Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 404 How to deal with prisoners

Chapter 404 How to deal with prisoners

Wuhun Palace is also researching soul-guided weapons, but there is no large-scale production, so it cannot be equipped for the army on this expedition. The other three legions are similar.

The wars that have broken out in Douluo Continent in the past were all contests of cold weapons.

Regarding the outbreak of war in the future, Tiandou, Xintiandou, Xingluo and Wuhundian are all secretly having intense discussions on whether to mass-produce and use such soul-guided weapons.

After all, even if you want to unify, you still need a large population. If this kind of soul-guided weapon is produced on a large scale and put into use, if it causes large-scale population death, even if the continent is finally unified by an empire, the population will not be the same. The lack of it will also cause the unified empire to fall into a period of emptiness for a long time.

In short, there is only one word: harmful to Tianhe.

But who would have thought that while the top leaders of various countries within the continent had not yet unified their opinions, a continent overseas had already been unified, and had even been brought over by their own "Chinese traitors".

At this time, the three major empires and Wuhun Palace had to unite and deal with the outside world.

"Report!" At this time, a young general ran in and was about to report the situation, but before the words came out——

"Come and fight!"

Sixty miles away from the gate of Soul Sea City, a loud shout came, alarming everyone in the conference room.

Everyone went to the city wall one after another and looked at the dark Sun and Moon Empire army in the distance with different expressions.

The number of people watching was that the Sun and Moon Army was only ten thousand, but the general riding on a hundred-year-old unicorn was actually a titled Douluo. The yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black soul rings were matched with Than, it is displayed generously in their eyes.

Moreover, there is not just one titled Douluo, but three!

Even the 10,000-strong army released martial spirits and soul rings.

From the first-ring soul master to the fifth-ring soul ring, they are arranged in order, extremely neatly.

This is a demonstration to them!

Ge Long was furious: "Asshole, how dare you be so arrogant! You simply don't take us seriously!"

"Tian Dou, Xing Luo, and everyone from Wuhun Hall, I advise you to surrender as soon as possible to avoid the destruction of your city and your family!"

The titled Douluo laughed loudly and said across the sixty miles distance, "Don't feel aggrieved. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is the unchanging truth in the world! Surrender as soon as possible! When my Majesty arrives, we will not Lost the title of Marquis!"

Ge Long was furious, but at this time he also understood that the four armies on their side were meeting for the first time, and there was no running-in between them at all. Even if the other party did not have soul-guided weapons, it was impossible to dispatch them immediately.

Hu Liena said: "They must have noticed our whereabouts, and they must also have exploration-type soul tools."

Huo Wu sneered: "You are really arrogant."

Xiao Wu also echoed: "I think they deserve a beating!"

"The titled Douluo level soul power is at level ninety-six." Tang San was not surprised by the arrival of the Sun and Moon Thief Army. Instead, he revealed the general's strength, and then pointed at the people around them and said , "Those two titled Douluo, one is level ninety-three, the other is level ninety-two, and the remaining few are at the level of Soul Douluo and Soul Saint."

"However, the most important thing to pay attention to is their soul guidance vehicle——"

Among the Sun and Moon Army, there is a boxy soul-guided chariot with tracks on both sides of the wheels, which can travel on various terrains. There is a steel pipe on the top, which is obviously capable of firing cannonballs.

Isn't this a tank?

The emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire must be a time traveler.

But Tang San's soul didn't detect soul-guiding planes and the like... It is estimated that inventions such as fighter planes would still be relatively difficult for the Sun and Moon Empire. Tanks, to put it simply, are loaded with a device that can launch artillery shells on the vehicle. It is relatively simple to research, and there is not much danger during experiments.

But flying soul guidance devices cannot be produced by the soul guidance researchers below with just a few words of description, and the risk factor of experimental flight is beyond imagination.

In a world without extraordinary power, humans would move forward in order to fly.

In this world of martial souls and soul power, most of the people in the Sun and Moon Empire who researched soul guidance devices were soul masters. Their research on flying soul guidance devices was not so eager to experiment with human lives.

They possess extraordinary power, but they are far from noble enough to sacrifice their lives for ordinary people to soar in the blue sky.

"I have seen that chariot through a soul guide video. It can fire cannonballs condensed with soul power. It is more powerful and can destroy a building with one hit." Ge Long said calmly, his eyes full of solemnity, "If they get close, , after repeated bombardments, our city wall may not be able to hold up for long."

Everyone present realized that after this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, all major forces would make their research on soul-guided weapons obvious.

Times have changed!

However, for Titled Douluo above level ninety-five, they can still keep up with the times, but for major forces, soul-guided weapons that can be mass-produced are more cost-effective.

"Earl Silver Blue, what should we do?" As the Sun and Moon army got closer and closer, Ge Long couldn't think of any good way for a while. He could only let all parties stand ready, and couldn't help but ask Tang San, "We have to take the initiative Attack?"

"My Blue Silver Emperor has taken root underground, waiting for them to get closer."

A cold glint flashed in Tang San's eyes, and he said calmly, "When the time comes, I will overturn their soul guidance chariot as soon as possible, and the Blue Silver Emperor's blades will also entangle and control those nearly ten thousand people, Then what those three titled Douluo said..."

"Senior Ju Douluo, Senior Ghost Douluo, you use the two-pole static field to control them. Then, Yu Tianheng, Huo Wu, and Guang Ling, you three have extremely strong long-range attack capabilities. Take advantage of those three The moment the Titled Douluo was frozen, kill him directly to avoid long nights and nightmares. We need to end the battle in the shortest possible time and then take back Xiaohai City."

"The remaining personnel will deal with those Soul Douluo and Soul Saints."

Make suggestions?

Tang San doesn't know how, he just wants to crush the enemy with his absolute strength.

"You can control nearly ten thousand people?" Ge Long's breath was stagnant, a little unbelievable. Isn't this a bit unbelievable?

"It's a piece of cake." Tang San didn't take it seriously, "When the time comes, please manage the army well. It doesn't require much cooperation, as long as there is no chaos."

"By the way, take prisoners if you can. Don't kill ordinary enemy soldiers."

"More than 10,000 residents of Xiaohai City have been captured. These soldiers can be exchanged for them."

Ge Long sighed: "The Holy Son is righteous."

Hu Liena asked: "What if the Sun and Moon Bandits don't intend to exchange, and those soldiers regard death as their own?"

Zhu Zhuqing's face was as cold as frost: "Then we'll kill them, and we'll build the capital, retaliate with tooth for tooth, and eye for eye, to let them know that we are not to be trifled with."

"We can't do this. In that case, what's the difference between us and them?" Tang San shook his head, "If it's as Hu Liena said, these prisoners will be transported to Wuhun City for trial and waste disposal."

Martial spirit research, body research, and soul research all lack a large amount of experimental materials.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded immediately: "You are right."

Ge Long felt it was a bit unreal. The battle hadn't started yet, so why were they suddenly discussing a plan to deal with the prisoners?

(End of this chapter)

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