Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 439 I haven’t watched anything about “The Seal of the Throne” either.

Chapter 439 I haven’t watched anything about “The Seal of the Throne” either.

With Tang San's personal help, Xiao Wu's soul power had been raised to level seventy-nine, her soul had been condensed, and her speed, strength, defense, and endurance had also improved greatly.

According to her own estimation, her strength had already caught up with Tang San's, but Tang San had a real sword fight with her on the spot, and in the end he killed her until she dropped her helmet and armor and just shouted "No"!

Guang Ling, Ning Rongrong, Huo Wu and others also received Tang San's care through the aftermath of the "cosmic collision" between Tang San and Xiao Wu. Their physical fitness, soul power quality improved, and mental power became more condensed. .

Especially Ning Rongrong, who is an auxiliary type, can now compete with the powerful Contra level warriors of the attack type with bare hands.

Of course, for her, she does not need physical combat, and she mainly relies on the assistance of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda...

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

In order for Tang San to be in the best condition to face the enemy, Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, Ning Rongrong, and Huo Wu gave him the best reward in these three days.

The combination of strength and softness of the soft-bone rabbit, the courage of the Sun Bow, the exquisite nine orifices of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and the blazing heat of the Sun Goddess.

It can be said that everyone enjoys the blessings of everyone!

If it were an ordinary person, after experiencing such three days, his energy would have been severely damaged. Being able to exert 70% of his strength during battle would be a blessing among misfortunes.

But for Tang San, his resilience was astonishing, and the enjoyment of these three days had brought his spirit to the peak of his current state...


Fifty miles outside Xiaohai City.

In the undulating black reef area, Xu Huang had been waiting here since he got up early in the morning, but until the sun set towards dusk, there was no sign of Tang San. The gloomy look on his face became more and more intense: "Then Tang San , are you kidding me?"

Luo Qiu, on the other hand, hid her figure and sat on a rock not far away that could not be hit by the waves. She yawned boredly and thought to herself: "Maybe it's really a prank. After all, Tang San is not The spokesperson of the Creator God does not need to have an overly good character."

"Could it be——"

She suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, Tang San was trying to anger Xu Huang. Once he lost his mind, got angry, and did something against the "spirit of chivalry", the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation would naturally Leaving him alone, there was no need for Tang San to waste any effort to cut off the connection between the two.

After all, Xu Huang only has the right to use it.

It is much easier to use the rules that come with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation than to spend time analyzing the rules.

And Luo Qiu also knew that Xu Huang was not a real knight...

But which human being is truly selfless?

Long Haochen?

Doesn’t he also have selfish motives? She also allowed an elemental spirit to occupy the body of the previous Moon Night Queen and resurrect her... Although the previous Moon Night Queen deceived him, she never thought of hurting him, and even really wanted to marry him.

If it was just to kill the previous Moon Night Queen, that would be it, but to humiliate her body so that other women could use it... How noble is this evil taste?

In this world, there are many people who can't help themselves, but they always mean the same thing, and there are very few of them. Tang San may barely be considered one of them. At least, he really has something and says nothing, and is not playing tricks with her at all.

The villain and the gentleman.

Insidious and honest.

It seems that there is no clear distinction...


Tang San walked in the air, tapping his toes on a towering rock, with a faint smile on his lips, and said: "Wait a minute, fellow fellow from Earth, or Blue Star, you might as well ask me to call you, Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire?"

In response to Tang San's teasing, Xu Huang smiled coldly and directly released his martial spirit. A golden round shield and a silver crescent-shaped blade appeared.

Although they are two different things, they are the same, or in other words, the same set of martial souls, called: Sun and Moon Wheel, which are mutated from the sun and moon martial souls of the Sun and Moon Empire. Beside it, there are eight soul rings, the colors of which are: yellow, yellow, purple, black, black and black.

"With the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, it doesn't even have a hundred thousand year soul ring." Tang San chuckled, with a hint of doubt in his eyes that Xu Huang could easily detect.

This made him clenched his fists and said: "The color of the soul ring doesn't mean anything. How strong it is depends on how you perform it."

"That's right." Tang San seemed to agree, but then he became curious, "So, you practiced this set of weapon souls first? In my perception, you seem to have two martial souls."

"Tch, my mental strength is pretty good. Yes, I have twin martial souls like you, and the second martial soul is the Zi Huang Tian Slayer Dragon." Xu Huang didn't intend to hide it, after all, this duel was a life and death battle.

Insulting the spokesperson of the Creator God in the human world...

To sow discord between him and Luo Qiu...

No matter which one happens, the other party is not qualified to live anymore!

More importantly, the other party had an aura that made him uneasy. The moment he saw Tang San, the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation was shaken. King Easton, the Sacred Dragon, and the Eternal Angel all felt it. He noticed the aura of destruction on the opponent's body and confirmed that the God of Scourge was on Tang San's body.

Although he didn't want to lose the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, with Austin Griffin in Tang San's body, it was impossible for those three weapon spirits to just sit there and do nothing.

He must not let go...

Although he himself also wanted to kill this time traveler who could not be conquered by him.

"Speaking of which, on Douluo Continent, if someone possesses both a weapon soul and a beast martial soul, they will first practice the beast martial soul, because in terms of attack power, the weapon soul cannot be compared to the beast martial soul of the same quality. of."

Tang San talked about the theory of martial spirit training, "But martial spirits that can have twins are basically the same in quality. You should cultivate the beast martial spirit first."

"I have my own plans."

Xu Huang naturally knew that the weapon soul had an advantage over the beast soul in terms of attack power, but with the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation, he had no shortage of attack power. What he needed was the most powerful physique, and the beast soul The strengthening of the body by the martial spirit is visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, he hopes that the soul rings of his second martial soul, Zihuang Tianshuanglong, are more than 100,000 years old, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening his body.

"It's you, Tang San, who actually colluded with Austin Griffin. Don't tell me, you don't know what kind of existence it is." Xu Huang asked in a cold voice.

"Sorry, I really don't know."

Tang San held his left hand empty, and the Clear Sky Hammer slowly emerged. The soul power fluctuations in his body suddenly became violent, and extremely destructive energy burst out, heading towards Xu Huang -

"After all, I haven't watched "The Seal of the Sea" either."

(End of this chapter)

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