Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 418 Energetic, need to be careful, Headless Xingtian

Chapter 418 Energetic, need to be careful, Headless Xingtian

The black hair on the back of Rougu Faxiang's head was like a winding python. As it swung, it rolled up a hundred feet of air, hit the star giant's neck with a "snap", and then wrapped around his neck.

Then, the Soft Bone Dharma Xiang put his foot on his abdomen, twisted his waist, and spread the force to his neck, swinging the entire star giant.


When the scorpion tail braid was released, the star giant had been thrown into the air nearly five thousand meters high.

"It's now!"

There was fire in Huo Wu's eyes. The second soul skill: Sun Rising, the fourth soul skill: Fire Sun Transformation Armor, they were activated together to improve all attributes. Then he raised his arms high, forming a calyx shape, with a circle twisted by flames and light. The formed ring was placed on his hand, with a diameter of nearly seventy meters.

In his hand, a red-gold energy ball with a diameter of more than fifty meters condensed instantly.



The golden light beam shot out and struck directly at the star giant spinning high in the sky.

This is Huo Wu's third soul skill: Huo Wu Yaoyang.

In the blazing, bright beam of light, the star giant stopped turning, but the energy-enhanced "skin" seemed to be melted.

"This power... the sun?" Xu Fu felt that his body was about to be burned to ashes. He caught a glimpse of Huo Wu wearing a set of crystal red armor, and secretly gritted his teeth, "I didn't expect that there is such a thing on this continent. He possesses a martial spirit similar to the Sun Spirit, and it is also... so hot, just like the real sun!"


Suddenly, a light spot cracked between the star giant's eyebrows, and the back of his head was also shattered. An arrow flashing in eight colors penetrated from it.

Guang Ling slowly put down the sun-chasing bow and exhaled: "It's quite soul-consuming to fuse the eight elements of gold, light, thunder, ice, fire, wind, earth, and darkness into one arrow. force."

Although Guang Ling's main job is to study soul guidance devices, he has not fallen behind in his own cultivation. On the contrary, it is because of the combined research on the basic attributes of soul guidance and the combination of soul guidance patterns that he has made a direct connection to the fusion of his own soul power attributes. There are also larger concepts, and even Gu Yuena has to learn from her in some aspects - Gu Yuena controls the elements, this is true, but in terms of details, the gameplay is indeed very rough, the only thing worthy of praise The thing may be that you have meticulous control over the elements. With the corresponding element combination equation, you can learn it in one go.

This arrow made of the fusion of eight elements is just the most powerful one that Guang Ling can currently use. It uses the three attributes of gold, earth, and ice as the basis to create the arrow, and then uses thunder, fire, The five attributes of wind, light and darkness serve as the energy to propel the arrow forward.

Its speed of light can even catch up to one-twentieth of the speed of light!

Therefore, no one could see this blow clearly, even Tang San could only vaguely catch a shadow.

If you want to avoid it, you can only predict the direction of Guang Ling's arrow in advance, otherwise you can only wait to be penetrated by this arrow that combines eight elements.

After the star giant was shot through the eyebrows, the elemental power in the arrow was also injected into it at that moment, and it exploded in an instant.

In an instant, the star giant's entire head was covered with cracks, fire came out of it, mixed with blue thunder, and even invisible wind blades came out of it.


In less than three seconds, the entire head was shattered.

However, the star giant with a broken head did not die. The breasts on its chest turned into eyes, and the swirling navel on its abdomen turned into a mouth.

Because Xu Fu was energized at that time, the brain did not really exist in the head area, and his own consciousness dispersed throughout the body. Since the head is gone, the breasts are the eyes and the navel is the mouth.

However, with his head broken, Xu Fu also lost part of his memory. At this moment, he actually forgot who he was, why he was standing in the air again, and what he was going to do.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?" Yu Feng's eyes widened, "He's still alive without his head, and there are eyes and mouths on his chest. Is he still a human being?"

Guang Ling looked at the headless star giant standing in mid-air, whose body began to shrink, and said slowly: "He is really not a human now, at least from the perspective of blood factors, but an energy-based giant. seems like I have forgotten part of his memory because I smashed his head."

"But don't worry too much. His head is broken and his energy is leaking. He can no longer survive."

As the body of the star giant became smaller and smaller, it also fell rapidly.


When the paint fell off, his height had become three or four meters, taller than the original Xu Fu, but his flesh was shriveled, there were two big eyes on his chest, and the place where his belly button was originally turned into a big mouth, and his head But it disappeared. It was an extremely weird creature.

More importantly, this thing is still alive!

Xiao Wu had already dissipated the Soft Bone Dharma Aspect, and her body's consumption was quickly restored with the supplement of the Blue Silver Emperor, and she rushed to the headless Xu Fu.

Yu Tianheng and others also gathered around at this time, because they sensed that this guy's soul power wave was constantly weakening, from being as majestic as the sea, to like a drop of rain, like a deflated ball, which was no longer enough. fear.

"Huh? He's not dead?" Xiao Wu observed that the other person's neck had healed, but was uneven. However, the various circulations in the body had restarted, saving his life, but the efficiency was relatively low.

Using mental power to explore, Xiao Wu showed a look of wonder——

This guy's brain is actually combined with his intestines and stomach!

In the energized state, the head was broken and returned to normal. The brain had nowhere to put it. It merged and reorganized with the intestines and stomach, an organ with many folds similar to the brain, to form a brand new brain.

So, what should we call it?

Brain intestine?

Or gut brain?

Although Xiao Wu was very curious about such a life form, Xiao Wu also realized one thing, that is, when using moves that can turn oneself into energy, all aspects must be considered.

Otherwise, just like Xu Fu, without his head, his brain would be fused with his intestines.

There is also Ju Fairy/Mr. Ghost, who allows his body to be energized along with the martial soul, and fuses the martial soul with the martial soul's bone and armor true body, causing them to be inseparable.

"What should I do with this guy?" Huo Wu looked at Xiao Wu.

"It's a good research material, keep it for now." Xiao Wu asked Gu Yuena to put it into the golden rope treasure bag. After all, he was the only person present with a storage soul guide that could store living things. Only Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena had no choice but to put this headless Xingtian into the golden rope treasure bag.

Then, Xiao Wu's eyes fell on the battlefield of Tang San and You Hongchen in the distance, and said to Yu Feng and Bai Chenxiang: "That Jueshi has come over, which proves that the new batch of troops from the Sun and Moon Empire are not far away from Xiaohai City." , you go and rule Marshal Ge Long, ask them to move faster, and take the prisoners and loot back to the Soul Customs House first."

(End of this chapter)

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