Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 416 The sun and moon shine in the same sky: Star Giant

Chapter 416 The sun and moon shine in the same sky: Star Giant

Wearing a suit of silver-blue armor, Tang San looked at You Hongchen, who was speeding towards him. He was also stepping on the void, but he seemed to be riding on the void to control the wind, like an ethereal immortal god.

"Boy, you are dead!"

You Hongchen, who had a collapsed nose, gritted his teeth and punched out. The airwaves rolled out and created a white vacuum channel. "Any man who doesn't know how to show mercy to women will die!"

Looking at the surging air current, Tang San stepped on it, relied on his powerful soul control ability to step on it, took three steps in a row, performed the Nine Steps to the Sky, and was in front of You Hongchen in an instant. , a sledgehammer appeared in his hand, and he suddenly hit his head.


The moment the Clear Sky Hammer fell, the head of the hammer suddenly expanded to a diameter of more than 700 meters.

In an instant, the storm surged.

Feeling the aura of destruction, You Hongchen had no time to escape. He could only possess his martial soul, opened his mouth, took a sudden breath, and raised his arms to resist.

In the state of being possessed by Wuhun, You Hongchen's skin was covered with small pimples. It was no longer as smooth as jade, especially his face, which became green and yellow. His lips became thinner and disappeared, and the corners of his mouth extended to both sides, until his ears. Only then did he stop.


The moment it came into contact with the Clear Sky Hammer, You Hongchen's arms felt an extremely destructive force burst out from the surface of the hammer. The arm bones cracked in an instant, and pain spread throughout his body instantly.

What kind of martial spirit is this?

So powerful!


Tang San let out a light drink and exerted force again. The hammer head of the Clear Sky Hammer increased again, reaching a diameter of eight hundred meters.

This force was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, causing You Hongchen's orifices to spurt red. Unable to bear it anymore, he was slammed onto a deserted hill five hundred meters away near Xiaohai City. .

In an instant, the hill over a hundred meters high collapsed and was flattened by Tang San's hammer.

Thick smoke and gravel rose into the sky, and a mushroom cloud about two hundred meters high rose. Violent vibrations spread to the vicinity of Xiaohai City. The soldiers of Tiandou and New Tiandou Federation swayed left and right, but they were all After trying hard to hold up their bodies, another strong wind carrying yellow sand struck, making most people unable to hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

"Is this the true strength of Earl Silver and Blue?"

"Just one blow flattened a hill!"

"so amazing!"


When the soldiers were shocked, Ge Long shouted: "The whole army stands up, attack, go to Xiaohai City, and capture all the enemies restrained by Lord Silver and Blue!"


The soldiers immediately asked the fallen soldiers to stand up quickly, adjusted their formations, and headed towards Xiaohai City.

They cannot participate in this battle, but capturing all the Sun and Moon Bandits in Xiaohai City and seizing the soul-guided weapons is what they can do, and it is also the only reason for them to come here...


"Imperial tribute!"

Xu Fu shook Yu Tianheng away with a palm, and witnessed You Hongchen being knocked to the ground by Tang San's hammer. His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and the ninth soul ring suddenly lit up.

"The sun and moon shine together in the sky!"

A ball of light appeared in Xu Fu's hands, emitting a dazzling light.

That was his martial soul, the stars. This is why the soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire call him "Elder Star".

The white star was held high by him, and strong energy fluctuations emanated from it, pushing Xiao Wu and others who were besieging him away nearly two hundred meters away.

"Such a powerful energy!" Huo Wu raised his hand to block the wind and waves caused by the energy emitted by the opponent's spirit. He glanced at Tang San in the distance and knew that he would not be able to catch up immediately.

"Little guys, do you need help?" The Chrysanthemum Fairy stepped over, holding a golden chrysanthemum in her right hand and smiling coquettishly at everyone.

Yu Tianheng and others felt a chill.

It's fine if you don't know, but the person in front of you is the fusion of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, not a real woman.

"No need." Xiao Wu glanced at Fairy Ju and felt that as long as she could overcome her psychological obstacles, the body of this "twin poles in bone and armor" would be an excellent research material, but unfortunately, she couldn't accept it. A strange gender, "This Xu Fu is indeed powerful, but for me, Sister Xiaowu, it's still a lot worse!"

When the storm on the field stopped, Xu Fu's martial spirit had merged with himself, causing his whole body to emit a dazzling light that continued to expand.

In just ten seconds, its body reached hundreds of meters in height, like the legendary Titan. With one step, the ground shook.

I just don't know if it's because the energy is too dispersed, so that its body looks a little transparent and not very condensed.

"It's so big!" Yu Feng flapped his wings and flew, exclaiming and telling everyone the height he estimated: "It's about five hundred meters! It's really unimaginable that there is such a soul skill!"

"Where is the true body?" Yu Tianheng quickly retreated and shouted to Yufeng, "It is definitely useless to attack other parts. You must attack its true body."

"I didn't see it!" Yu Feng flashed his wings, and Bai Chenxiang quickly circled around each other, with a trace of cold sweat on his forehead - this guy seemed to be his true form!

"This is flesh and blood turned into energy." Xiao Wu, Huo Wu, Guang Ling and others also evacuated outwards. Relying on their mental perception and understanding of the human body, they told the other party's situation, "His ninth soul The skill should be to completely fuse the martial soul with himself and turn it into an energy-like humanoid star. The effect should be similar to the martial soul bone armor true body state of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, but it is weaker."

Huo Wu's eyes widened, and he looked back at the nearly 500-meter-tall star giant, and opened his mouth: "Does this mean he is weaker?"

"It is indeed weaker." Xiao Wu responded confidently, "It's just that his own strength has reached level ninety-eight, so when he uses it, it will be more powerful."

Guang Ling asked: "Sister Xiao Wu, in his current state, has his strength reached level 99?"

If so, then we really have no choice but to let Fairy Ju/Mr. Ghost take action.

Among them, among the peerless strong men, there is Sister Xiaowu who can come into contact with them, and Sister Huowu, who concentrates all their soul power into the skill of Sun Fire Lotus, and then hits the opponent, or can destroy the opponent.

But the latter's ultimate move is basically a range attack. Except for herself, if they, as allies, don't dodge in time, they will also suffer more serious damage.

Especially since the Tiandou Army and the New Tiandou Federation Army have already rushed into Xiaohai City, and this star giant is so close to Xiaohai City, once the Sun Fire Lotus breaks out, the entire city may be affected.

"No, it's probably only level ninety-eight." Xiao Wu took a closer look, "He was captured before, had his soul bones stripped off, and was seriously injured. It can temporarily restore the strength to the level of ninety-eighth level, but it is at the end of the crossbow..."

Before they finished speaking, they saw that the star giant did not attack them, nor did he look for Tang San, but walked towards Xiaohai City——

He actually wanted to destroy the Tiandou Army, the New Tiandou Federal Army, and the Sun and Moon Army who were bound by the Blue Silver Emperor's blades!

"Oops!" Yu Tianheng had beads of sweat on his forehead, "This guy is so crazy, he wants to destroy his own people too!"

"Perhaps this is an honor for them?" Xiao Wu's eyes narrowed, feeling that it was not surprising that the Sun and Moon Army would do such a thing with their fanaticism towards that emperor.

Moreover, she also found that after Xu Fu became bigger, his movements also slowed down a lot. She probably knew that she could not kill them all at once, so she chose to attack Xiaohai City. If they valued love and justice, they would definitely stop them. , take the initiative to go there.

This is a naked conspiracy!

(End of this chapter)

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