Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 479 Tiandou and New Tiandou

Chapter 479 Tiandou and New Tiandou

"Haha, my good brother seems to have had conflicts with his supporters recently." Emperor Qinghe looked at the information that was handed over, sneered twice, casually threw the paper aside, and said to the shadow behind him, " Prick blood and explore the details."

"Yes, young master." The body of Agedigu Douluo disappeared into the shadows.

"Next, it's time to think about how to restore the true body." Qian Renxue once thought that if she kept pretending to be a man, she might need Ling Yuan from the Tiandou City Martial Soul Branch to play a role together. It’s a scene, but Emperor Xue Ye is already dead, so naturally there is no need to pretend.

That's right, Emperor Xue Ye is dead.

On the day when the war ended... the news released by Emperor Qinghe was: he was too excited, prosperous but failed, and hoped that Xue Beng could come back to see his father for the last time.

The purpose is also simple, take the opportunity to send the "unfilial son" away.

Who would have thought that this unfilial son Xue Beng would actually not come!

This was easier to handle, and gave Xue Qinghe a reason to send troops: his father passed away, and he didn't even look at it. He even became independent of the Tiandou Empire, colluded with the rebels, and established the New Tiandou Federation. Loyalty, unfilial piety, unkindness and unrighteousness!

After the news spread, the entire Tiandou territory criticized Xue Beng, and even some people in the New Tiandou Federation were not interested in their federal emperor.

After all, it is well known to those nobles that Xue Beng is a dandy. The reason why he is allowed to be the emperor is simply because he has the bloodline of Emperor Xue Ye and is the orthodox royal family!

The kings of those kingdoms and principalities felt that having a person with the blood of the Xue family as emperor would be able to convince the public... at least in the land of Tiandou, it would be justified in terms of justice.

But now, Xue Beng wants to really take control of real power just because he won a battle. How can we tolerate this? But it is not easy to kill. After all, without the status of Xue Beng, they are really rebels... After all, their original purpose was not to rebel, but to hope that Xue Qinghe would give up the idea of ​​reform. .

They just wanted to bet that Xue Qinghe didn't dare to actually attack them. After all, the Star Luo Empire and even the Spirit Hall would not sit idly by and would definitely take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

But they didn't know that Xue Qinghe was from Wuhun Palace.

However, Xue Qinghe has not yet decided when to attack the rebels, nor has she made any arrangements. After all, she also needs to consider the issues of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Although the Emperor of the Sun and Moon has been defeated, Qian Renxue also knows that Xu Huang, the emperor, does not care about things. Xu Huang is just an extremely powerful being in that continent, and most things are out of control. It is left to his subordinates to execute, and he himself is actually very free.

Qian Renxue felt that this was the real emperor!

How could there be an emperor like her who was busy all day long and had almost no free time?

However, Xu Huang's defeat also gave Qian Renxue a warning: that is, such an emperor seems to have no specific use for the operation of a country. After all, it is the same with or without him, and the empire operates just as well. His existence , is it just equivalent to a high-level thug and bodyguard?

It's just that he is so powerful that no one dares to disobey him.

But the strongest has its own strong hand, and each mountain is higher than the other. Isn't that right? He was beaten to death by Tang San, right? "A mere Bluesilver Grass could grow to such an extent. Now that I think about it, it still feels unreal." Thinking of Tang San, Qian Renxue felt that she hadn't seen him for a while, and she didn't know that the other party had reached this level at this time. At what state, is the gap between me and him getting wider and wider?

As a soul master, Qian Renxue wanted to compete with Tang San, and at the same time, she also hoped to subdue Tang San and use him for her.

It's a pity that there is no chance, and in terms of hard power competition, before I become a god, I'm afraid I will never be able to catch up with the opponent...

"Forget it, let's focus on the upcoming continent-wide senior soul master elite academy competition."

Whether it is reforms within Tiandou, sending troops to the new Tiandou Federation, or preventing another invasion from the Sun and Moon Empire, they all have to be postponed. The Continental Classic is the biggest golden age of Douluo Continent.

However, before that, the captive troops of the Sun and Moon Empire still need to be tried one by one.

Although all the prisoners of the Sun and Moon Empire were brought to Wuhun City, the trial was not a matter for Wuhun Palace alone. Xingluo, Tiandou, and the New Tiandou Federation all had to participate.

After all, this is an invasion from another continent and a provocation to all forces on Douluo Continent!

Qian Renxue even decided that after unifying the continent in the future, she would send troops to the Sun and Moon Continent to capture that continent as well. Those natives of the Sun and Moon Empire would also need to be illuminated by the glory of angels before they could understand the true meaning of life!

On the other side, when Xin Tiandou's Xue Beng faced the kings and lords of the kingdom and principality, they were already in a state of distress, but they were able to temporarily stabilize these people.

At this moment, there were only him and his uncle: Xuexing in the palace hall.

The reshuffle of hereditary nobles naturally includes the nobles of the royal family itself. Even if Xue Xing wants to stay, he has to consider whether Xue Qinghe will keep him. Naturally, he has to follow Xue Beng to the New Tiandou Federation.

But unlike Xue Beng, whose face was full of exhaustion, Xue Xing's complexion was much better. After all, he was old and didn't need to deal with any affairs.

"Uncle, tell me, those people who elected me as the emperor of this new Tiandou, why are they unwilling to give me the real power?" Xue Beng sighed, "I also know that they are interested in my orthodox bloodline, but They are not united, how can I lead them against that bastard Xue Qinghe?"

"That hateful guy has already killed my father and poured dirty water on me, saying I was unfilial. Are the things he did glorious?"

Xue Xing was speechless. After all, they didn't have any black evidence about Xue Qinghe, and Xue Beng never visited Emperor Xue Ye after he became critically ill, but it was conclusive!

Even if they now forge black information about Xue Qinghe, how many people in the world would believe it?

That Xue Qinghe's methods are very clever!

"Your Majesty, saying this is of no use. Judging from the current public opinion, the more we explain, the more people think there is something wrong with us." After a long while, Xuexing finally spoke and put forward his own opinion, "Fortunately, our new The people in the Tiandou Federation have limited communication with the outside world and know less information. Your reputation is not bad... In short, for now, it is good to maintain the status quo, but in the future, you need to figure it out slowly. "

"This is not a problem that your generation can solve."

"We need to take a long-term approach..."

"Now, Your Majesty should deal with two things first. The first is to judge the prisoners of the Sun and Moon Empire. The second is the Continental Elite Competition that will be held next. It is said that this competition has relaxed the conditions for participation, which will inevitably It’s extremely lively, but I just don’t know how to hold it.”

(End of this chapter)

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