Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 403 The end is coming

Chapter 403 The end is coming

In the past, it would have taken an army of over 10,000 people at least two months to get from Wuhun City to the Tiandou Empire's Soul Sea City Pass, but now, with the large soul-guiding motorcycles, they could reach their destination in less than half a month.

Marshal Ge Long of the Tiandou Army had already been waiting here, arranging for the Hunwu Army to set up camp outside the city.

Three days later, the New Tiandou Federation’s army and the Star Luo Empire’s army arrived one after another.

As the host, Marshal Ge Long invited the commanders, deputy generals and personnel of the three armies to come to the city lord's mansion at Hunhai City Pass to discuss how to deal with it.

"I wonder how many soldiers and horses you have brought with you? Do you have enough food and grass?"

As the saying goes: Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

This time, the forces on the mainland gathered together to fight against foreign enemies, each with their own reasons.

The Wuhun Hall avenged the local Wuhun branch and related personnel.

The Star Luo Empire wanted to destroy the traitor who had brought shame to the empire - the Star Crown Sect.

The Tiandou Empire wanted to recapture the city captured by the invaders.

The New Tiandou Federation can stay out of the matter, but if it does not take action, it may gradually lose the support of the people - overseas enemies have invaded the mainland, and if they remain indifferent, the people within the country will also be panicked.

What's more, Emperor Xue Beng was born in Tiandou and was the younger brother of Emperor Qinghe. He had to help both emotionally and rationally, otherwise he would be criticized and lose the support of the people.

And in order to demonstrate the determination of the New Tiandou Federation to fight against foreign enemies, Xue Beng personally served as the commander of the expedition this time and came with the army.

"Don't worry, Marshal Ge Long. Our New Heaven Dou Federation has enough food and grass, and we have soul-guided locomotives to transport it. Even if we fight a protracted war, we can last for three years." Xue Beng said with certainty, and his confident look made everyone present feel a little " Impressive."

But Tang San knew that the so-called sufficient food and grass in the New Tiandou Federation was only obtained by increasing the food tax on the people within the territory, and it would not last long.

After all, the New Tiandou Federation had just been established, and Xue Beng was elected. It’s hard to say how much real power it controls.

Although the foundations of many small countries after uniting are quite good, comparable to the current Tiandou, the heads of the small countries have their own thoughts and it is impossible to support Xue Beng wholeheartedly.

Zhu Zhuqing, the representative of Xingluo Fang, said: "Our army also has sufficient food and grass."

Tang San said: "There is no shortage of food and grass in Wuhun Palace, and we can also support you in this battle."

Marshal Ge Long had some objections to this "uneducated and unskilled" Xue Beng, but in order to avoid disputes, he didn't say anything. He just nodded slightly to everyone and said, "I don't know how many troops you have brought?"

Xue Beng said: "We have 20,000 troops, all of whom can fight a hundred battles."

Zhu Zhuqing said: "Eight thousand, but they are all soul masters, and their strength is above that of the great soul masters."

Tang San said calmly: "More than ten thousand, excluding the two Titled Douluo, fifty Soul Douluo, and one hundred Soul Saints, the remaining ten thousand are all Soul Masters."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Ge Long didn't expect that there would be so many soul masters in Wuhun Palace. There were fifty Soul Douluo alone, and two titled Douluo were also dispatched.


Although Titled Douluo only brought two of them, there were more than two people with Titled Douluo level strength. Even if Tang San and the people around him were not as strong as him, they were not much different. There must also be Titled Douluo. level of strength. This actually made Ge Long breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the most difficult thing to deal with the Sun and Moon Enemies, apart from the soul guides, was the ten powerful men at the Title Douluo level.

"Now, let me talk about the situation in Xiaohai City."

The city occupied by the Sun and Moon Empire was named Xiaohai City.

"According to the report from the spies, the Sun and Moon bandits piled the corpses in Xiaohai City into a hill, which they called Jingguan to show off their military exploits."

Speaking of this, Ge Long was filled with resentment, "This group of barbarians, it was not enough to massacre the city, they actually piled up the bones and built a Jingguan. Their cruel methods are comparable to those of the fallen!"

When a fallen person kills someone, the most they can do is throw the corpses around and leave a mess on the ground. However, this behavior of the Sun and Moon Empire not only tramples on life, but also tramples on the dignity of life!


After calming down, Ge Long took a deep breath and continued: "We investigated their strength. There are nearly 30,000 soldiers. They are wearing a kind of close-fitting cloth armor, but their defense is not weak, and everyone holds a similar weapon. The soul guide of the crossbow shoots extremely fast, and the bullets and arrows in it will explode."

"In addition, there is an oval-shaped soul bomb the size of a goose egg, which is dark green or black. After being thrown, it can produce a violent explosion with a diameter of more than six meters. More importantly, its fragments spatter The damage is more than twelve meters in diameter. Once it penetrates the human body, the person will fall to the ground and die directly in the worst case."

"This is the main attack method of their army."

Zhu Zhuqing was silent. After all, the attack method of this soul bomb was similar to that of the Star Luo Empire's soul bomb research.

"In addition, we found that there are ships approaching from the other side of the sea." Ning Fengzhi, who was beside Ge Long, looked solemn. "Their number is still increasing, and Baihe is going overseas to explore at extremely fast speeds. Then, a giant ship with a length of more than 500 meters was approaching Xiaohai City. There were palaces and pavilions on the ship's hull. It was obvious that a big shot was coming."

"Moreover, Bai He also sensed a wave of soul power that was almost solidified, and even the air was about to solidify. If he hadn't sensed something was wrong and rushed back immediately, I'm afraid he would have..."

Ning Fengzhi didn't say the next words, but everyone's hearts sank.

The fluctuation of soul power makes the air almost solid?

He must be a peerless one!

"We can't match that kind of person." Ning Fengzhi sighed, then looked at Tang San, "Can His Highness the Son of God be able to compete?"

"If it were just Peerless Douluo, he wouldn't be able to withstand thirty moves in my hands." At this time, Tang San, with his strong mental power, had already sensed the strength of Douluo, the Peerless Douluo who was coming towards Xiaohai City. Even compared to Bibi Dong, who had not properly regulated the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit, his mental strength was still far behind.

Moreover, there are still a lot of hidden wounds in his body. I am afraid that he used some secret method or ate some heavenly material and earthly treasure to force a breakthrough.

It should have been only in the past year or two that I broke through, and my body has not even adjusted well.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes lit up: "Seriously?"


In terms of hard power, I can sense the opponent's specific situation from such a long distance, but that Jueshi knows nothing about me and has already made a judgment.

"When that one arrives, just leave it to me to deal with him. What we have to consider now is how to take back Xiaohai City."

After a pause, Tang San looked at Marshal Ge Long and asked, "What is Marshal Ge Long's plan? I'm not good at arranging troops."

Seeing that Tang San was giving him face, Ge Long nodded slightly and said, "The enemy has soul-guided weapons. The previous combat methods obviously won't work unless our army can suddenly get close to them. After all, once we get close, long-range soul-guided weapons can't be used." It cannot be used on a large scale, as it will harm our own people.”


The current problem is just one, how to let our own army fight in close combat with them?

(End of this chapter)

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