Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 378 Conspiracy: How to Seize the Soul Armor

Chapter 378 Conspiracy: How to Seize the Soul Armor

"Is this really what Tang San did?"

Hawke frowned and said to Tang Laoya, who was working on the iron side, "Can he change the weather?"

Tang Laoya stopped what he was doing, was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "A mere Soul Emperor shouldn't have such ability. Neither of his two martial arts spirits can change the weather."

"I don't think this has anything to do with Wuhun." Hawke twitched the corner of his mouth. The opponent was able to compete with Bibi Dong at the end of the Continental Classic. He must be stronger now, and he is also a master of Wuhun research. , there is also significant research on soul guidance devices. It seems that it is not a big deal to come up with skills or soul guidance devices that can change the weather, right?

However, the dark cloud just now had the potential to overwhelm the city, making people feel extremely depressed. It seemed to carry endless destructive power. It was not so much the skill of human creation as it was the power of God...

Heavenly Tribulation!

Involuntarily, Hawke thought of this word!

Could it be that there are still ferocious beasts in this Wuhun City that are going to survive the tribulation?

But why did the catastrophe disappear again?

After hearing this speculation from Hawke, Tang Laoya fell silent again and said, "Do you have a way to get the soul armor manufacturing method from Lou Gao? It's not appropriate for Tang San to come into contact with him. Let's take the advantage and leave."

Thank God, this stupid guy finally figured it out!

Hawke sighed in his heart, and then said: "There is a separate forging room high up the building. It is almost sealed inside. If you want to sneak in, you can only rely on the ventilation duct."

In the past few days, Tang Laoya was forging honestly and making money, while Hawke was responsible for investigating the news of Soul Guidance Technology and found out where Lou Gao usually worked: Soul Guidance Forging Association.

That is also the city lord's palace of this Soul Guidance Technology City.

But compared to other cities on the mainland, the Soul Guidance Forging Association is also a laboratory used by Lou Gao, Guang Ling and others to research soul guidance tools and forge metals.

As for the news about the soul armor, most of the members of the Wuhun Palace Law Enforcement Hall have already worn it. Although it is only a hundred-forged armor, it can allow a soul master to exert a combat power close to that of a soul master.

This news was not concealed. After all, the soul armor was so effective that everyone could see the difference and there was no way to hide it.

But the manufacturing method of soul armor is hidden very deep.

Nowadays, in this Soul Guidance Technology City, there are many spies from the two empires, hoping to obtain information about the soul armor.

Moreover, this soul armor is not for sale to the outside world. Every set and every part has a record. Once something is found to be wrong, it will be reported immediately for strict investigation.

Therefore, it is definitely not possible to buy it. They can only find a way to make it. In the future, if they use higher materials to make it, they may be able to create an artifact.

If you want to steal the manufacturing method, you can only go to the Soul Guidance Forging Association.

"It's a little difficult."

Tang Laoya frowned. Going inside the Soul Guidance Forging Association was not an easy task, but he really didn't want to give up the soul armor.

Although he was sure that more powerful armor must have been developed within Wuhun Hall, but if he wanted to catch up with Tang San, he had to use external forces, otherwise wouldn't his life in this world be in vain?

What's more, in his opinion, the soul armor is the prototype of the battle armor in Dou San and Dou Four, which is extremely powerful in improving strength. In addition, his martial soul is the Clear Sky Hammer, which can mess up the cloak, and even through Tang Chen's Shura Illusion, who has obtained Shura's breath, knows how to know it, and finds some precious metal materials, will definitely be able to create armor that can greatly enhance his strength.

"I think you can go buy it directly." Hawke came up with a bad idea, "After all, you were born in the Haotian Sect, so you should be given some face."

Tang Laoya was speechless and continued to pound the iron block, saying, "If the Haotian Sect hadn't sealed the mountain, it would have been okay. Why would he pay attention to me, a Haotian disciple, now?"

Hawke was surprised. He didn't expect that this guy still had some brains and became serious: "Then, I can only find a way to be a gentleman for once. The only problem is that I have to find a way to destroy the monitoring of the Soul Guide Blacksmith Association."      This It was also the place that gave Hawke a toothache.

He never expected that under Tang San's influence, soul guidance surveillance would appear on Douluo Continent, or it would evolve through the mother-child soul guidance photography ball.

"It's not difficult to destroy the surveillance." Tang Laoya said.

"It's not difficult, but what's difficult is how to destroy the surveillance in the Soul Guidance Forging Association." Hawke was helpless, "I don't have the ability to be invisible. I have to think about it in the long term. The best way is to make friends with Silong and do it step by step. ...Although it will take a little longer, it is better to be safe, and we can also learn more about the six outer cities of Wuhun City."

"Tang San saw us during this period, what should we do?" Tang Laoya no longer wanted to meet Tang San at this time.

"Have you seen the economic capital? It's basically the same as modern society. It's just a smaller first-tier city than in previous lives." After Hawke's observation, the people in these six major cities are basically the same as them. There is not much difference between modern people in previous lives. At most, they are a little behind in knowledge.

Therefore, as long as the two of them weren't too out of touch and Tang San didn't pay attention deliberately, he basically wouldn't be able to detect them.

Hawke felt that he could disguise himself well, but Tang Laoya... He felt that this guy had been assimilated by the natives of Haotian Sect, and he was a native with modern memory.

"That's good." Tang Laoya relaxed and began to discuss with Hawke how to get close to Silong. After all, Silong is Lou Gao's disciple and a blacksmithing master. If he wants to get close, Tang Laoya must show the corresponding forging skills. Talent, and in the process, he must also hide his martial soul...


"What did that kid do again?" Bibi Dong, who was dealing with matters, noticed the heavenly tribulation over Wuhun City, quietly gathering, and then quietly dispersing.

There is no doubt that it was Tang San who did something.

Looking at it with his spiritual power, he found that the second Soul Seal Throne he was building was missing... The Soul Seal Throne has great power and cannot be included in the storage soul guidance device, so——

"Did Tang San successfully build the second Soul Seal Throne, causing a riot in the energy of heaven and earth, and even causing the rules of the world to appear, to destroy it?"

"But the Heavenly Tribulation has dispersed again, which means that he hid the second Soul Seal Throne... Did he put it into his body?"

"Only divine weapons can be taken into the body."

"But I did not sense the aura of the artifact, so it probably hasn't been cast yet."


The top of Wuhun Mountain.

In the Douluo Hall, Qian Daoliu once again woke up from his meditation. He noticed the birth and dissipation of the heavenly tribulations in the outside world, and also sensed the turbulence of the angel god's faith. He frowned and said to himself: "In this troubled year, what did Tang San do again?" movement?"

Using his mental power to detect it, he seemed to have touched a flame that was hotter than the light of the sun, and it spread toward his brain along with his mental power. Qian Daoliu was so frightened that he hurriedly cut off this ray of mental power.

"A powerful soul, has Tang San already forged a divine soul in advance?" Qian Daoliu suddenly opened his eyes, uncertain, with a hint of panic: "In terms of means, he can already kill me!"

In terms of hard power, Qian Daoliu consciously relied on the power of angels to crush Tang San, but if the opponent really gathered his soul in advance and invaded his brain with divine consciousness or other means, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to resist, and would be killed in the first place. Time and soul are broken, and even if the body is alive, it can only become an empty shell.

"Golden Crocodile, you have to break through to level ninety-nine quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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