Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 395 Resonance between spirit, energy and spirit Resonance

Chapter 395 Resonance between spirit, energy and spirit Resonance

"Crazy Soul Beast City" tells the story of a soft-bone rabbit named Ribit who goes from the countryside to a big city to work as a law enforcer. In the world view of this movie, there are no humans, only soul beasts.

All spirit beasts walk upright, are eloquent, and possess human intelligence.

However, soul beasts vary in size, which means that even if soul beasts overcome the hunting relationship between the food chains, they will still have a series of troubles due to their size.

This big city is not very friendly to small spirit beasts.

"Are you sure this isn't a plagiarism of "Zootopia"?" After watching it once, the corners of Tang Laoya's eyes twitched, and the nearly forgotten memories of his past life resurfaced in his brain.

Ribit, isn’t this the English transliteration of rabbit?

It's too perfunctory!

And the plot is pretty much the same.

Hawke said: "It's okay. At least this animated movie is not 3D. Every frame is drawn by hand. Moreover, the spirit beasts in the movie are much more gorgeous than ordinary animals."

"Did you just say, "Zootopia"?" came a clear female voice. Xiaoqing and Xiaobai walked up to the two of them and looked at them.


Hawke's expression changed, but he immediately calmed down. Knowing that he couldn't hide it, he asked tentatively: "You guys too?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded, "Let's go outside and talk."

"Indeed, there are many people here." Hawke looked around, called Tang Laoya, and followed Xiaobai and Xiaoqing, two similar people in maid uniforms, out of the theater.

"I didn't expect to meet a fellow countryman here." Xiaobai said with a smile, "You guys discussed "Zootopia" before. I thought it was just a new movie in this world. Unexpectedly, I asked and you actually admitted it. .”

"There's nothing I can do to hide it. My expression has already betrayed me. If I don't admit it, you will be suspicious of me." Hawke smiled openly, "Are you a maid of a wealthy family? It's quite miserable."

"Fortunately, the master of the house treats us sisters pretty well." Xiaobai smiled.

Got it!

The same type as Tang Laoya, but localized!

Hawke had a basic understanding of the two women and asked: "I wonder what your master does? We brothers still have some abilities and hope to do something big."

"There will be rewards later!"

Now that you have decided to leave Wuhun City, before leaving, make some friends with the people in this Wuhun City and make one or two friends so that you can keep in touch in the future.

Originally, the best choices were Lou Gao and Silong. Unfortunately, Tang Laoya's blacksmithing talent was limited and he was not recognized by those two people, and he could not even meet in person.

That kind of person is not interested in anything else except forging, not to mention that they are both so poor that they can't even get together the money to buy gifts...

As for inviting these two women to join the Traveler Alliance... Hawke doesn't want a guy who might spill everything in bed, and these two are not very strong, only at the level of great soul masters.

The strength is a bit lacking.

"Are you soul masters? What level are you?" Xiaobai felt that it would be a good choice to recruit some security personnel for Hunwu Manor. Maybe the Holy Son would reward them.

The premise is that these two people are pretty good, otherwise they can only introduce them to a job that allows them to live here for the sake of being both time travellers.

"Our strength is close to that of the Soul King." Hawke smiled confidently.

"Close to the Soul King?" Xiaobai was surprised, looked at the two of them, and said, "At your age, you are already a genius to reach this strength..."

"...Could he be a spy from some force?" Xiao Qing answered, becoming wary of the two of them.

"Don't say that. If we were really spies, Wuhun Palace would have arrested us long ago." Hawke laughed, hoping to ignore this topic.

"That's right, if you are spies, there is no way you can escape Wuhun Palace's detection." Xiao Qing agreed with this, revealing his attitude towards Wuhun Palace.

This made Hawke more vigilant, but he still asked: "With our strength, can we go to your master's house?"

"Of course that's enough." Xiaobai and Xiaoqing looked at each other, both seeing the joy in each other's eyes - Lord Shengzi also needs to train his own team. These two are time travelers, and like them, they will definitely be able to do so in the future. Look after each other.

Ever since, Hawke and Tang Laoya followed the two of them into the inner city and saw the real Wuhun City: as rumored, almost all the pedestrians on the road had soul power, and soul masters could be seen everywhere.

As they got closer to the Wuhun in the center, the two of them became more and more shocked, especially the Douluo Hall at the top. There seemed to be some kind of power emanating from somewhere, which made the two of them feel a little depressed.

There is a legacy of angel gods there!

Before they had the corresponding strength, in front of the real place of inheritance of the gods, they instinctively felt uneasy in their hearts and did not dare to make fun of it like before.

As for Xiaobai and Xiaoqing...

It was already commonplace, and living in Hunwu Manor and being more influenced by Tang San, I naturally wasn't very keen on the invisible oppression emanating from the Douluo Palace.

And the lower the strength, the worse the perception of that power.

Arriving in front of the Hunwu Manor, Huo Ke and Tang Laoya marveled at the vastness of the place. It was almost as big as the manor of the Prince of Tiandou Royal Family. He must have been a big shot.

But Tang Laoya was worried. After all, he was born in the Haotian Sect... Although at present, Wuhun City didn't seem to reject the Haotian children very much, but who knew that the owner here didn't like the Haotian Sect?

After all, the inner city of Wuhun and the outer city of Wuhun are not exactly the same. The inner city is mostly populated by high-level families of Wuhun Palace...

"Where have you two been?" Gu Yuena followed their scent and came over, "As my follower, even if it is a day off, you have to report to me about your trip."

"We're going to see "City of Crazy Soul Beasts"." Xiaobai complimented, "The script written by Miss Na'er is great."

Was the script of "Crazy Soul Beast City" written by the little silver-haired girl in front of me?

Hawke and Tang Laoya looked at each other: Could it be that this is also a time traveler?

In fact, Gu Yuena could write the script of "Crazy Soul Beast City", and she just imitated Xiao Wu and wrote novels in her spare time. Unlike Xiao Wu's habit of describing soul beasts, she was thinking about what the soul beasts would be like. They all have human intelligence and can use tools and build houses, but what will happen if they don't transform?

In the end, it was discovered that even if the soul beasts overcome the conflict between [prey and predator], they cannot coexist perfectly. The problem caused by the size difference alone is enough for frequent conflicts between the soul beasts.

The "madness" of "Crazy Soul Beast City" lies in this, it is a fantasy, and it is out of reach to become a reality——

However, Gu Yuena was only responsible for writing the script, and the filming was completely handed over to others. She did not participate in it, but just enjoyed the profits.

After spending a lot of time with Tang San, she also understood one thing, and that was that she had to be rich, and she couldn't rely entirely on Tang San as a "shit shovel", otherwise even if she wasn't a pet, she would really become a pet.

"The flattery is pretty good." Gu Yuena didn't have much reaction to Xiaobai's compliment, and her eyes fell on Hawke and Tang Laoya, "Who are these two guys? Your boyfriends? It seems that you are I gave up..."

"No!" Xiaoqing waved her hands hurriedly, "They are our fellow villagers and want to find a job."


Gu Yuena followed Tang San's example, rubbing her chin and circling the two of them several times.

"The fluctuation of soul power is close to that of the Soul King, and the cultivation talents are quite good. One has the ultimate water element, and the other has a bit of destructive attribute. If you don't pay attention, you can barely notice it."

"Tell me, who do you belong to?"

Hawke did not dare to be careless about the delicate girl in front of him, because he could not sense the fluctuation of the other party's soul power, but the other party could detect their level of strength. Let’s make a decision!

This "girl" is not as simple as she seems.

"Hello, dear lady, I am a free soul master, and this one is from Haotian Sect." Hawke sold Tang Laoya without hesitation - a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist.

If this person has no ill feelings towards the Haotian Sect and the Haotian disciples, then everything is easy to say, the plan remains as usual, to make friends with the master here and leave a trace of affection; if he is particularly concerned, or even hateful, then he really wants to give Tang Laoya to Tang Laoya. Sell ​​it and get a certificate of investment. After all, fellow villagers are here to cheat.

"Haotian Sect, I know, one of the top three sects." Gu Yuena nodded, "I heard that the people there have some mental problems?"

Tang Laoya frowned, but Hawke spoke first and said: "Yes, the people of Haotian Sect are all the same, but he is better... I dare to ask, are you the master here? Or the master My lady?"

Gu Yuena automatically put her hands on her waist and raised her lips: "Of course he is the master here!"

Hearing what she said, Hawke was sure that this guy was definitely not as young as he looked on the surface. His real age might be over a hundred years old, or he had the ability to maintain his appearance, or he had reached a peerless level and could maintain his youth.

"If you want to work here, it's not impossible. I'll take you to my people, and he will make arrangements for you." Gu Yuena was going to take these two people to meet Tang San. After all, they were two wild people. The Soul Sect should not be too casual, and she really did not have the right to recruit people to the manor.

The two followed the bouncing Gu Yuena through the middle area of ​​Hunwu Manor and entered the residential area. They found Tang San who was sitting cross-legged in the yard practicing, with a tall Blue Silver Emperor beside him. Emperor.

"Two uninvited guests are here." Tang San opened his eyes, looked at Huoke and Tang Laoya, and then at the innocent Gu Yuena, a little speechless: "We are really destined, you two, we just met before, I didn’t expect that he would actually come to me... To be honest, there’s really no need to be so polite.”

Hawke smiled coquettishly, nodded and bowed, and said: "Then you are busy, you are busy, we won't disturb you anymore."

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Let's go have a cup of tea." Tang San stood up and walked to the living room, but the two people's bodies moved uncontrollably and they also walked to the living room.

Tang Laoya gritted his teeth, but his body seemed to not belong to him and had become someone else's puppet. He could only move stiffly.

Why can Tang San control the bodies of two people?

Naturally, it's because Tang San has recently learned more about the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit——

Tang San discovered that the golden elixir of qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spiritual grid could produce a strange resonance when assisting the transformation and circulation of essence, qi, and spirit.

This resonance is equivalent to the spread of the Big Bang. It can continuously sort out every tissue and organ of the physical body and adjust every cell. It is like having a deeper connection with some kind of rhythm of the entire universe... From this perspective, even if Tang San does not add or modify the Golden Core Ring, the Heart Core Ring, and the Spiritual Energy Ring in the future, sooner or later, he will be able to master those three techniques.

But it’s hard to say how many years will pass.

Tang San recorded the frequency of that resonance and found that every living being had a similar resonance. As long as he found the frequency correctly, he could control the other person's energy and spirit.

The effect is to control other people's bodies and make them their own puppets.

However, this requires extreme computing power.

Although Tang San has now mastered Yuan Shen, it is not easy to control these two people. If he wants to control a Titled Douluo-level existence, he may need [Tiandao] to assist in calculations.

However, if it is just to disturb people's energy and spirit, it is very simple and does not take much energy.

After entering the living room, Huo Ke and Tang Laoya regained their mobility, but they did not dare to take a deep breath. They looked at Tang San blankly, with large beads of sweat appearing on their foreheads and cheeks.

What kind of weird trick is this?

Soul skills?


Even if their control of soul power reaches an exquisite level, and they can use soul skills without releasing their martial souls or soul rings, it still won't prevent them from feeling any fluctuations in soul power.

Could it be mental power?

Did Tang San just drop a hint to them? That's not right, they can clearly feel the flow of their own soul power and blood flow. They have never had such a clear feeling before.

Tang San smiled and served tea to the two of them: "(^‐^)_And~~"

The two of them were silent, not daring to say anything, just holding the tea cups, hoping that Tang San would let them go... This was really weird! This man really can’t afford to offend!

"What are you doing here?" Tang San poured himself another glass, took a sip, pointed at Gu Yuena, who was sitting next to him and was chewing peanuts, and asked, "Could he be trying to abduct her?" Let’s go?”

Gu Yuena was unhappy: "What are you talking about? Is this young lady so easy to be kidnapped? By the way, do you know these two guys?"

"I met once, in Yuexuan." Tang San put down the tea cup, crossed his legs, and looked directly at the two of them.

"You misunderstood. We just want to find a better job. As the saying goes? If you learn martial arts, you will be in the emperor's family." Hawke smiled awkwardly, "Who knows, following two fellow villagers, It’s really fate that I met you unexpectedly.”

"I still need to practice my flattery skills, it's too stiff." Gu Yuena picked up the tea cup that Tang San had used, took a sip of the remaining tea in it, and immediately stuck out her tongue: "It's a bit bitter, a bit astringent, Not very tasty."

"It's too early for a kid like you to taste tea." Tang San took the teacup, poured hot tea again, and then asked the two of them, "Let's get down to business, how many people are there in your place?" ?”

Hawke glanced at Gu Yuena and asked, "She is here, can we talk?"

"Aren't they just people from another world?" Gu Yuena sneered, "What's there to hide? In the universe, it is very common for time and space to flow occasionally and bring some creatures from one world to another."

Hawke was in awe, realizing that this was a great god, and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"Gu Yuena!"

"Awesome!" Hawke immediately gave Tang San a thumbs up, feeling that Tang San had gone against the grain and actually wanted to take in his future daughter-in-law... He really knew how to play!

If he had the ability, he would want to!

"There are three of us, me, Tang Laoya and Feng Ming. Feng Ming didn't come. Over in Tiandou City, the second son of a small family..." Hawke decided to hug Tang San's lap.

If you can't beat or compare, just join. What a big deal!

Anyway, he has learned well after living to this age!

Tang Laoya looked at Hawke in disbelief. Unexpectedly, he, the leader, would sell the news about the Travelers Alliance right away... Sure enough, the Travelers Alliance has no future!

He wouldn't just surrender to Tang San.

As a time traveler, he is confident that he is not inferior to this "protagonist"!

Looking at the different expressions of the two people, Tang San took a leisurely sip of hot tea and said to himself: Hawke is not bad, he can sense words and expressions, at least he is not the kind of extremely arrogant guy;

As for Tang Laoya, his brain has been completely corroded by the "pride" of the Haotian Sect, and he cannot change it in a short time.

"That's alright. In the future, when recruiting similar people, send me a list." After listening to Hawke's description, Tang San nodded, "I won't let you work in vain. I can provide the funds for your activities, but how much money has been spent? Wherever you want to go, you must first make a detailed form and apply to me."

"No problem, boss." Hawke was like a bitch, smiling extremely obscenely. He even wanted to come over and beat Tang San's legs to show his loyalty.

The corner of Tang Laoya's mouth twitched, he was not ashamed of Hawke's behavior, but he didn't know what to do at this moment... Tang San wanted them to express their attitude. Wouldn't it be bad if he didn't say anything?

Moreover, he has obtained the Asura Aura. As long as he condenses the murderous aura through killing, he can obtain the God of Killing Domain. If he continues to practice the God of Killing Domain in the future, he can evolve into the Asura Domain. At that time, he is expected to accept the inheritance of the Asura God.

Although the inheritance of God Shura is now occupied by Tang Chen, he might also be able to pass the divine test. After all, God Shura's way of selecting successors is to cast a wide net.

As long as he is better than Tang Chen.

As a time traveler, he has that confidence!

Therefore, he must not lose this pride. Even if Tang San is stronger than him now, the future is uncertain. As long as he can surpass Tang Chen and defeat Tang San, it's not a bad idea.

"What about you?" Tang San looked at Tang Laoya.

(End of this chapter)

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