Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 457 Speculations on the Sacred Dragon

Chapter 457 Speculations on the Sacred Dragon

After entering Shenlong Island, Tang San, Nian Nian, and Meng Meng flew for a while and saw many undulating mountains. There were many paths extending in all directions, connecting huts built with stones.

Therefore, Tang San was ready to go down and inquire about the situation.

Arriving at a small town, Tang San discovered that the people living here were all werewolves. When they saw Tang San, Nian Nian, and Meng Meng, they all looked curious.

After all, in the werewolves' minds, the only "orcs" with such little hair were snake people, lizard people, turtle people, fish people, etc. They had never seen Tang San and others in such a state.

"Are you mermaids?" A little werewolf who was only about half the height of an adult werewolf came over and asked very familiarly: "I heard that there are branches of the fishman family living in the sea: mermaids. After they land, the fish tail will turn into legs, and you look very similar to the portrait I recorded on the parchment."

"No, I'm a human." Regarding this bold wolf boy, Tang San resisted the urge to raise his hand to touch it, and then introduced the two people beside him, "They are the elves from the Easton Forest."

"Elf!" the wolf boy exclaimed, "I thought it was a legend! I didn't expect it to actually exist, but humans... I have never heard of it."

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am a smart little werewolf named Peter Jack Truss Griffin."

Mengmeng blinked: "Do all orcs have such long names?"

"Of course not. The reason why my name is so long is naturally because I inherited the noble bloodline of my ancestors and the bloodline of the Xiaoyue clan." Peter Jack Truss Griffin opened his mouth wide and said proudly. He revealed his origins, but the shabby shorts he was wearing were not very convincing.

"Ha ha!"

The werewolves around him laughed.

"Peter, you are talking nonsense again."

"Don't fool others."

"Poor little werewolf, a loser who can't even cultivate fighting spirit."


Listening to the ridicule in his ears, the little werewolf's eyes were not angry, but he seemed to be used to it. He did not refute anything, but said to Tang San: "Guests, do you need a tour guide? I am quite familiar with this small city, as well as the nearby villages and towns. , as long as you pay ten small copper coins, I can be your guide and take you around here."

Tang San took out a golden soul coin, handed it over, and said, "Is this kind of currency okay?"

The little werewolf took it, sniffed it, and nodded: "It's gold!"

Then, he hurriedly looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. He immediately put it in his pocket and rummaged through his body to find a lot of things: red copper coins with blurred patterns; a black bone with a Half a meter long.

"The patterns on your gold coins are very delicate. They should be the currency of the Elf Kingdom, right?"

In fact, the kingdom of elves has no currency, because Easton Forest can satisfy everything for them, so it is usually in the form of barter.

Even if the Blue Silver Network is built, the transaction method of the elves will remain the same. The exchange between each other only depends on whether the two parties like each other.

Elves, a simple people.

At least that's the case with the elves in Easton Wood.

On this Shenlong Island, towns and villages have been established, and they also have currency, but they don't look much more civilized than the elves in Easton Forest.

"Here comes the great sacred dragon!" "I swear, I have never seen such a beautiful gold coin pattern before!"

"But I can't find it, so I can only take out these. Do you think it's okay?"

Seeing the little werewolf scratching his head, Tang San smiled and said: "That's not worth mentioning to me, and you don't need to change. How about taking us on a tour and introducing the local customs here?"

"no problem."

The little werewolf smiled happily, stuck out his tongue and breathed. He quickly picked up the copper coins on the ground, put them into his trouser pocket, and then pinned the bone to his lower back.

That black bone is actually a dragon bone. It is extremely hard, infused with soul power, and can draw energy of dark attributes. In terms of value, it is far more than a gold soul coin.

But Tang San was unwilling to take advantage of this little werewolf, and there seemed to be quite a lot of this kind of bones...

At least, in this small town, Tang San saw a large pile of these black dragon bones placed in the corner of a blacksmith shop.

"Guests, please follow Peter Jack Truss Griffin to visit this town!" The little werewolf took out the black bones behind his waist and pointed straight ahead, as if he was commanding an army. The general with thousands of horses was quite high-spirited, and his tail kept wagging behind him, as if he was very excited.

Perhaps, for him, being able to earn a gold coin is a very happy thing.

"What kind of monster does that black bone in your hand belong to?" Mengmeng sensed the dark element in it and couldn't help but ask.

"This?" the little werewolf said with a smile, "This is the bone of a magical beast called the Dark Dragon. According to legend, they are the descendants of the sacred dragon. Their leader wanted to replace the sacred dragon and challenged him, but failed. , were killed by the sacred dragon, and all their descendants turned into the lowest level of monsters."

"Unlike other warcraft, this kind of dark dragon, no matter how powerful it is, cannot give birth to wisdom. It is said that the sacred dragon deprives them of the right to obtain wisdom."

"But correspondingly, this kind of dark dragon has also gained powerful reproductive capabilities, and it is the one with the fastest reproduction rate among all dragon monsters."

"Even every thousand years, the orcs from the entire Shenlong Island will unite and go to the Shenlong Mountains to clean up the dark dragon. It is said that the one who kills the most will also be rewarded with the sacred dragon."

"Anyway, I haven't been there. After all, I'm only one hundred and thirty-two years old."

If what the little werewolf said is true, then the main news revealed in it is:

The sacred dragon is a small-minded person!

The Dark Dragon is the descendant of the Sacred Dragon and is preparing to "kill his father". If it fails, he will most likely die, and then the entire Dark Dragon clan will be deprived of their wisdom.

But without wisdom, the dark dragon tribe has evolved a reproductive ability that other dragon tribes do not have.

This is likely to exceed the expectations of the sacred dragon.

Secondly, the orcs who hunt the dark dragon can get the praise of the sacred dragon, which shows that the sacred dragon hopes to wipe out all this race. However, due to his identity: the mount of the creation god, he needs mercy. If he does it himself, he may He is criticized by others, so he can only adopt this method similar to [assessment-reward].

In this way, the sacred dragon can appear in front of the orcs every thousand years, making the orcs more devoted to his faith, and it can also clean up the dark dragon.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, in general, the Holy Dragon should be more "diligent" than King Easton. After all, most of the elves in Easton Forest have only seen the pets raised by King Easton, and Easton King Dun... spent most of his time hiding in his cave and sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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