Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 379 The Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death

Chapter 379 The Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death

"Brother Eli, how are you?"

In the upper dantian, Tang San's soul manifested. He looked up and down at Electrolux sitting on the Soul Seal Throne, and found that his soul had become more condensed, no different from a real person.

Wu Lin, Wu Tong, Ling Yun, Lan Yinzi, Ji Fire Tianmeng, Ji Ice Tianmeng, and Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion also came here at this time, observing the god-like Electrolux.

"not bad."

Electrolux crossed his legs, holding the staff in his hand, and stood up from the Soul Seal Throne, "The Silver Crystal Sword is very suitable to be the core of this throne, and the evil spirit inside is in my magic." Under the control, it perfectly integrated with the spirituality of this throne and became an instrument spirit."

"In the future, you can continue to grow by devouring other resentful spirits."

There is no doubt that this silver-black Soul Seal Throne has become a real artifact, driven by Electrolux, and it can also well nourish his soul.

Jihuo Tianmeng exclaimed: "Is this the legendary Divine Seal Throne? It's really amazing. I can sense that it contains a certain law. The person who controls it can control that law... This is A god!"

"That's a good statement." Electrolux didn't object. He looked back at the soul-seal throne with a huge skull on the back, and said lightly, "I named this throne: Kindness and Death Soul Seal Throne.”

Ji Bing Tianmeng was speechless: "Kindness and the God of Death are completely incompatible. Isn't the God of Death generally synonymous with evil? It doesn't sound like a good god."

"Death is also a gift." Electrolux has a deeper view on death, "Judge the evil and uphold justice, which is kindness."

"Since I have been reborn, why not be a kind-hearted Lord of Hell?"

"Where do rights come from?"

"Of course it's me because I have that ability!"

Jibing Tianmeng and Jihuo Tianmeng were unable to refute. After all, who made Electrolux powerful?

However, for these two insects, the stronger Electrolux is, the safer they are, so naturally they start to compliment them, and they all talk about "eternity" and "unification of the world".

In the end, it was Tang San who signaled Wu Lin and Wu Tong to take care of these two living treasures, which made them stop.

"Since the seat of the God of Death has been given to Bibi Dong, this Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death should be remodeled by you, right?" Tang San could see that the inner space of this Soul Seal Throne had expanded a lot, even There are many layers of space. If you count them carefully, there are actually eighteen layers. Each layer has its corresponding illusory ghosts and gods.

"Did you see it? This is naturally based on the concept of the eighteen levels of hell in your memory. I also integrated the demiplane into it to create a real netherworld." Electrolux revealed a hint. With excitement, "When I am resurrected, I will not be the God of Death, but the Emperor of the Underworld!"

"Of course, for this seat to be truly perfect, you need to wait until your starry sky world is truly perfected, and the two are connected. For now, it can only be used to gather some souls."

"However, the souls of the fallen who were killed by Wuhun Palace can be put in here. Then you and Bibi Dong can talk about it and let other staff come here to conduct research. After continuous attempts, maybe we can develop a set of A way to slowly destroy the soul and collect the embers of the soul.”

Tang San nodded. For the fallen, even if only their souls were left, they could be reused and placed in the Soul Seal Throne of the God of Kindness and Death for study. It was perfect...


Opening his eyes, Tang San was startled when he saw Gu Yuena approaching him. He grabbed her by the back collar and said, "Don't get so close, you almost scared me out of my body!" Gu Yuena broke away from Tang San's big hand, jumped to the ground, straightened her back collar, and complained: "Don't grab my back collar, it's very uncomfortable. By the way, did you sink into the sea of ​​spirit just now?" You put the Soul Seal Throne into it to nourish it? Also, why is there a heavenly tribulation?"

Especially the last point, she couldn't figure out why it was a divine weapon made of metal, but it wasn't a soul beast.

"Ask one by one, don't ask so many questions at once." Tang San signaled Gu Yuena not to be so excited, "The first one is, yes, the second one, and the third one, naturally because the forged metal is very special. It has extremely strong spirituality, and can even be said to be another kind of strange life.”

"The rules of this world are very strange. All non-human extraordinary creatures can be regarded as soul beasts. When they die, they will drop soul rings."

"The same is true for the pattern-forged metal I made using the pattern-forging method."

"The Heavenly Tribulation will gather together because this Soul Seal Throne will give birth to real life, but fortunately, at the last moment, it was taken into my upper dantian by me."

Gu Yuena was thoughtful and suddenly asked: "Can you teach me how to do tattoos?"

"Okay, but aren't you studying soul tools with Guang Ling?" Tang San agreed, and then persuaded, "Even if you are a genius, you can't learn everything, right? What I'm best at is still just Practicing."

"Humph, I'm different from you. I'm a genius among geniuses!" Gu Yuena put her hands in her hands, held her head high, and said with a smile, "What takes you more than ten years to master, I can do it in a few days." It can be learned.”

"Everyone can tell big lies." Tang San chuckled, and without waiting for Gu Yuena to refute, he continued: "In that case, just follow me and learn. If you can't bear the hardship, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Afterwards, Gu Yuena began to learn forging from Tang San, but after learning for a while, she felt bored and gave up forging, instead directly calcining with flames.

After all, according to Tang San, the essence of forging is to remove impurities. Without considering the grain forging, it would be more efficient to directly control the fire element like her.

"Then I should learn from Huo Wu." Gu Yuena suddenly realized that she had found the wrong teacher.

"Indeed, with your talent, it would be best to learn from Huo Wu, but you can't reach her height because you can't control gravity." Tang San said casually.

"Huh, gravity and all that. When I reach Soul Saint in the future and control the power of space, I can do similar things." Gu Yuena was not to be outdone.

How about fire dancing?


How could the majestic Silver Dragon King be inferior to a mere human being?

Although Huo Wu's martial spirit was indeed "super" and his ability to control flames and light was no less than hers, and even more sophisticated in some aspects, how could she admit defeat?

"Yes, yes, you are the most powerful." Tang San said perfunctorily, and walked out of the forging room, preparing to go to the starry sky world of the Blue Silver Network after washing up to discuss with Electrolux how to use the power of faith... ·

(End of this chapter)

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