Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 415 Peerless Douluo: You Hongchen

Chapter 415 Peerless Douluo: You Hongchen

The sound transmission between Xu Fu and the four titled Douluo could not be heard clearly by others, but it could not escape the ears of Tang San and Gu Yuena. Even Xiao Wu used the fluctuations in the air and space to hear what they were saying. What.

It can be said that the whispers among the five people were no different from loud conspiracy in the ears of these three people.

"Hehe, third brother, that guy is looking for you to blow himself up."

Xiao Wu felt that those guys were too whimsical and couldn't help but smile.

The title Douluo's self-destruction was indeed powerful, but if he wanted to kill Tang San who had cultivated the Jade Bones, Golden Muscles and Divine Treasures, it was just a fool's errand, even at level ninety-eight.

Moreover, whether the other party can get close to Tang San is also unknown.

As long as Xiao Wu's spatial domain expands and space teleportation waves are set up around those five people, it will be enough to make them stand still and unable to move any further.

"They self-destruct for the sake of the emperor... If it's for a dream, or an ideal, or an idea, or for love, I can give them a high look."

Tang San raised the little finger of his right hand, picked out his ear, and said calmly, "But just so that the Emperor can conquer this continent and remove me as a stumbling block, they plan to use self-destruction to pull me to death..."

"This is crazy!"

Huo Wu chuckled twice and said: "Haha, they can even massacre the city, what else can't they do?"

Massacre the city?

Tang San was noncommittal.

In the original work, Dugu Bo also massacred the city, but he still felt a little guilty. After all, he couldn't take back the poison himself. However, Tang Hao's words of comfort afterwards were more crazy, and he directly said, "Anyway, they are all dead." People from Wuhun Palace" and the like.

There is no doubt that this is absolutely crazy.

But compared to the madness of the Sun and Moon Empire, Tang Hao's personal character was distorted only because of his hatred for Wuhun Palace. There were only a few such people, and they were nothing to worry about.

And this kind of behavior of the Sun and Moon Empire can be regarded as JGZY.

When one person is crazy, a country is crazy.

Not a concept at all!


Just when Ge Long was about to order the bombardment, the entire sky seemed to freeze, and an invisible force oppressed everyone in Tiandou and the New Tiandou Federation.

Tang San exploded with momentum in an instant, pushing away from this invisible force. The fierce collision set off billowing air waves high in the sky, and the vast momentum made everyone dumbfounded.


came a young voice.

Tang San looked up and saw a woman whose appearance was not inferior to that of Xiao Wu and others, stepping out of the void from the seaside of Xiaohai City, her bare feet stepping on the air to create circles and ripples, followed by fifteen titled warriors. Luo.

"Interesting little guy, I didn't expect that in this continent, there is someone who can rival my momentum at the soul saint stage, and he is still so young."

"What's your name?"

The woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, standing in the void, and her voice is soft and soft, just like a twenty-year-old girl. It is amazing, but not many people in the room dare to look directly at each other.

Such momentum! Such power!

There is no doubt that the other party is a peerless Douluo!

"As an uninvited guest, shouldn't I introduce myself first?" Seven spirit rings, four black and three red, appeared around Tang San, and his momentum exploded in an instant, causing the opponent to take three steps back.

Tang San also took this opportunity to levitate the seven spirit rings behind his back, connect them one after another, and begin to connect and fuse the rings.

"It's not mine anymore." The woman's eyes showed a hint of vigilance, but she didn't know what Tang San was doing at this time, so she introduced herself, "My name is in the world of mortals, and I am a worshiper of the Sun and Moon Empire. I am favored by your majesty, so I can Having reached such a state, I came here now because I sensed that the adventurers of the empire were in trouble, so I led some people to come over to check in advance. I never thought that our adventure team would actually conflict with you."

"What an adventure team!" Tang San sneered, the ring fusion behind him had been completed, and the seven soul rings were circling around each other, ready to be stimulated at any time, so he was willing to chat with them for a few more words, "You know, your They massacred the people of Xiaohai City, and as soon as they arrived, they launched soul-guided artillery shells to bomb the city."

"Is this what an adventurer would do?"

"So, if we go to your Sun Moon Continent in the future to kill, burn, and loot, can we just say 'we are an adventure team' to get through it?"

"There is nothing so good in the world."

You Hongchen also lost his good temper and said: "After living for more than three hundred years, this is the first time I have seen someone dare to speak nonsense to me. Boy, the ratio of your soul rings is really terrifying. After all, you are just a soul saint. I Seeing that you have some talent, how about surrendering to us and being promoted to a noble position, with power, wealth, and beauty all at your disposal?"

Ge Long swallowed, worried that Tang San would agree. After all, this was a peerless reply and he would never break his promise.

"Sorry, I seem to have all these." Tang San looked indifferent, suddenly smiled, and said with a playful expression: "Why don't you surrender to me, I will also give you power, wealth, beauty, and even give you How about taking one step further and getting a chance to break through level 100?"

"Dare you amuse me?" You Hongchen ordered the titled Douluo beside him: "Take him down."

"Yes!" X15

Fifteen Titled Douluo, plus Xu Fu and the four Titled Douluo beside him, a total of twenty, charged towards Tang San and the others, as well as the tens of thousands of troops behind them.

If those twenty titled Douluo were allowed to fall into the army, they would be like tigers among sheep. The soldiers of Tiandou and New Tiandou Federation would not be able to resist at all, and would only be massacred. Gelong's expression changed and he wanted to retreat.

After all, Titled Douluo are not something people like them can compete with. As long as one of them joins the army, this battle will not have to be fought... Titled Douluo should deal with powerful Titled Douluo level people!

These Sun and Moon thieves are indeed barbarians and have no respect for the rules of war!

"Lord Silver Earl, Hu Liena is not here now, why not retreat first?" Ge Long started to discuss.

"Indeed, we can withdraw first." Ning Fengzhi suggested. "We can let Fairy Ju and Uncle Gu temporarily block them. We can wait until we return to Soul Sea City and you borrow the Soul Seal Throne from Hu Liena."

In the eyes of the two of them, without the Soul Seal Throne, no matter how powerful Tang San was, it would only be at level ninety-nine, even if the opponent had one, and they also had twenty titled Douluo.

"Twenty people."

Tang San suddenly smiled, took a step forward, and in the blink of an eye broke into the flying space of twenty titled Douluo.


"How did he get here?"


At this time, Tang San's whole body burst into silver-blue light, and majestic energy burst out from his body, condensing into a silver-blue battle armor on his body surface.

Martial spirit true body armor!

Blue Silver Emperor True Body Armor!

Vast starlight bloomed with Tang San as the center, causing the sky within ten thousand meters to reflect a vast spiral energy nebula.

Nineteen of the twenty titled Douluo were immediately impacted by the blooming starlight energy. Their flesh and blood melted, their souls were destroyed, and even their soul bones were turned into fragments. They returned to the Douluo Planet's cycle of heaven and earth energy. middle.



And dangerous!

The one who survived was Xu Fu, but he was not much better at this time. His injuries and soul power, which had not been fully recovered, exploded at this moment.

But at this moment, no one felt sorry for the deaths of the nineteen titled Douluo, and no one looked at the Xu Fu who survived by chance. All eyes were focused on the center of the sea of ​​stars.

Even the ninety-nine-level You Hongchen was stunned by the huge energy for a moment, forgetting the nineteen titled Douluo who died from the energy impact generated by Tang San's use of the Spirit True Body Armor. .

When she reacted, her beautiful face was extremely ferocious: "Nineteen! These are all talents from the empire, how dare you-"


Before the cruel words were finished, the vast spiral energy nebula converged in an instant, imprinted on the silver-blue gems in Tang San's blue-silver Emperor's True Body Armor and Breastplate, slowly rotating.

Tang San took a step forward and was in front of You Hongchen in an instant, punching him in the nose.


The sound of broken nose bones sounded, and You Hongchen flew out backwards. His brain almost shut down. It wasn't until he was about to fly a kilometer away that he came back to his senses, controlled his body, and stood in the air.

"Damn you boy! You ruined my delicate and delicate nose!"

You Hongchen was almost going crazy. No woman could accept being disfigured. More importantly, You Hongchen noticed that there was a trace of very violent soul power in the crack on the bridge of her nose, which was constantly destroying her bones and muscles, and hindering her ability to express her emotions. Repairing the injury, "I will definitely kill you!"

In a rage, You Hongchen ignored the injury on his nose and flew towards Tang San...


"Lord You Hongchen!"

At this time, on the battlefield, Xu Fu couldn't help but be horrified when he saw that You Hongchen was knocked away by Tang San.

"Hey, I almost forgot, you guy survived by luck."

Xiao Wu moved her wrist and said to Huo Wu, Guang Ling, Yu Tianheng and others, "Third brother used too much force just now and killed all the other titled Douluo. This guy at level ninety-eight has not yet recovered from his old injury." He has recovered, but now he has been seriously injured again, and his strength is estimated to be only equivalent to a level 91 or 92 titled Douluo."

"It's just right. You can give us some practice. What do you think?"

With Xiao Wu's strength, with full firepower, there is no big problem against Titled Douluo above level ninety-five, but for Yu Tianheng, Shi Mo, Shi Mo, Osluo, Yu Feng and others. Said, this kind of opponent is just right.

Yu Tianheng sharpened his dragon claws and said: "We can't compare to a monster like the captain, but we may really be able to deal with this seriously injured guy."

Yufeng chuckled, rubbed his hands and said, "I have never fought a titled Douluo before."

Oslo also smiled and said: "Since you are ready to take action, then of course my old friend cannot be idle, otherwise he will really become a flag-waving guy."

These words summed up the large number of soldiers behind him.

It can be said that they have never fought such an outrageous battle, nor have they fought such an easy battle. It seems that just being a "cheerleader" waving the flag and shouting is enough...

(End of this chapter)

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