Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 456 God’s thoughts are nothing more than this

Chapter 456 God’s thoughts are nothing more than this

After leaving the Elf Kingdom, Tang San, led by Nian Nian and Meng Meng, came to the end of the forest.

Sun, sand, waves.

Looking at the endless sea, Tang San stretched out and said with a smile: "Compared with the outside world, the sea in this eternal domain is no different, except that the aura of water attribute is very strong. People with corresponding attributes come If you practice here, one day is worth ten days."

For ordinary people, the Eternal Realm is a treasured land for cultivation.

Compared with the Eternal Realm, the Ice and Fire Eyes are much weaker. If you search carefully, you can find countless fairy grass treasures.

But Tang San hasn't picked too much in the past hundred years. After all, human energy is limited, and in the Eternal Realm, compared with Wuhun City, the starry sky world has become a stand-alone state, unable to contact the outside world.

Fortunately, Tang San also planted a lot of Blue Silver Emperors in the forest, established a Blue Silver Network here, and taught the elves how to use them.

The elves can upload the knowledge they have discovered, organized, and summarized, and can express any of their ideas to the entire elven community through the Blue Silver Network, including how to use the power of nature and the power of life.

For the Elf clan, inheritance is not something that is hidden away, but is willing to be shared with all clan members, for fear that the clan members are not strong enough and cannot learn, and the inheritance will be cut off.

But now, with the Blue Silver Network provided by the Blue Silver Emperor, all knowledge can be stored in it, and most elves even use it as a memo to record everything they see and hear.

This can also give Tang San countless information feedback...

Thanks to [Heaven's Way], otherwise Tang San's brain and spirit would explode just from the huge amount of information... This also made Tang San start to think of another spiritual attack method, which was to use Lan Lan. The Silver Network directly connects to other people's mental power. The huge amount of information infused into it at that moment may be able to burst the soul of a god king in an instant...

"Tang San, do you really want to go to Shenlong Island?" Mengmeng asked, "That is the legendary residence of the sacred dragon. No elves have ever been there, and there are orcs living there."

The sacred dragon represents the power of life in this eternal realm and controls the sea and all magical beasts.

The so-called orcs are a race whose body shape is close to the human body after reaching a certain level of cultivation, but retain most of the characteristics of beasts. They are an intelligent race governed by the sacred dragon. They basically live on Shenlong Island. Above, only a few are living outside.

"That's right." Tang San nodded, "It is my mission to teach them not to spend everything in their lives on faith and to live for themselves."

A look of reverence appeared in Nian Nian's eyes.

Even though she had followed Tang San for hundreds of years, every time she heard Tang San say this, she felt how honored she was to be able to follow him and spread his ideas to the tribe.

The same is true for Mengmeng.

It was precisely because of this that the two of them were willing to follow Tang San. They not only liked it, but wanted to learn more wisdom from Tang San, and even developed a strong curiosity about the outside world.

Even Elf Queen Alice actually wants to come with her, but as a queen, she cannot leave the group at will. Even if the elves do not need her to perform any duties, the existence of the queen has nothing to do with the ordinary lives of most elves. There is no direct connection, but if the queen of a group suddenly leaves, the elves who have existed in the forest of the Eternal Realm for countless years will be at a loss.

This cannot be changed in just a hundred years.

Meng Meng and Nian Nian followed Tang San for the purpose of setting an example for their tribe, encouraging fellow elves to explore the world of the Eternal Realm in the future, and passing on the lofty wisdom of the great sages to other intelligent races!

"The direction of Shenlong Island is over there." Niannian pointed in a direction, "Let's fly there." "This is the first time for the two of us to leave the paradise of elves." Mengmeng looked back at the lush forest, her eyes Gradually, he said firmly, "However, this is also the first step for us to grow, right, Tang San?"

"You shouldn't ask me this. As long as you don't regret it if you encounter a desperate situation in the future, that's enough."

After saying that, twelve blue and silver wings appeared behind Tang San, flying towards the direction guided by Nian Nian. Nian Nian and Meng Meng looked at each other and smiled. Six pairs of thin wings appeared behind each other. After a slight vibration, they quietly followed Tang San. , heading towards Shenlong Island...


"You also said that the direction the queen is pointing to is not wrong, right?"

After flying for nearly a day, when I looked around, I still saw the undulating sea. Mengmeng looked at Nian Nian with some suspicion, "Or maybe you remembered the wrong direction or pointed the wrong way?"

Nian Nian's head was full of black lines: "The queen is not wrong, and my memory is very good. It must be too far. Let's fly for a day or two to see."

For the three of them, not to mention not sleeping for a day or two, even if they don't rest for a month or two, they are still full of energy.

"You guys, relax and let me control your body. I'm going to start accelerating."

Tang San released two blue silver emperors, wrapped around the waists of Meng Meng and Nian Nian, attaching the soul power to their bodies, and then the twelve blue silver wings behind him burst out with silver-blue light, flying at a constant speed improvement!



three times!

In the end, Mengmeng and Niannian could no longer see the surrounding scenery clearly, and could only feel the pictures flashing past their eyes.


"too fast!"

You know, both of them were around level ninety-eight, but under Tang San's extreme flying speed, they were blinded.

This is naturally because Tang San's twelve blue and silver wings are extraordinary, evolved from the divine pattern of the phoenix, and can even fly in the void.

When the two women came to their senses again, Tang San's speed also slowed down, and ahead, an island slowly appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

It was said to be an island, but from Tang San's point of view, its diameter was more than 800 miles, which could be regarded as a small land mass.

Compared with the forest where the Elf Kingdom is located, the vegetation on the island has dozens of times weaker life breath, but it has a relatively strong energy of heaven and earth, and this energy is relatively violent.

Based on this alone, Tang San could probably judge that the orcs living on this Dragon Island should be extremely strong, and should be good at physical combat methods, rather than elemental attacks.

"Do you have any more information about the orcs?" Tang San asked Mengmeng and Niannian.

"Except that they are humanoid intelligent creatures with the characteristics of Warcraft, we don't know anything else." Mengmeng shook her head, "After all, we basically have no communication with the orcs on Shenlong Island and the winged people in Sky City, and there is no similarity between us. The Blue Silver Network communication method you brought to us."

"Is this so?" Tang San sighed and thought to himself: The three races are isolated, but they can maintain a single belief, but only through mutual communication can the three races in the Eternal Realm continue to develop and grow.

The eyes of the Eternal Lord, King Easton, the Holy Dragon, and the Eternal Angel are all too short-sighted.


His thoughts——

Nothing more than that!

(End of this chapter)

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