Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 440 The battle begins, God Realm pays attention

Chapter 440 The battle begins, God Realm pays attention

What a liar!

Xu Huang secretly cursed, "I really haven't seen it, how can I tell the name?" No matter how bad it is, you should have heard of it, right? This guy really doesn't take himself seriously at all.

"Let's go, the battlefield is not here."

Tang San rose into the air, stepped on the void, and flew away from the mainland.

Xu Huang gritted his teeth, and with the help of the power of the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, he also flew through the air and followed closely behind Tang San.


He himself does not have such ability.

"I didn't expect that the God of Divine Punishment would choose Tang San." The moment Luo Qiu, who was hiding in the dark, saw the Haotian Hammer, he also felt the aura of destruction and trembled all over, "It's incredible, but it's the only It takes someone that strong to handle the great Austin Griffin.”

After being more than a hundred miles away from the shore, Tang San stopped and looked around. There were waves everywhere. He turned back to Xu Huang, who was also standing in mid-air and said, "I thought you were going to sneak attack from behind."

"Ha, I'm not as despicable as you think." Xu Huang was disdainful.

"Really? No, or can't we do that?" Tang San put the Clear Sky Hammer on his shoulders, with a playful look on his face, "The character of the owner of the Throne of the Divine Seal of Eternity and Creation is noble. I Humbled."

"But, I want to remind you."

"You, after all, are not the God of Creation. It is not a good thing to hold a person to the standards of the God of Creation and suppress the dark side of his heart. If it breaks out in the future, it will be more dangerous than divine punishment."

Originally, Tang San still had some extravagant hopes for the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, but after learning more about this super divine weapon from Luo Qiu, he became somewhat less interested.

He is not a great and upright person. It may be a bit difficult to get his recognition. He can only defeat the weapon soul and weapon spirit and forcibly seize control of them.

This requires him to have enough understanding and perception of creating this attribute... The time spent in this is probably not as cost-effective as building a similar Soul Seal Throne himself.

When the time comes when his life level reaches a level similar to that of the entire universe, and the Soul Seal Throne is infiltrated by his aura, it will inevitably become a super divine weapon, or even surpass it.

After putting down the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, Tang San's thoughts became much clearer.

"If you want to gain power, you have to pay a price. It's inevitable. But some people pay with sweat, some with emotion, and some with freedom." Xu Huang's will is also extremely firm, Telling a fact bluntly, "No one can get something for nothing. Even I suffered a lot before becoming the emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire."

"Among the time-travelers I have met, you are the best one to deal with." Tang San also told a fact, "The noble God of Creation can look down on all living beings like ants, but he cannot turn a blind eye to ants. "

"Stop talking and let's fight!"

Xu Huang held the sun shield in one hand and controlled the moon blade in the other. He was not ready to continue chatting with Tang San. After all, the moon had already risen from the other side of the sea.

If we continue chatting, it will probably be dawn.

"Your journey through time will end with me!"

call out!

In an instant, the moon blade spun and shot out, heading towards Tang San's face. Its speed was so fast that it seemed like it could cut through the air.

Tilt your head, turn sideways.

Tang San dodged the blow with the smallest movement, and turned to watch the moon blade cut through the sea surface, stirring up waves tens of meters high, and sighed: "It's really sharp, a bit like in "The Legend of Shushan" The Moon Essence Wheel······"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Huang rushed to Tang San, holding the sun shield on his left forearm, and slammed towards his face.


Tang San flicked his left hand, and the Clear Sky Hammer collided with it, making a roaring sound. The moment it touched, Xu Huang flew backwards for nearly a hundred meters before stopping.

The power of the Clear Sky Hammer shocked Xu Huang.

The sun shield was buzzing and his left arm was shaking. Just one blow knocked him down.

When both sides don't use their full strength, my eighty-two-level Soul Douluo can't compare to the seventy-nine-level Soul Saint on the opposite side!

How did the other party practice?

Or is Austin Griffin's strengthening of Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer really that outrageous?

Xu Huang's eyes narrowed and he stared at Tang San without taking any further action.

"What's wrong?" The corner of Tang San's mouth raised slightly, his head tilted slightly to the side, the silver moon blade flew past his ear, fell back to Xu Huang's side, and revolved around it, "Don't you think such a little trick Just cut my head in half?”

The existence of Yuanshen enables Tang San to sense all energy and material changes within a thousand miles, but under normal circumstances, it will not be turned on.

After all, a large part of that huge amount of information is irrelevant junk information, which is troublesome for the soul and brain to process.

The main function of [Tiandao] is not to deal with these spam messages.

Xu Huang didn't answer, black and purple scales appeared on his body, a pair of dragon horns grew on his head, and he released an aura of destruction.

Twin martial spirits cannot be used at the same time——

It means that two martial spirits cannot release skills at the same time, but it does not mean that they cannot appear at the same time. After all, the owner of the twin martial spirits will have two martial spirits appearing at the same time when the martial soul awakens. However, those with strong control can suppress them. The other appears before others.

The training problem for twin martial soul owners lies only in the different attributes that the martial souls bring to the soul power and the inconsistent requirements of different martial souls on the running routes of human soul power.

Just like Bibi Dong, the two martial spirits can be switched and used at will, because she created a soul power twin meditation method, and the soul power attributes and soul power operation routes can be switched freely at will.

As for the Xu Huang in front of him, he probably couldn't think of that much, and he wouldn't have any too advanced meditation methods (compared to Bibi Dong's unimproved soul power twin meditation method), but relied on the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation. The effect is to force the two martial spirits in the body not to conflict.

Cheating money player!

After being possessed by the Zi Huang Tian Slayer Dragon Soul, although Xu Huang's soul power level did not increase, his strength reached a level close to the eighty-fifth level Contra.

"The true form of the sun and the moon!"

As the seventh soul ring of the sun and moon wheel lit up, Xu Huang's sun shield and moon blade floated above his head, turning into a golden sun and a silver crescent moon.

The light of gold and silver rotated, covering several miles in a radius, reflecting the sea into two colors of gold and silver.

This is a domain skill!

But Tang San wasn't shocked at all. Instead, he looked at this area curiously, noticing that the light of the sun and moon within it was slowly absorbed by the Blue Silver Emperor in his body... It seemed that the other party didn't know about him. The martial soul can absorb the brilliance of the sun and the moon, which is a gain for him.

"How is my field?"

Xu Huang showed a look of confidence.

In this sun and moon domain, he can get a 100% increase in all attributes, especially in the attack of the moon blade and the defense of the sun shield, which can increase by 200%!

Moreover, this is still a basic increase. The real power lies in his ability to control the time here!

The sun and the moon rotate, and time passes.

It's all under his control!

"That's it."

Tang San shrugged, yawned, raised the Clear Sky Hammer, pointed it at Xu Huang, and said "Broken".

Black lightning burst out from the Clear Sky Hammer, like thousands of electric snakes scurrying around, instantly impacting the entire sun and moon realm, causing tiny cracks to appear around it, and then exploded into pieces, turning into gold and silver star points all over the sky. , scattered on the sea illuminated by the full moon.

No matter how strong the field is, it can be violently destroyed by Austin Griffin, who has the power of destruction. The destructive attribute of the Purple Sky Slayer Dragon is nothing compared to the God of Scourge.

Xu Huang's body began to instinctively tremble slightly as he was possessed by Emperor Zihuang Mie. The power of the ultimate destructive attribute made his mind tremble.

Fortunately, King Easton, the Holy Dragon, and the Eternal Angel were there to comfort him, so he stabilized and put away the Purple Brilliance Heaven-Destroying Dragon Martial Spirit.

"It is indeed a punishment from heaven. The increase that my second martial spirit brings to me in front of you is far inferior to the suppression effect brought by your Haotian Hammer." As he spoke, thirteen groups of bright eternal stars appeared around Xu Huang's body. , turned into a set of dazzling eternal armor, attached to his body, and then an eternal sword appeared in his hand.

"It seems that he is planning to take action." Feeling the god-level power spurting out of his body and the invisible force oppressing his heart, Tang San smiled.

Four black and three red, the seven soul rings intertwined in an instant, completed the fusion, and floated behind him, forming a sacred blue-gold light. The blue-silver emperor's true body armor was attached in an instant, and life and creation The breath spurted out, fighting against it.

The power of the two collides invisibly, and because they both have the attribute of "creation", they are bound to be divided into higher and lower, and they are more male and female.

"This power has already exceeded level 100!" Xu Huang frowned. He didn't expect Tang San to have such a powerful skill that could transform the Wuhun Armor... Is this the comic version of the Wuhun True Body Armor? ?

Is this increase a bit too exaggerated?

"Soul power is not necessarily inferior to divine power. It just needs to be used more efficiently." As if he saw Xu Huang's shock, Tang San specifically explained to the other party, and then the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand cracked and turned into pieces of war. The armor is attached to the blue silver emperor's true body armor, dyeing it a layer of dark purple.

Then, on the left hand, another purple-black war hammer appeared, which was more exaggerated than the previous Haotian Hammer. There was a purple-gray gem on the front of the hammer head, and there was a circle similar to a dragon's head on the side of the hammer head. There are seven relief decorations in total, and the eighth one is also looming.

Austin Griffin could take the form of a great sword, but after inhabiting the Clear Sky Hammer, he gradually fell in love with the violence of the hammer, and changed the sword form to something similar to the Clear Sky Hammer.

Hammering to the flesh is the real aesthetics of violence!

After the purple-gold Jiuhao battle armor was attached to the blue-silver emperor's true body armor, the power of destruction and creation reached a balance. The attributes of life and death rotated at the gem on the chest, and the aura of the whole body shot straight to the sky, shaking away. Under the clouds on a moonlit night, the god-level power is clearly visible. At the same time, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu from Wuhun Palace, Xue Qinghe from Tiandou Empire, Tang Chen from Haotian Sect, and Bo Saixi from Poseidon Island all felt something and looked towards where Tang San and Xu Huang were. the orientation.

Qian Daoliu frowned: "God, has he appeared?"

Xue Qinghe/Qian Renxue: "Is it you? Tang San, indeed, you also want to break through the limits of mortals, but I feel that your own strength has not reached that level yet. It should be through the Spirit True Body Armor, Exploding a power that exceeds a hundred levels...Can the Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire actually allow you to use such an ability?"

Tang Chen was undergoing the final divine test, but he also sensed the god-level power. God King Shura, who was presiding over the final divine test, frowned and sent out a ray of spiritual thought to explore where the god-level power exploded. Surprised: "Isn't that kid really the 'illegitimate son' of destruction and life? Isn't it too foul to be able to explode with such strength in just the soul saint stage? It has a great impact on the human world... But the opponent himself But it's clear that he hasn't reached the level of god, so I don't want to take care of him... Forget it, this Tang Chen is pretty good, at least I need to spend more power. Anyway, I don't want to wait any longer, and let the successors take care of those two people. Go to the life and destruction of the Supreme God King and the husband and wife who are as pure as a child!"

At this time, in the God Realm, the first thing to notice was Poseidon. After all, who told Tang San and Xu Huang to fight so close to the place of inheritance he left behind?

"I'm going! These two guys are so horny!" Poseidon, the god of the sea, used the Poseidon Trident on Poseidon Island and relied on the faith provided by the entire sea creature to clearly observe the battle situation in that battlefield.

One has mastered the power similar to creation, the armor and weapons are all magical level, and together they are a set of super artifacts.

The other one is even more exaggerated. He does not have a divine weapon, but relies on the special way of using the soul ring to explode the energy contained in it, making his strength directly surpass that of a god.

That strange-looking hammer should be the magical weapon transformed by his martial spirit when his strength increased to the god level.

"They are all good inheritors." Poseidon fell in love with Tang San. After all, Xu Huang was wearing divine armor and holding a divine sword. He was obviously attracted by other gods. How could he snatch people away?

As for the lack of compatibility between Tang San and him, the sea god... that's no problem. As a god, what's the difficulty in changing a person's martial soul attributes?

What's more, the sea can breed all things, for creation; the sea can also set off tsunamis, flooding the land, for destruction.

The properties are quite consistent!

It just depends on the situation. Even if Tang San doesn't accept his divine test, he can still break through level 100. If he comes to him in person and is rejected, it will be embarrassing.

By the way, I heard Shura say that this guy seems to be the "illegitimate son" of destruction and life? He also refused the passing of two people...

Forget it, let's look for it in the future. Anyway, even if that guy Shura passes on the throne, he won't be able to leave immediately before his successor ascends to the God Realm.

One day in the divine world, one hundred years in the lower world.

There seem to be many talented geniuses born in Douluo Continent in this era. You can look for them again, and you should be able to find a successor within a hundred years.

Even if he couldn't be found within a hundred years, that guy Shura would probably be waiting for him. After all, if you leave the God Realm to explore the universe, you have to have a companion, right?


He just wants to see the excitement.

The good, evil, destruction, and life in the divine world also noticed the lower realm at this time. Each of them separated a trace of their spiritual thoughts and gathered in Douluo Continent to present the scene on the sea.

"It's you two's illegitimate child again." Evil still had Tang San's memory fresh, and teased about destruction and life, but this time, the two of them didn't refute anything.

After all, the goddess of life really recognized Tang San as her godson.

But his kind eyes fell on Xu Huang, and he asked: "The divine armor and the divine sword, combined, are a set of super divine weapons, right? Among the gods in the divine world, except for our five great god kings, who else has super?" An artifact?"

Destruction shook his head: "The God of Emotions who ascended not long ago possesses seven peerless magic swords. If they are counted as a set, there is hope that they can become super magical weapons in the future, but that is also a matter of the future."

Sheng Sheng hesitated and said: "Then we need to investigate carefully, where did this man's set of divine weapons come from, and why he has to duel with Tang San. It seems to be a life and death fight."

Evil suddenly asked: "You seem to be paying special attention to Tang San. Could it be that he is really your son?"

Everyone present knew very well that Tang San had nothing to do with life or destruction, but what was going on with Life's attitude now?

Although he looked fair, he was always thinking about Tang San.

Too much towards Tang San, right?

"Not his biological son." Shengsheng said calmly.

"Oh~" Shan Shan said in a long tone. It's not that they don't understand the relationship between humans, but they are just bystanders. "So you secretly went down to the world and accepted Tang San as your godson?"

The God of Life nodded: "Is there any rule in the divine world that does not allow this?"

Kindness said seriously: "Then do you want to add one now?"

The God of Life continued to nod: "Okay, anyway, what I did before doesn't count."

Shan Shan was helpless, and his eyes fell back on Xu Huang, saying: "We will talk about this later. Next, take a good look at where this divine armor and sword come from, and which god is so luxurious that he still has it?" With the aura of the Creator God...”

Creator God!

Speaking of this, Shan Shan was stunned for a while, then he reacted, his eyes extremely serious: "A creation god from a different world that is not governed by the gods?"

Evil chuckled: "Interesting, I sensed the evil thoughts in this person's heart, like a quagmire... The Creator God of another world chooses the successor, is it so evil?"

Destruction also smiled: "If this guy ascends to the God Realm, he should be able to reach the realm of the God of Creation, right? Although the God of Creation cannot exist forever, during his reign, I will have another 'boss' waiting for me. ."

Although Destruction has the intention of deliberately guiding the two supreme god kings, this is indeed a question that the good and the evil two have to think about——

They don't want someone to stand over them and dominate!

"Let's take a look at Tang San's ability first. If he is defeated, we will take action and seize both the divine armor and the divine sword. We will share the creation insights in them." The kind god made a decision and then asked He said, "By the way, where is that guy Shura? Could it be that he ran away before the throne was passed on?"

Evil, who did not see Shura, used his spiritual mind to explore for a while, and said: "He is presiding over the inheritance ceremony of the divine throne in the space channel that connects Douluo Continent to the God Realm. , according to the time of the God Realm, it may take three or four days... The inheritor's spiritual will is a bit fragile, and the possibility of inheritance failure is more than 50%."

"That's just right. When he comes back, he can bring back the creation artifact." Shan Shan made the final decision.

Evil nodded and said, "Yes, who told him to go down?"

the other side.

Poseidon Island.

Worship Hall.

Among the four people who sensed the divine power, Bo Saixi was the most shocked, because the battle place between Tang San and Xu Huang was not far from Poseidon Island, only about four hundred miles away.

"God has come to the world!" Bo Saixi walked out of Poseidon Temple and looked at the light that shot straight into the sky in the distance. Her heart was shocked. "Is there anyone in this era who can break through and become a god by relying on their own strength?"

"It's incredible!"

"Could it be Tang San, the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace?"

Poseidon Island is far away from the mainland, but it does not know anything about land soul masters. After all, they also have their own fleet and can purchase supplies from the mainland.

In this process, some advanced life-type soul guides were naturally transported to Poseidon Island.

For example: Soul Guidance Photography Device, Soul Guidance Movie, etc.

Bo Saixi also witnessed the entire process of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition through the images recorded by the Soul Guidance Photography Device.

But she didn't expect that Tang San was so outstanding——

He's not even twenty yet, is he?

But there was something Bo Saixi was puzzled about: "Who is the person fighting him?"

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong looked towards the direction of Xiaohai City, her spiritual power emanating out, determining Tang San's position, always ready to cross the distance of thousands of miles, participate in that battle, and deliver a fatal blow to the Sun and Moon Emperor... ·


At this time, Tang San had the power of creation and destruction flowing through his body. With a slight tremble of his arms, the air around him vibrated, and invisible fluctuations pressed toward Xu Huang.

The core gem of the divine armor worn by Xu Huang flickered, releasing a nine-color light, resisting the pressure emanating from Tang San.

The collision between the two invisible forces caused the waves on the sea to become still, like a flash of dark black glass crystal.

Looking from a higher and further place, one can see two invisible waves colliding with each other, distorting the air, disrupting the airflow, and setting off billowing waves outside the sea area where the two of them were.

"Disperse!" Xu Huang shouted loudly, swung the eternal sword in his hand, and dispersed the collision between the two momentums. Then he pointed the sword at Tang San and said: "If you can reach such strength, I approve of you, but It’s a pity that you don’t have a divine weapon after all!”

Although Austin Griffin could be armored, after being inhabited by Tang San's martial spirit and fused with it, he no longer had a real entity, which was inferior to the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation.


Tang San was disdainful, and used his Yuan Shen Power to observe the surroundings calmly. His Yuan Shen sensed the presence of six god-level sights nearby, and couldn't help but chuckle.

At least, in the eyes of everyone in the God Realm, he, the "native" character of Douluo Continent, is much closer than the opposite Xu Huang, who controls the super artifact of the God of Creation from another time and space.

What's more, the goddess of life is still my godmother!

When you come out to hang out, whether you are a commoner or a prince or aristocrat, you still have to talk about power and background——

"With the inability to communicate with the soul of the weapon, can you really control that artifact? Can you unleash its true power?"

(End of this chapter)

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