Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 402 The meeting is over and we go to war

Chapter 402 The meeting is over and we go to war

"Emperor Xingluo, don't you express your gratitude?" Emperor Qinghe spoke to the screen first, "Xingguan Sect is a force within your territory and is under the direct jurisdiction of the royal family."

After such an incident, Emperor Xingluo was naturally a little annoyed, but he still said in a deep voice: "I have announced to the world that the Xingguan Sect will be removed from the empire. In the future, everyone who sees the Xingguan Sect will be punished. !”

"Also, Qinghe New Emperor, things have already happened. It is meaningless to dwell on this. What we have to do now is to defeat the foreign enemies and fight them back overseas."

Emperor Xue Beng of the New Tiandou Federation did not make any suggestions. After all, his New Tiandou Federation and the Tiandou Empire are already two separate companies. The Sun and Moon Empire invaded the cities of the Tiandou Empire. What does this have to do with his New Tiandou Federation?

Let his good brother worry about it!

He could just use the Sun and Moon foreign invaders to weaken the Tiandou Empire, and then he could capture the Tiandou Empire in one fell swoop, then unite with the major nobles, gather forces, and recapture the lost city in one fell swoop.

The base camp of the Sun and Moon foreigners is far away overseas, so it is impossible for them to invade on a large scale. All they need to do is guard against their martial soul-type soul guides.

Emperor Xingluo continued: "I think everyone should develop attack-type soul guides. The Sun and Moon Outlaws have powerful soul guides, so they can exert such a powerful combat effectiveness with such a small number of people."

In short, times have changed. We should stop doing research in secret and put our research into the open.

With the invasion of foreign enemies, the opposition to weapon-like soul guidance devices in the Star Luo Empire has also subsided - the scene of scorched corpses everywhere is the enemy of the sun and moon telling them:

【We want to become the new owners of this land! 】

This is not a threat to their identity and status, but a threat to their lives!

"I agree, now we must unite and make progress together." Ning Fengzhi looked serious, "According to the intelligence of the Min clan of our Qibao Glazed Sect, among the invading Sun and Moon enemies, there are also a lot of soul masters, and they have titles. There are ten Douluo, seven of them have soul power below level ninety-five, and the remaining three have soul power above level ninety-five, and among these three, one has a soul power that fluctuates. It is extremely deep, and we suspect that its power has reached level ninety-eight.”

This is heavy news.

Among the enemies of the Sun and Moon who invaded the mainland this time, there were ten titled Douluo, and one of them had reached level ninety-eight... This must not be all the titled Douluo on the Sun and Moon continent.

Moreover, even ninety-eight-level titled Douluo can be dispatched, so can it be said that there is more than one peerless level expert in the Sun and Moon Empire?

The Sun Moon Continent must be a world no smaller than the Douluo Continent.

Yu Yuanzhen said: "According to the news, the bandits of Sun and Moon said that there is only one empire over there, ruled by one emperor..."

Emperor Qinghe, Emperor Xuebeng, Emperor Xingluo and others' expressions darkened.

A continent with an area equivalent to Douluo Continent was ruled by an empire, and there was great research on soul guides. So how powerful the Sun and Moon Empire was, they couldn't imagine.

The only advantage now is that they are far away overseas. A large-scale invasion of Douluo Continent will not happen overnight, but they must be prepared for a rainy day...


After the meeting, the three major empires, Wuhun Palace, Qibao Glazed Sect, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family, and the next four sects were all willing to form a temporary alliance to encircle and suppress the Sun and Moon enemies.

After all, there are ten titled Douluo among the enemies, three of whom are still above level ninety-five, so they need to concentrate their strength.

Bibi Dong is confident that she can destroy it all by herself, but she is the pope and cannot be dispatched easily. Moreover, the occupied city belongs to Tiandou. For revenge, you must also ask Emperor Qinghe. This is the basic respect for a country.

At least, the current Emperor Qinghe has no intention of bringing the entire empire to surrender to Wuhun Palace, and the time is not ripe yet - a sudden surrender would be too abrupt. After the meeting, Bibi Dong summoned Tang San and others, as well as all the titled Douluo, and said, "I guess you all know the news, so I won't say more. In the overseas continent, the enemies of the Sun and Moon Empire are invading. , destroyed a city in the coastal area of ​​Tiandou, and destroyed the local Wuhun branch."

"This is a provocation to our Spirit Hall, and also a provocation to the entire continent!"

"We will never tolerate it!"

Hu Liena asked: "Your Majesty the Pope, I am willing to fight on behalf of Wuhun Palace..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bibi Dong, saying: "The enemy holds an offensive soul guide, which is very powerful, and has ten titled Douluo, three of whom have soul power reaching level ninety-five. There may even be one who has reached level ninety-eight.”

As soon as these words came out, Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Devil Bear Douluo, and Ghost Leopard Douluo all took a breath of cold air.

Hu Liena was also shocked.

Level ninety-eight?

The Sun and Moon Continent is really powerful. Can a strong person with such strength be sent here? Then how many titled Douluo are there in their base camp?

"If there are only ten titled Douluo, even if one of them has a soul power of level ninety-eight, for me, it is only a matter of time to kill them all."

Tang San's speech was even more important.

Ju Douluo and others immediately realized that this was a great talent who had developed the martial soul true body armor during the soul king stage and was able to fight the Pope!

Now that his soul power has reached level seventy-nine, he can deal with titled Douluo above level ninety-five with one hand in his normal state.

Don't ask him how he knew, Ju Douluo, who had made breakthroughs in soul power in recent years, had come to Tang San to spar with him.

As long as he takes action, what if there is a level 98 strong man on the opposite side?

You have to lead your neck and be killed obediently!

"At that time, we just need to prevent them from escaping. After all, the continent they are on seems to have been unified, and they are vigorously researching soul guidance devices... It's not that our research is definitely inferior to theirs, it's just that their research The time should be longer than ours, especially for weapon-type soul guides, they have made it clear."

Tang San continued, "This shows that their soul masters do not reject soul guidance tools, and they have even spread them to all aspects of life... If it is a separate arena match, one on one, they may not be on our side. You are a soul master opponent, but on the battlefield, you don’t need to talk about so many rules, you can use any method."

"We need to be on guard against those weird soul-guiding weapons used by those titled Douluo."

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Then, how about you being the vanguard and leading the Wuhun Palace to attack overseas enemies?"

"I have my heart set on it and I dare not say goodbye."

Tang San took the order.

Afterwards, Bibi Dong asked Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to select fifty Soul Douluo and one hundred Soul Saints. Together with them, plus the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, they dispatched another 10,000 Wuhun Legion. Tang San went to Tiandouhun Haicheng Pass to join the other forces...

(End of this chapter)

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