Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 461: Giving Chicken Soup to Disciples

Chapter 461: Giving Chicken Soup to Disciples

Compared with the elves, the orcs are much wilder. Although they also have artistic creations, they are more advocating for force.

Therefore, if you want to impart wisdom, you must first win with force.

In person?

Tang San believed that his military power was unrivaled, but that would not convince the public. Once he left, the people here would probably return to their original state, and they still needed to cultivate a spokesperson.

As the young werewolf, Peter Jack Truss Griffin is a good choice.

However, before launching the military conquest, the little werewolf needed to improve his strength. For this reason, Tang Sanzhen regarded him as his student and taught him wholeheartedly how to practice and how to fight.

Although the other party is an orc, according to Tang San's inspection, except for the fact that he does not have a martial spirit, in other aspects, except for the thick hair and the skull being different from humans, other parts of the body structure are similar to humans, and the so-called storage The place of fighting spirit is also located three inches below the navel.

However, Tang San also discovered that the meridians in the bodies of orcs... well, werewolves are still different from those of humans. They are naturally stronger and can hold more energy. They are even more closely connected with blood and energy, and can Autonomous stimulation of Qi and blood.

This is much more convenient than most humans on Douluo Continent.

Moreover, within every cell of the little werewolf, Tang San also sensed a strange energy. According to this world, it was the bloodline power of the Howling Moon Wolf King.

But Tang San was able to sense a deeper level, which was that this energy was only a surface. The real root lies in the expression of the bloodline factors in the core of the cells.

In this world, there is talk of extracting the power of blood. In fact, it only extracts the power of blood from these cells, but the blood factors cannot be extracted.

However, for ordinary orcs, extracting the power of blood is equivalent to violently destroying most of the cells in the body. In this way, the entire human tissue, organs, and internal circulation composed of organs will also appear. The interlocking problems are naturally irreversible, and only a handful of tenacious people can survive.

And if these surviving orcs can regain their health in the future, the power of their bloodline will reappear.

"What do you mean?" The little werewolf didn't understand.

"I've explained too much to you, and you still don't understand. But to put it in layman's terms, if an orc can extract the power of his blood without damaging his cells, it will not cause the orc to become permanently disabled. If you lose the power of your bloodline, you will be sick for a few days, months, or years at most. As long as you regain your health, you can cultivate the power of your bloodline again." Tang San said something that to the little werewolf, it seemed like a night in the sky. Tan Facts, "So, don't pay too much attention to the power of blood. It is the instinct of life. For you at this stage, there is no need to practice before the seventh level."

"That's it!" The little werewolf seemed to understand, and couldn't help but nodded - after all, Teacher Tang San was better than him, so he was right to listen to him.

But Dak had a different view, saying: "How can the power of bloodline not be important? Only by cultivating the power of bloodline quickly can he quickly improve his cultivation level."

"Moreover, the power of blood can better help him control his fighting spirit!"

"The higher the level of bloodline power, the greater the control over fighting spirit!"

Tang San shook his head and said: "If he follows your path, he will never be able to defeat the sacred dragon in his life. After all, you lost to the sacred dragon. The method you taught must bring your experience, and the sacred dragon must be familiar with it. How can we defeat him?"

"He is a werewolf, not a dragon, and your approach may not be suitable for him."

"He needs to come out of his own way."

"And I will only provide direction." Dak still retorted: "I can change his blood. There is a drop of dark dragon blood in my dragon bone, which can make him reborn and become a dragon wolf, which is better than an ordinary dragon." Werewolves are much stronger.”

Tang San was noncommittal.

Admit it, this is indeed more powerful, but facing the sacred dragon, there is no chance.

All the dragons on the Divine Dragon Island are seeds spread by the sacred dragon, and their bloodline is lower than that of the sacred dragon. If the little werewolf accepts the dragon's blood, he will naturally be one step shorter than the sacred dragon. When the time comes to face the sacred giant, At the time of dragon, I am afraid that he will be suppressed by extremely strong bloodline.

"Now, you have two ways." Tang San handed the choice to the little werewolf, "Peter Jack Tesla Griffin, you want to change your blood, get the blood of the dragon family, and be naturally shorter in the future. A sacred dragon, or should you rely on your identity as a werewolf to keep moving forward, break through, break through your own limits, and use your werewolf body to crush the sacred dragon?"

Dak was dissatisfied: "Why do you mean that if he chooses the dragon bloodline, he will naturally end up with a dwarf sacred dragon? I was careless at the time and didn't dodge... Peter or Jack, forget it, this name is really a mouthful... Little wolf cub, don’t listen to this hairless monkey, listen to me, you have obtained my bloodline, your early training will definitely be fast, there will be no bottlenecks before the seventh level.”

Although Tang San contains the God of Divine Punishment, who is he?

Dark Dragon God!

Respecting the God of Divine Punishment does not mean worshiping this human being.

Xun'er wanted to persuade the little werewolf to choose dragon blood. After all, the dragon clan was the most noble one on Shenlong Island, and the other... Although Tang San was special, she felt there was no need to let Peter risk it.

"I listen to the teacher." The little werewolf thought about it again and again, and finally decided to take a risk. Although Dak's method was safer, he had already fallen into this situation. Where could he go if he was worse?

It doesn't hurt to take a risk.

Moreover, Teacher Tang San remembered his name: Peter Jack Tesla Griffin, which meant that he respected himself, instead of relying on his old age and calling him a little wolf cub like Dak.

"Congratulations, you dare to take risks, the possibility of success is 50%." Tang San smiled.

"Huh? Only 50%?" The little werewolf began to regret.

"Why is it 50%? Can you tell me?" Xun'er wanted to ask what kind of confidence Tang San had.

"When doing something unknown, the chances of success and failure are half each..."

Little Werewolf: "..." I really regret it now.

Xun'er was so angry that the hair on her face turned pink: "Are you kidding Brother Griffin?"

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Tang San signaled the other party to be calm and continued, "Only if you dare to do it, you will have a 50% chance of success. If you don't even have the courage, then the chance of success is only zero. "

The little werewolf clenched his fists and said: "Yes, courage is very important. I want to pick up the courage I left behind again! Teacher, please whip me hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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