Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 460: God of Creation: I don’t want to see it

Chapter 460 God of Creation: I don’t want to see...

After Peter Jack Truss Griffin knew that his cultivation had regressed because of the trouble caused by this little guy in the Dark Dragon Bone, he was so angry that he howled like a dog.

It wasn't until Xun'er comforted her for a while that she calmed down.

However, Xun'er didn't have a good impression of this dark dragon. She glared angrily and said: "If it weren't for you, my brother is the most powerful genius in the family. How could he be laughed at by the people in the family? How could he end up like this? situation?"

The Dark Dragon sneered: "There is no way, who told me to be seriously injured? I was not awake at the time, and I could only instinctively absorb other people's cultivation to nourish my soul."

"Shenhun?" Xun'er's eyes narrowed, "Is it possible that you are a god?"

"Yes, this dragon is the god of the dark dragon clan, the dragon god Dak!" The dark dragon raised its little head, showing a proud look, but then it looked like the flowers and plants had been burned by the sun, and lowered its head. "However, there is only a trace of it left now. Fortunately, I am still the son of the sacred dragon. That old thing actually destroyed me physically and mentally."

The little werewolf and Xun'er looked at each other, not knowing what to say. In the end, Peter spoke first and said: "You have to make up for it. After all, I have been sucked into you for so many years."

"Is this Dragon God the one who takes your things for nothing?" Dak said disdainfully, "I did not absorb your cultivation in vain. For a truly strong person, character is the most important thing. In those years when you were ridiculed , the will is much stronger than usual, I was planning to observe it again and show up to teach you..."

In fact, Dak had no such intention at all. When the little werewolf broke off the engagement, he was still a little bloody, but then he ran away... Therefore, Dak never thought of confessing to the little werewolf.

It's just that this guy didn't know what luck he had, and he unexpectedly met another strong man and discovered his existence.

More importantly, this guy has destructive attributes, which are more pure than him. Even in his heyday, it is difficult to compare with him, as if he is his superior.

"This is not how the mind is tempered."

Tang San shook his head, "Forget it, I won't say much about this. It's just that your last sentence seems to be different from the version of the story we heard?"

"Oh? What do outsiders say about me?" Dak was a little curious.

"You said you wanted to replace the sacred dragon and challenge, and then you were killed..."

"Fart!" Dak's four claws tightly grasped the dark dragon bone, his two small purple eyes widened, and he cursed, "It's obvious that the old guy thinks that I transformed darkness into destruction and achieved destruction. The Dragon God thought I was a nuisance and killed me directly!"

"You also said that I wanted to follow the path of the God of Punishment... At that time, I was just cutting through the mess with a sharp knife. Without any explanation, I chopped off this dragon without even giving him a chance to explain!"

"Fortunately, this remnant of my soul has survived...I want revenge. Since that bastard said that I want to follow the path of the God of Punishment, then I have to show him. If I can't do it myself, I will train someone else." Come out and make him regret it!"

Another version told by Dak blamed everything on the sacred dragon because he was afraid of his destructive attributes.

Two versions, which one is true and which one is false?


If you really want to discuss the truth or falsehood.

Tang San felt that it was more feasible for Dark to tell him. After all, the Holy Dragon, as a follower of the Creation God, naturally knew Austin Griffin and knew how powerful he was, so he was naturally extremely wary of the destructive attribute.

The truth is: Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

But Tang San wouldn't completely believe it, but judging from the current situation, the dark dragon god Dake's superficial purpose was the same as his own, to defeat the sacred dragon.

The only difference is that Tang San wants people here to stop believing in the sacred dragon as everything, while Dark Dragon God Dak wants to get revenge or something like that.

"Challenge the sacred dragon?" The little werewolf suddenly felt that happiness came too suddenly. An unknown human strongman chose him, and another dark dragon god also chose him. Could it be that he is the destined son of this dragon island?

"Are you confident?" Duck looked at Peter.

"Of course!"

Peter was full of confidence at this time, wasn't he the sacred dragon? Watch him slaughter it for both of them later!

"Good! Very energetic!" Dak nodded with satisfaction. He felt that Peter also had a good point, that is, he was easy to fool. "In the future, listening to this dragon's orders will definitely give you the power to surpass the sacred dragon."

Peter looked at Tang San, thought for a while, and said: "No, you teach me because you owe me, who told you to steal my cultivation? And I already have a teacher, he will teach me , Besides, you can’t compare, otherwise you wouldn’t be scared by my teacher.”

Dak wanted to refute, but Tang San hadn't taken back the Clear Sky Hammer yet. The aura of destruction seemed to come to life, turning into a set of purple chains and wrapping around his neck, as if he dared to say " The word "no" made his soul disappear into thin air.

"This is divine punishment..."

When Dark realized something, he immediately prostrated himself on the dark keel and kowtowed towards the Clear Sky Hammer, "It turns out it's the great God of Destruction above. I was the one who was presumptuous. Please forgive me. I am willing to surrender to you and be the most loyal minister." Servant."

The Clear Sky Hammer trembled and imprinted the wisp of destructive power into Dak's eyebrows, making his soul stabilize and no longer so illusory.

"Thank you to the great God of Scourge!"

The little werewolf was very disdainful of Dak's surrender, but Xun'er was extremely wary of the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand: "The attribute of destruction is very evil, as if it can destroy everything in the world." "The power is not There is no distinction between good and evil." Tang San withdrew the Clear Sky Hammer, dissipated the aura of destruction, and released the Blue Silver Emperor. The rich aura of life made the little werewolf and Xun'er feel a lot more comfortable, "The key is to use people."

After Xun'er came back to her senses, she was extremely unbelievable: "Destruction and life, these two attributes appear in one person at the same time. This is simply a fantasy!"

"But this is the fact." Tang San took the Blue Silver Emperor back into his body, and introduced his origins and purpose to the little wolf boy and Xun'er, "I come from outside the realm of eternity, from a planet plane called Douluo Continent. , the people there all have martial souls, which are part of themselves..."

"And I came to the Eternal Realm because I accepted the assessment of the Creator God."

Xun'er couldn't believe it, but her identity was extraordinary and she knew some secrets. For example, the sacred dragon was actually the mount of the God of Creation, and this eternal realm actually only existed within a throne.

Now that I think of a human like Tang San, I suddenly understand that the other person is not lying, but is accepting the test of the Creation God, and wants the faith of the creatures in the Eternal Realm to belong to him, not the gods.

This is not to deny people’s belief in God, but rather to not dedicate everything to God and to live a life of their own!


God does not require belief.

Perhaps, this is what the Creator God wants to see...

The core of the eternal realm.

The sacred dragon had a gloomy face. He did not expect that the dark dragon god Dak still had a trace of his soul left in the world: "I was careless. I didn't look carefully at first, but it doesn't matter. Even Dak in his heyday is not my opponent. , the guys he trained can only be suppressed by me."

King Easton reminded: "Don't forget, Tang San is also training the person chosen by Dake. You will be in trouble, hehehehe."

"Hmph!" The sacred dragon flicked its tail, whipping King Easton away for a distance, and cursed: "It's better than you. The elves in Easton Forest have almost forgotten to treat you as Yishun in the past hundred years. King Dun."

King Easton snorted coldly, but could not refute anything.

Eternal Angel acted as peacemaker and said: "Okay, you two should stop arguing. The Eternal Lord is still here. How embarrassing? Let's see what Tang San will do."

The sacred dragon said: "As long as that Tang San doesn't take action himself, no matter how powerful that Peter Jack Truss Griffin grows, he is still a god without a godly position, I can do it with just one claw Suppress it and let it follow in Dak’s footsteps.”

"Dak is still your son." King Easton mocked, "Is it honorable to kill your own son? I haven't even wiped out the Moonlight Elf clan in my territory."

"What son? I don't even know when I slept with his mother!"

The sacred dragon made a "scumbag" declaration, causing the Lord of Eternity to also turn his gaze——

"Um...his mother slept with me while I was sleeping and took away my essence seeds. Afterwards, the female dragon got pregnant and came to the door, and I found out about it."

"Lord of Eternity, you really can't blame me for this, right?"

The Lord of Eternity turned away and didn't want to pay attention to this lustful mount. Anyway, He didn't really believe the words spoken by the sacred dragon. After all, after He was created, this guy had nothing but mating for the past tens of millions of years. , just to pass the boring time on the way to mating.

In fact, the sacred dragon also had fantasies about him, the Creator, but later he gave up his thoughts after being frightened by him.

However, speaking of it, the dragons seem to be ruthless, even if they reach the god level, it is inevitable...


"Teacher, this Dak can no longer absorb my fighting spirit, but I have wasted too much time, how should I make up for it?" The little werewolf rubbed his hands, huffing, and hung his tongue on the side of the long mouth.

It's said to be a wolf, but it's actually more like a husky.

To put it bluntly, in Tang San's eyes, all male werewolves actually looked the same. If he just looked at them with his eyes and didn't use the power of his soul to distinguish, he wouldn't be able to tell who was who.

Just like in previous lives, Chinese people looked at foreigners, and foreigners looked at Chinese people. At first, they were all face-blind and couldn't tell who was who. Only with a more special appearance could they recognize them at a glance.

"Follow me, go all the way, spread wisdom, accept one challenge after another, and your strength will naturally improve by leaps and bounds." Tang San stood up and extended an invitation to Peter, "Will you travel with me to the entire Shenlong Island?"

"It sounds good, and it's boring to live in one place for a long time." The little werewolf agreed, and his eyes fell on Xun'er, "Well, you..."

"Wherever brother Griffin goes, I will go." Xun'er was like a little daughter-in-law, unwilling to be separated from the little werewolf.

"No problem, multiple people, multiple companions." Tang San smiled, "After all, your little girlfriend is very worried that I will abduct you."

"What little girl..." The little werewolf suddenly felt a pain in his waist. When he saw Xun'er pinching his fur, he immediately changed his mind: "Yes, Xun'er is my little girlfriend. We will definitely be together in the future. , and have lots of babies.”

Xun'er then let go of her hand, with a shy look on her face (ω): "Brother, don't talk like that in front of others...I am so shy!"

Tang San: "..." Something is wrong with this female wolf!

Mengmeng and Niannian: "..." Are orcs so bold?

(End of this chapter)

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