Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 394 Abandoning the plan to capture the soul armor

Chapter 394 Abandoning the plan to capture the soul armor

The inheritance of God Shura was obtained by Tang Chen. Tang Yuehua felt that as long as his grandfather could understand reason in the future, he could borrow it.

And the position of Poseidon...

If Hawke obtained the inheritance of Poseidon first and Tang Yuehua gathered similar fields later, he would probably no longer be able to borrow Poseidon's power, right? In other words, it should not have a big effect when facing Hawke.

"Do I want to obtain the inheritance of Poseidon?" Tang Yuehua is naturally eager to obtain domain skills related to gods, but is it possible for her to go to Poseidon Island?

That kind of place is not accessible to a weak woman like her.

"Of course you don't need to go to Poseidon Island. You need to obtain domain skills born under the influence of Poseidon energy for your soul ring. There is actually another way." Tang San smiled slightly, "Besides, it is more advantageous for you."

"What?" Tang Yuehua's breathing became rapid.

"The Vast Sea Universe Cover." Tang San named an item.

"I have heard of this. It seems to be an ancient soul guide collected by the Tiandou royal family. No one can use it, but it is extremely hard, so its symbolic significance is greater than its actual effect." Tang Yuehua told Hanhai Qiankunzhao knew something about it. After all, when Xue Ke was still running Yuexuan in Tiandou City, he would often tell her about some royal treasures and even bring some unimportant gems to her for appreciation.

But in the end, she personally returned them all—among them, the Vast Sea Universe Shield was played with by her. That gemstone was indeed very hard. According to Xue Ke, it was a full-strength stone enshrined by a titled Douluo three hundred years ago. Even the attack could not leave any trace on it, and it was even counterattacked by a trace of power contained in it. It didn't take long for him to die from serious injuries that did not heal.

However, for Xue Ke's generation, they only regard it as a legend.

Tang Yuehua didn't believe it at first, but Tang San asked it now, could the Vast Sea Universe Cover have something to do with Poseidon?

"That is actually the Poseidon's Heart, the core of the Poseidon Trident." Tang San revealed the true face of the Vast Sea Universe Shield, "It is part of the divine weapon. If you get it, you may be able to rely on your wish-fulfilling ring in your first The two soul rings are imprinted with their patterns, thereby giving birth to a Poseidon realm."

Tang Yuehua's eyes lit up and she felt that this was indeed feasible.

She couldn't go to Poseidon Island, but she could get access to the Vast Sea Universe Shield. With her friendship with Xue Ke, it wouldn't be impossible to find an opportunity to go to Tiandou and lend it out for a few days to play with.

"Thanks for the tip, Xiaosan." Tang Yuehua felt that after following Tang San and letting go of the pride of the Haotian Sect, her future was extremely bright.

"I just want to see if you can really achieve the realm of hosting multiple gods." Tang San's words were ruthlessly straightforward, but Tang Yuehua didn't care.

Tang San is her blood relative!

Now the more I watch it, the more I like it!

"Let's get down to business." Tang San took out a stack of documents from the storage wristband and talked about the main content of this visit, "Start an industry in Wuhun City, and you need to pay taxes on the profits... Wuhun Considering the relationship between you and me, the Holy Maiden asked me to come and tell you in person."

Tang Yuehua: "..." Suddenly I felt that Tang San was a little annoying.

"How much do you have to pay?"

"Twenty percent of profits."

"Is this too much?"

"Originally it was 30%, but because of me, it was reduced by 10%. Other large merchants are paying 30%." Tang San said slowly, "Originally, I didn't agree. It’s reduced by ten percent, but the Saint takes such good care of you, and I can’t help it, but just don’t publicize it everywhere.”

Tang Yuehua just wants to say that this nephew is really not sensible at all, and he doesn't even want to save money for her aunt...


After Tang Yuehua signed, Tang San chatted with him for a few words, then left Yuexuan, found Hu Liena who was working in the main hall of the Spirit Hall in the inner city, and handed the document to her personally.

"Here, the documents you want."

Ordinary documents do not need to be delivered to Hu Liena, just to the corresponding departments below. But who made Tang Yuehua's identity sensitive?

Requires special treatment. "If there is a conflict between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect in the future, which side will you stand on?" After Hu Liena stamped the document, she asked about this matter, with an inexplicable look in her eyes, "I don't want to see Until you and Haotian Douluo have a father-son fight."

Father and son kill each other...

No matter what the reason is, as long as it happens, in the minds of mainland people, it will only be the son who is at fault.

Unless it happened very secretly, no one would know.

"Am I not the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall? Which side do you think I am on?" Tang San expressed his attitude, "Besides, I don't think you will make it difficult for me when the time comes, right?"

Hu Liena breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Of course."

"If we really want to start a war, I hope that the Spirit Hall will not be opened first." Tang San hoped that Hu Liena could do more ideological work with Bibi Dong, "For the two empires and the common people living in the two empires, What we call a war of unification is actually a war of aggression."

"Normal people don't like war, unless the war is for the peace of the mainland." Hu Liena's eyes showed the desire for the people of the mainland to live and work in peace and contentment.

She has lofty ideals!

"Indeed, but at present, most of the civilians on the mainland will not understand us who took the lead in launching the war. The impact of the Wuhun Palace on the people on the mainland is not deep enough, and the quality of the people at the bottom of the Wuhun Palace is uneven. Now it is just the martial arts. The Soul City side is fine and can obey orders, but once the war breaks out and the city is captured, it's not sure whether they will let themselves go."

Tang San took a deep look at Hu Liena, "You have carried out many missions to hunt down the fallen, right? The low-level personnel of Wuhun Palace, after attacking the next city, will not do much with the fallen. Big difference, causing even more serious problems than the Fallen."

Hu Liena looked thoughtful, and finally nodded heavily: "I will tell the teacher that Wuhun Palace will never be an invader!"

the other side.

Hawke and Tang Laoya were wandering around the Fantasy City, thinking about their next plan.

Hawke proposed to give up and leave Wuhun City directly.


Tang San noticed them, and Tang Yuehua was unwilling to help. If he stayed here any longer, he would most likely be deliberately monitored, which was not a long-term solution.

However, Tang Laoya was really unwilling to give in. He didn't understand why Tang Yuehua was close to Tang San. Even if he was his nephew, he had now joined the Spirit Hall and was not from the same group as the Haotian Sect!

Tang Yuehua is very loyal to the sect!

"Don't be so incredible, haven't you seen that Tang San looks like a pretty boy? And he's also very powerful. Tang Yuehua must find a way to win over him." Hawke comforted "Donald Duck" and patted him on the shoulder, "Tang San is right Our attitude is already very clear, we don’t care, but the same cannot be said for others. But when the student who received us saw the threat he posed to us, it would be best to leave this place."

"What about the soul armor?"

"Resurrection Armor, that thing must be mixed with the principles of soul guidance. If we spend time to learn, do we still need to practice?" Hawke retorted, "After all, we don't have Xuantian Technique. To practice soul power requires meditation, not so much. Focus more on other skills... If you are unwilling, why don't we go to the movies? We have already bought the soul guide movie tickets for "Crazy Soul Beast City", we can't waste it."

Tang Laoya: "······"

(End of this chapter)

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