan Sect that they had discovered the New World, and took them over, established themselves here, and became kings and hegemons.

Secondly, the remaining part will remain in this new continent as the foundation for establishing a new kingdom. It will surely leave a name in history and be remembered and worshiped by future generations!

How can we not be excited about such a great achievement! How can we not be excited!

As the vast sea boat docked, Xu Xing took the lead to get off the boat and stepped on the thick earth. He felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart: People must live on the earth!

"Everyone, our three years of travel have not been in vain. We have found a new continent. Here is a new future!" Xu Xing shouted, excitement showing in his eyes.

This new continent must be the Sun and Moon Continent!

The Sun and Moon Continent thousands of years ago!

In "Peerless Tang Sect", the number and quality of the soul masters in the Sun Moon Continent are not as good as those in the Douluo Continent. The only advantage is that they have done significant research on soul guidance devices.

But now, ten thousand years ago, the development of soul guidance devices on this continent must not be as exaggerated as described in the second part. In fact, it is still unknown whether the countries on this continent are unified.

Therefore, there is only one thing to do next, and that is to explore the forces on this continent and find out who is the strongest among them, so that we can gain a firm foothold on this continent in the future and gradually expand and carry out rule···


After returning to Wuhun City, Tang San went to report his soul hunting situation to Bibi Dong, while Zhu Zhuqing was dragged by Xiao Wu and Lan Yinzi to go shopping.

"The seventh spirit ring is five hundred thousand years old. You are so lucky." Bibi Dong showed a hint of resentment in his eyes. Before leaving, he clearly said that he could not find any plant spirit beasts willing to offer sacrifices. Now these fifty How to explain the ten thousand year soul ring?

And there is another soul named Alan.

The proof is like a mountain!

This is definitely a sacrifice!

Why is this guy willing to sacrifice souls and soul beasts? Could it be that those spirit beasts didn't want to practice anymore and thought Tang San could take them to break through the shackles of the mortal level?

"Lord Pope, this is not something I can stop. If someone is willing to take the initiative, there is nothing I can do." Tang San shrugged: ┓(`)┏.

It could be said that Tang San was constantly testing Bibi Dong's bottom line, becoming more and more "unbridled".

This proud look made Bibi Dong want to give him a beating - this kid inexplicably deserves a beating!

"The Blue Silver Emperor you planted has mutated. There are dense clouds and mist near the twelve main leaves. What's going on?" Bibi Dong asked about this matter.

"After obtaining the seventh soul ring, my martial soul changed again and became the Blue Silver Emperor. Those Blue Silver Emperor martial souls that had been planted were also affected by me and began to slowly evolve. In the end, he will transform into the Blue Silver Emperor, allowing the roots underground to take root deeper and the scope of the Blue Silver Network to be further expanded."

Tang San briefly described the reason, and then talked about his insights on the cultivation of Jing Qi Shen.

"However, the biggest gain is that while I condensed the golden elixir of qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spiritual spirit, I also shaped the soul, which is an existence form similar to the soul, but different."

"If God controls the corresponding laws and is also bound by the laws, then the Yuan Shen can control all laws and be unrestrained at the same time."

"If the human body turns into the prototype of the universe after the essence, energy, and spirit complete the cycle, then this soul is the will that controls the universe."

"The next step is to continuously control all materials and energy in the body, moving in a microscopic direction, from organs, to tissues, to cells, and then to the composition of cells, blood factors, and genetic information. , molecular structure, atoms, protons, electrons, quantum information.”

By the end of the sentence, Bibi Dong couldn't understand it anymore, but she roughly understood what Tang San meant, which was to constantly control the tiny components within the human body.

At her level, she also understands her own structure, which is composed of countless small particles.

That's the cell.

There are also various small structures inside the cells, and among the small structures, there are still small structures, and the cycle continues... If we return to reality, it is impossible to say that their world is also "composed of small structures" of a certain existence. one.

"How to forge the soul?" However, Bibi Dong is more concerned about this at the moment. Compared to condensing the soul, she feels that the soul is the key to the true transformation of the life level.

She had also learned about the concept of the Immortal True Spirit through Tang San's Blue Silver Network.

That is the true foundation of a soul! Even a being like her with the ability to devour souls cannot capture it. It is even possible to see the form of the immortal true spirit revealed the moment after the soul naturally dies, only through the illusory starry sky world in the blue silver network!

Although from the perspective of mortals (including Bibi Dong and Tang San), they both feel that memory is very important and is the proof of a person's survival, but both of them have some speculation, that is, they want to truly achieve eternity: they will not Living too long may lead to a distorted personality. The immortal spirit may be the most critical point.

Tang San and Bibi Dong had already begun to think about the troubles after breaking through to the god level...

"When the transformation and circulation between essence, energy and spirit reaches a certain level, it will actively nourish the soul and cultivate the soul."

Tang San thought for a while and said, "Just like the rotation of the sun and the moon, the change of the four seasons, the growth and decay of all things, it is a natural process."

"Of course, if we can make the transformation and circulation between Qi, Blood, Golden Elixir, Soul Power Core, and Spiritual Spirit more efficient, we can also speed up this process."

(End of this chapter)

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