Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 480: The messed-up time-travelers

Chapter 480: The messed-up time-travelers

Xue Beng is naturally interested in the new Continental Elite Competition. If the students of New Tiandou Federal College can get good results, it will definitely increase their prestige.

Soul master is the most noble profession in the world.

Especially after the invasion of the Sun and Moon Continent, Tang San single-handedly forced the intruders to kneel down and must abide by his rules, which made the world see the power of the spirit master!

Although in Xue Beng's view, that strange throne was more powerful, it could not be denied that a soul master like Tang San could completely decide the outcome of a war. He could even help Wu Xue Beng if he wanted to. The Soul Palace unified the entire continent.

It's just that Tang San himself doesn't have that kind of interest...

Xue Beng thought he could see this clearly, but just in case, the New Tiandou Federation must also cultivate its own powerful soul masters.

"Uncle, what do you think, let Poison Douluo go to train the students of the Federal Academy?" Xue Beng thought of Dugu Bo. This titled Douluo had a weird temper, but he and Dugu Yan were the granddaughters, and Dugu Yan was also in Wuhun now. On the other side of the city, they must have frequent exchanges with Tang San and others, and maybe they can find out some secret methods about Tang San's teaching students from Dugu Bo, so as to strengthen the training of the federal students.

"I'm afraid not."

Xue Xing could only say that Xue Beng's idea was a good one, but Dugu Bo was only willing to be his guest in order to repay his life-saving grace. He would definitely not obey Xue Beng's orders.

Even if he goes to complain, a person with quirks like Dugu Bo may not agree, and Poison Douluo is also the guarantee that he can enjoy his old age!

"Poison Douluo is casual and withdrawn by nature. He is nowhere to be seen during normal times. It's best not to disturb him."

"Your Majesty, I think that even without Poison Douluo, we still have hope of winning. Doesn't our New Heaven Dou Federation have an emerging force called the Traveler Alliance?"

"Don't they claim to be able to penetrate the Three Kingdoms and One Palace and surpass all soul masters? I also went to investigate. There are indeed those with extraordinary talents among them. They can leapfrog the battle. Why don't we invite them over?"

Alliance of Travelers···

Xue Beng had naturally heard of it, but he had always been wary of this force. After all, it moved from the Tiandou Empire. It was possible that it was a spy arranged by Xue Qinghe in the New Tiandou Federation, so he had never been in contact with it.

In fact, it is because with the rapid development of Tiandou City and surrounding cities, the members of the Traveler Alliance have found that it is becoming harder and harder to fool others, and people have become more sophisticated.

Moreover, Tiandou City has been learning from Wuhun City. If sect members want to gain a foothold in Tiandou City, they must report to Tiandou and Wuhun City, otherwise they will be regarded as "unlicensed sects".

If the scale is small, there won't be much control, but if the scale is large and it has a great impact, people from both sides will come to find it.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the other sects don't care about this. After all, they have already cooperated in the Spirit Hall and the Tiandou Empire, and now it is just a formality.

But for an organization like the Traveler Alliance, this formality is their fate - to establish a sect, they need to submit one million gold soul coins each year to the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace.

If you don't make friends, you can still establish a sect, but you can't recruit people.

Helpless, Feng Ming of the Traveler Alliance could only bring Huoke and Tang Laoya, who had returned from Wuhun City almost empty-handed, to the New Tiandou Federation. There were not so many rules here. As for the name "Traverser Alliance", Feng Ming and others do not intend to change it. There is an explanation for the Douluo natives, but for similar people, there is no need to explain at all. As long as they understand the meaning, they will naturally come to them.

"Are the people from the Traveler Alliance trustworthy?" Xue Beng finally asked the doubt in his heart.

"Don't trust the people you employ, and don't trust the people you suspect." Xuexing shook his head from side to side, "Whether it's trustworthy or not, they at least stay within the borders of the New Tiandou Federation, right?"

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, if Xue Qinghe wants to find out information about us, it will be easy. Don't forget that Ning Fengzhi of the Qibao Glazed Sect is his teacher, and the Min clan has surrendered to them."

"In terms of intelligence, even the Spirit Hall is not as good as the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

Xue Beng's face darkened. The Qibao Glazed Sect was indeed a serious problem for the New Tiandou Federation. They were on the same boat as the Xueqing River and had to be guarded against. However, they, the New Tiandou, did not have the speed to match the reconnaissance soul masters of the Min clan.

Xintiandou is good at everything, but it lacks people...

"That's it for the time being. Uncle Emperor, please invite the Traveler Alliance to the Federal College and ask them to help teach the students of the Federal College." Xue Beng said with a sad face.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely invite them here." Xue Xing vowed, preparing to invite Dugu Bo with him, not afraid that they would not give him face...


The headquarters of the Traveler Alliance is located within the New Tiandou Federal City, covering an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters. It is very small, but for now, it is enough.

"Speaking of which, the reputation of the Traveler Alliance has also been established. Why are we still the only ones?" Feng Ming started a discussion meeting.

Although the leader of the Traveler Alliance is Hawke, the money comes from the Feng family, so Feng Ming naturally has a greater say.

"We can't figure out the thoughts of the time-travelers. Not all time-travelers like to gather together, and not all time-travelers have seen Douluo Continent." Hawke shrugged and leaned lazily on the back of the seat. "Tang Laoya and I met two time-travelers who worked as maids for Tang San in Wuhun City. They probably haven't even read the novel."

Tang Laoya also expressed his opinion: "I think it's a bit stupid to just call it the Alliance of Travelers. What if there are only a few time travelers in this Douluo Continent?"

"Definitely not these few." Feng Ming denied the other party's idea, "Just like newspaper offices and newspapers, this thing was not created by Tang San in the beginning. I suspect that Douluo Continent and the earth may have some kind of time and space channel, so Some of the concepts in this world are not much different from those on Earth.”

"According to what you said, Xiao Yan is not the first time traveler in "Fights Break the Sphere". After all, Canaan College uses English letters to evaluate students' qualifications." Hawke complained about the words in the online article The ancient setting was not rigorous. "It should be blamed on the author of the original work for not setting it properly. Now that we have traveled to Douluo Continent, we have just encountered a similar situation."

Tang Laoya said: "If we really want to explain it, we can only blame it on the time traveler."

Feng Ming was speechless. His purpose was not to blame all unreasonable things on the time travellers, but to attract the attention of these two people and find other hidden time travellers!

Also, this alliance was obviously organized by Hawke at the beginning, so why is he doing it alone now? These two guys are so good and so free. Are they really supposed to be hands-off shopkeepers?

He now doubted whether these two people had gone to Wuhun City, seen Tang San's true power, and had become autistic, so they began to lie down.

Especially Hawke, where was your original arrogance [pointing the country, writing passionately, determined to become a sea god, pulling up a team of time travellers, going to the God Realm, and fighting against the five god kings]?

(End of this chapter)

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