Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 417 The Soft Bone Dharma Appearance Shows His Power for the First Time

Chapter 417 The Soft Bone Dharma Appearance Shows His Power for the First Time

"Is this what this guy has in mind?" Yu Feng exclaimed, not daring to get close, and said to everyone, "How about we retreat first and then avenge them later? He shouldn't be in this state for long."

It is a wiser choice to choose revenge after the fact when you know that you are invincible.

Keep it useful for future generations.

No matter how unwilling they are, for Yu Feng and others who are unable to stop Xu Fu, they can only do this, otherwise they will die in vain.

However, Xiao Wu was unmoved, and her figure disappeared in an instant. When the others saw clearly, she had already jumped into the air and headed straight for the star giant.

All this happened in a flash of lightning.

"Is this too random?" Yu Tianheng turned to look at Huo Wu, but saw that her face was calm, as if she was not surprised by Xiao Wu's actions.

"Don't worry." Huo Wu signaled everyone to be quiet, "She has a big killer move."

While everyone was wondering, Xiao Wu's whole body burst out with energy that was as turbulent as the ocean. The hot blood soared into the sky, turning into a long river, covering thousands of meters; the surging soul power filled the air, making the air seem delicate; the vast sea of ​​spiritual power. It shines like the light of stars, intertwined with soul power, qi and blood.

This moment seems like eternity, but also like an instant.

Qi and blood build a huge body, the soul power is densely packed in the body like a snare, and the mental power turns into the brain to control everything around the body.

Xiao Wu's body was submerged into the forehead of the giant about a kilometer high, making the huge body seem to have consciousness and move.

The Star Giant was stepping towards Xiaohai City at this moment, but Ge Long and other soldiers in the city no longer panicked at this moment, but stared at his back blankly.

The giant that almost reaches the sky is so huge and beautiful. Different from the tyranny of the star giant, people's hearts seem to calm down immediately when they see her for the first time.

How powerful is it?

Ge Long and others didn't know it, but their flesh, flesh, soul power, and soul seemed to be trembling, resonating and resonating with the soft bone method, as if it was the world...


In the past two years, Xiao Wu has also improved on the Soft Bone Technique. She can build the organs of the body with Qi and blood, build meridians with soul power, and create the brain with mental power.

Although it is not very complete, the Soft Bone Dharma in this case no longer lasts for one minute like the first time it was used, but lasts for three minutes.

I saw the Soft Bone Dharma Image instantly taking action, pressing it on the head of the star giant, and pulled it sharply, before it stepped down, pulling it away from Xiaohai City, and then used the other hand to pull it away from Xiaohai City. He clenched his fist angrily, and the blazing fire covered his fist.


A punch blasted out, creating a sonic boom cloud. The star giant's head suddenly sank into the ground, and the dust and smoke aroused thousands of meters high spread to the surroundings in the form of radiation.

In Xiaohai City, Ge Long and others felt that the whole city was shaking, but fortunately, the Blue Silver Emperor wrapped around all the broken buildings and no collapse occurred.

Outside Xiaohai City, Huo Wu, Guang Ling and others immediately retreated nearly five hundred meters before they could withstand the violent wind and resist the gray-yellow dust.

From their perspective, the thousand-meter-tall Rougu Fa faced the five-hundred-meter-tall Star Giant, just like a senior student bullying a junior student.

The only difference is that the lower grade student doesn't howl.

Yu Feng's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he swallowed his saliva and asked: "What level of strength has Sister Xiao Wu reached? Why does she look more fierce than the captain?"

"This is Sister Xiaowu's seventh soul skill: Soft Bone Technique." Guang Ling explained, "In this state, her strength is comparable to that of a ninety-eighth level expert. His body and combat power are comparable to peerless ones, and he can even erupt with power that surpasses peerless ones."

Beyond peerlessness?

Isn’t that level 100!

Yu Tianheng was shocked. Even though he usually lived in Wuhun City, most of the time he went out with Duguyan to perform missions to gain combat experience. In his opinion, only by constantly fighting can one continuously improve his strength. He never expected that Xiao Wu, who had not experienced many life and death battles, could possess such terrifying strength.

Is this the researcher?

It's really scary!

"Vice Captain, you can't be so powerful, right?" Yufeng swallowed again, his scalp numb.

"Not as powerful as her." Huo Wu admitted to him, and then looked at Guang Ling, "But in terms of lethality, Sister Guang Ling is the strongest among us."

Sister Guangling?

Graphite, Shimo, Yufeng, Osluo and others looked at each other.

Isn't Huo Wu older than Guang Ling?

Why call me sister?

Yu Tianheng was not surprised. After all, he knew some of the situation between Tang San and these four women. According to their seniority, Huo Wu was ranked fourth, and the terms "sister" and "sister" were only verbal and did not mean anything. Really struggling with this.


The ground trembled again, and the star giant was struggling to open Xiao Wu's fist, raised his head, climbed up, and roared at Xiao Wu.

Although the Star Giant is five hundred meters shorter than Xiao Wu, his strength is actually level ninety-eight, which is not much different from the Soft Bone Technique.

In other words, the body is a little more illusory and the quality of the soul power is a little worse.

Facing Xiao Wu, who was nearly half his height, the star giant was not afraid. Instead, he raised his arms, and a bright starlight gathered in it.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu didn't wait for the opponent to accumulate strength. After all, no matter whether he dodges or carries it hard, the aftermath will bring disaster to the nearby creatures.

The moment the opponent was about to launch the ball of light, Rougu Faxiang seemed to teleport, grabbing the opponent's arms and lifting them up violently.

The white light beam shot straight into the sky and dispersed the high-altitude clouds.


At that moment, the Star Giant didn't react at all, and he didn't even understand how the Soft Bone Appearance appeared in front of him.

Such a huge body, even if it controls the power of space, should produce some airflow when it moves. He can definitely feel it, but why not?

Naturally, it was because Xiao Wu used the space domain at this time.

In this area, she can teleport at will. Unless she has god-level power, her trajectory cannot be sensed.

"Field skills?"

At this time, the star giant also realized something, gritted his teeth and said, "If you still use the field in this state, I don't believe how long you can last."

He also has a domain, but in the state of the Star Giant, if he uses it, this state will directly disintegrate, and the consumption is not something that he, who is currently seriously injured, can bear.

However, Xiao Wu's consumption is not large, because her space domain is connected to the spirit beast illusion, and the spirit beast illusion is connected to the starry sky world.

At most, she only needs to expend the soul power to maintain the domain.

Even if the consumption is really huge, don't forget that Xiaohai City is covered with the leaves of the Blue Silver Emperor, which can help her recharge at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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