Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 462: Make rapid progress and reach the sky in one step

Chapter 462: Reach the sky by leaps and bounds

For the little werewolf, Tang San created the simplest technique for practicing the Three Treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen based on the structure of his body's meridians, the circulation of Qi and blood, and the quality of his mental power.

This is also an experiment to see what kind of effects the little werewolf will have after practicing. Tang San also wants to study how to perfectly integrate the three cultivation techniques of his own essence, energy and spirit.

After staying in the elves for hundreds of years, Tang San had a better understanding of the way soul power was transformed into various natural elements. After all, the energy in the elves, although it cannot be said to be soul power, is also included in the theory of the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi, and God. The "Qi" has a very similar nature to soul power.

Even in Tang San's speculation, there is not much difference between the energy and soul power in the elf's body. It's just that the properties are different because of the different planes they are in, affected by various factors such as the energy of the world and the natural environment.

Although the fighting spirit on Shenlong Island was also "qi", through careful observation of the little werewolf, Tang San discovered that this thing was actually better able to combine with qi and blood, and even produce some kind of resonance.

Just like throwing a stone into a calm lake, ripples will appear. When the little werewolf practices fighting spirit, this force will instinctively vibrate the cells in the body, temper the body, and make the blood and fighting spirit in the whole body "dance" together. Standing up, it is like the first piece of dominoes being pushed, and the rest can move independently as long as one piece is not removed from it.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

The human body is inherently orderly.

Through this, Tang San had an idea on how to construct corresponding energy patterns on the ring of heart core and the ring of qi and blood. This requires the use of the most basic...


Sure enough, the road leads to simplicity!

But if you can't reach Tang San's height, you won't be able to proceed even if you know this truth.

In the same way, based on this, Tang San also began to speculate whether the transformation between soul power and mental power could also adopt this resonance and resonance method...

The time of cultivation always flies by.

Ten years have passed by in a hurry.

For ten years, the little werewolf has felt the rhythm of the waves in the sea, the fluctuations of the air in the strong wind, the sounds of insects, birds, and beasts in the natural forest, and listened to the silence and death in the Gobi desert. The tenacity of life in it - the sound of cacti growing, insects, lizards, snakes etc. walking on the sand.

From being afraid at the beginning, to becoming accustomed to it, and now being able to listen to the sounds of all things, the little werewolf felt as if he had seen the most real side of life.

"What's the use of this kind of training?" Dak was very puzzled and didn't understand Tang San's arrangement. "Isn't this just torturing people? In the past ten years, his cultivation level is still zero-level three-star, with no progress at all. , if I come, he will definitely be promoted to level one or above within these ten years."

The first to ninth levels of Dou Qi cultivation correspond to soul masters to titled Douluo in Douluo Continent.

There are two main reasons why the orcs here seem to be practicing very slowly:

First, it has a long lifespan, sufficient resources, and there are no external intelligent races to compete with the orcs, so they can just enjoy themselves. If the soul masters of Douluo Continent see this, they will definitely say: they don’t want to make progress.

Secondly, the fighting spirit cultivated by orcs can also stimulate the energy and blood. The effort required is much more troublesome than that of a soul master who only cultivates soul power, and it naturally takes longer.

However, the advantage is that under the premise that the soul master does not use soul ring and soul bone skills, both sides use physical skills and self-created skills to compete, and the orcs are generally stronger.

At least, the orcs don't have something as convenient as a soul ring, so no matter how favorable the living environment here is, they still need to create combat skills suitable for them based on the characteristics of their own race.


At this point, most of the soul masters in Douluo Continent are not as good as the orcs.

Soul ring...

Sometimes, things that are too convenient can indeed limit imagination, so most soul masters do not think about creating their own soul skills, but think about how to obtain a soul ring that can provide good soul skills. But this is also the advantage of Douluo Continent. As long as the energy flow in soul skills can be systematically, reasonably, and effectively summarized, organized, and summarized, soul masters can completely catch up with other planes in a short period of time. training system.

This is why Electrolux often laments: Douluo Continent is uniquely blessed by nature.

"I also think that Brother Peter is just wasting his time." Xun'er began to wonder if Tang San was playing tricks on Peter. After all, Peter's ten years of training seemed to be just a torment.

"No, I have already come into contact with the truth!" But the little werewolf understood what he had gained in the past ten years, which was the understanding of the rhythm of life!

That is the purest——


He could feel that the negligible fighting spirit in his body resonated with the power of blood to its peak, and even resonated with another energy in his brain.

The three kinds of energy, under the operation of the basic fighting qi training method taught to him by the teacher, are connected with each other, flowing through the whole body, and constantly strengthening everything about him through vibration.


When the fighting spirit began to circulate, the little werewolf's realm continued to break through, from zero-level three-star, to four-star, five-star... The improvement of the realm, the increase of cultivation, until the first-level nine-star, this speed could not stop. Down.

But it only stopped for a short while before continuing to break through.

Second level one star!

Second level two stars!

Second level three stars!


When it came to the second level of nine stars, it stagnated for a while, longer than before, but then continued to break through.

Just like that, breakthroughs continue.

The surrounding energy also continuously poured into his body, and was quickly refined into extremely pure fighting energy.

When his fighting spirit cultivation stopped, he had already reached the sixth level and nine stars. He was only one star away from breaking through to the seventh level!

The seventh level of Dou Qi is equivalent to the soul master's soul saint. It is a watershed. Once it is broken through, it means entering the ranks of true strong men and being able to pursue the rumored eighth and ninth levels.

"Sixth level nine stars!"

Dak's pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at the little werewolf's cultivation and found that his fighting spirit was extremely condensed. As long as he learned a few more powerful combat skills, he would be able to conquer the seventh level, and even be able to fight against the eighth level strong man.


"how did you do that?"

"Tell me! Did that Tang San give you some god-level medicine? Otherwise, how could you become so strong?"

Xun'er was also stunned.

This is the sixth level nine stars!

Among the orcs, even the dragon genius with the most outstanding talent and bloodline broke through the sixth level record at the fastest time, at the age of 433. But how old is Griffin this year?

One hundred and forty-three years old!

Is this going against heaven?

Or is it that these "tortures" are actually some kind of very powerful cultivation method that can make a person make rapid progress and reach the sky in just ten years?

(End of this chapter)

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