Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 481 The ruined time-travelers

Chapter 481 The ruined time-travelers (continued)

Just when Feng Ming was about to clean up the atmosphere in the alliance, there was a knock on the door outside the conference room, and then Feng Lie walked in and said excitedly: "Brother, Prince Xue Xing came here with Senior Poison Douluo. Now It's in the living room, dad is entertaining, do you want to go over and have a look?"

Why is Feng Lie also in the Traveler Alliance?

The reason is very simple. The Traveler Alliance was established with Feng Ming's funding. Except for Hawke and Tang Laoya, the people in it are basically from the Feng family.

Even in the view of the Feng family, Feng Ming is the person in charge of the time traveler alliance, and the other two are just relatively powerful elders.

"Xue Xing? Dugu Bo?" Feng Ming was stunned.

"Shh~" Feng Lie hurriedly put his index finger in front of his lips and said in panic, "That's a Titled Douluo, how can you call him by his first name? He was obviously very polite when he was a child."

"..." Feng Ming was speechless for a while, then pushed Feng Lie out and said, "Wait a moment, I will discuss it with the two elders and we will go there right away."

After closing the door and seeing Hawke and Tang Laoya looking half-smiling at him, Feng Ming suddenly turned dark: "Hoke, forget about you as an orphan. Tang Laoya, you are so ridiculous. Doesn't Haotian Sect have parents and brothers?"

Tang Laoya was stunned, stopped laughing, coughed twice, and said, "I just thought of happy things."

Feng Ming didn't have time to play tricks with him, so he talked about serious matters and said: "Xue Xinghe Dugu Bo came to see us, what do you think it is for?"

"We have nothing to do with them, right?"

Hawke and Tang Laoya were also puzzled by this, but in the end it was Hawke, the leader of the alliance, who turned his attention to Tang Laoya and spoke, "Maybe it's to communicate with the Haotian Sect?"

Tang Laoya's face darkened and he said: "I have never shown my martial spirit in front of the people of the New Tiandou Federation. They probably don't know that I am from the Haotian Sect... Moreover, the Haotian Sect was supporting the Stars before sealing the mountain. The people from the Luo Empire have not yet expressed their stance after re-emerging, but people on the mainland still acquiesce that we support Xing Luo. Even if the people from Xin Tiandou know my identity, they probably won’t come to me for this, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. I can't trust the minds of the royal family." Hawke shook his head, stood up from his seat, and said to Feng Ming, "It's useless for us to speculate here. Why don't we go out? Dugu Bo is a Titled Douluo, maybe we can communicate with him and get some immortal grass by the way."

"Is there any more fairy grass?" Feng Ming remembered that in the last continental elite competition, Dugu Bo and Tang San were relatively close. It seems that Tang San had already won the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Even if there are other fairy grasses, they don't know what specific effects they have. If they eat them casually, they might be poisoned... Also, why did Dugu Bo take them to the Ice and Fire Eyes?

"You still have to have dreams." Hawke walked to the door of the conference room, opened the door, waved to the two people behind him, "Let's go, it's not good to keep the guests waiting."

"By the way, if we mention that there is something wrong with the detoxification method Tang San gave him, will he believe us?" Feng Ming walked out of the conference room shortly after him and asked abruptly.

"Please, that's not what I meant by communication." Hawke rolled his eyes——

No matter how you say it, Dugu Bo is also a titled Douluo, and he is also the kind who is good at using poison. He has a weird temper and will poison people if he disagrees with him. The Tang Sect Tang San in the original work has to be solved before he can be trusted. The three poisons...if they dared to mention it, they might have been secretly poisoned by Dugu Bo, and they wouldn't know how they died.

The communication he was talking about was taking this opportunity to get to know each other. Once we get to know each other, there might be a slim chance of going to the Ice and Fire Eyes...


Arriving at the living room of the Traveler Alliance, Hawke recognized Dugu Bo at a glance. Apart from him, he was the only one with white hair and the oldest person here.

Moreover, there was an invisible sense of oppression covering the three of them, like mountains and lakes, but also cold and terrifying, as if it was eroding the bones and marrow, making people instinctively fearful.

Feng Ming, Huo Ke, and Tang Laoya realized that Dugu Bo's poison attack must have reached its peak, otherwise it would be impossible for the three of them to feel it, while Feng Ming's father and brother had no feeling at all.

This is a show of strength for the three of them!

"I've met Senior Poison Douluo." X3

The three of them bowed to Poison Douluo.

Poison Douluo nodded slightly and praised: "The body and bones are quite strong. Even if he is placed in Wuhun City, he is still a good genius, but compared with the real monster, he is still far behind."

This was a very unemotional thing to say, but it was indeed Dugu Bo who could say it. After all, he didn't need to care about the psychological feelings of these three people.

The strong are willful.

"Of course we can't compare to the peerless geniuses of Wuhun City." It was Feng Ming who spoke. After all, this place is funded by his family, and Hawke, the real person in charge, is not suitable for "stealing the guests and taking over the host."

The head of the Feng family said: "Then I will bring you some snacks."

He knew that Prince Xuexing and Senior Poison Douluo were here to see Feng Ming, Huo Ke and Tang Laoya, especially Prince Xuexing. Since then, he had never bothered to discuss with him and only drank tea there... The head of the Feng family naturally knew that the other party looked down upon him, so when his son came, he would no longer suffer here, so he pulled Feng Lie out of the living room together. Seeing this situation, Dugu Bo didn't say anything polite and said: "This time, the New Tiandou Federation hopes that you will guide the training of the federal students, so as to achieve a better result in this continental elite competition."

"This is about the face of the New Tiandou Federation."

Xuexing continued: "If you are willing, we can provide you with a large amount of development funds, and your Alliance of Travelers will also become the largest sect in New Heaven Dou... I have learned about you, and you are all talented. The talent is no less than that of the previous championship team, but they are short of money and don’t have enough training resources.”

"As long as you say a word, we can provide it to you immediately!"

"Don't worry, we won't ask you to do anything else. We just hope that you can guide the students. That's all. You are equivalent to the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy."

Hawke understood, that is, Xin Tiandou's Xue Beng and Xue Xing most likely took a fancy to their talents and were ready to invest to become the future support of the New Tiandou Federation.

But is Avalanche reliable?

The description of Xue Beng in the original book is that he is the master of Zhongxing with great talents and strategies, but it is still unclear whether it applies to the current Xue Beng. After all, he has not yet controlled the real power of the New Tiandou Federation to resist the invasion of the sun and the moon. In the process of the war, although he personally fought the war and wanted to gain gold, the war was Tang San's personal show, and Xue Beng and others became a cheerleading team, just going through the motions.

The Traveler Alliance is established within the territory of the New Tiandou Federation, so it will be fine. Even if they are conquered by the Tiandou Empire in the future, they can just work honestly and it won't be a big deal.

But if you completely support the New Tiandou Federation, the nature is different.

This is to fight to the death with the Tiandou Empire!

The three of them all knew who Emperor Qinghe was. Although they had a "small" misunderstanding with Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace, at least they were connected by blood... This meant they had to confront Wuhun Palace and Tang San directly!

With the strength Tang San showed in that battle, Hawke feels that even if he inherits Poseidon in the future, he may not be able to do it... What's even more outrageous is that he has done everything similar to the Divine Seal Throne. Out.

This is too messy!

It’s really hard to beat!

But Dugu Bo was present at this time and could not refuse outright, so Hawke could only say: "Thanks to the prince's love, we are naturally willing to help, but our cultivation also requires going out to experience, and we cannot stay in one place for a long time. I'm afraid Can’t quite join Confederation College.”

"Experience?" Xuexing looked angry, but still suppressed his temper and said, "Doesn't this conflict with joining the Federation?"

Hawke's face darkened and he said secretly: Weak people don't even have the right to refuse. In this world, strength is still respected. Now you have to think carefully about how to refuse...

"If we join the Federation College and use the resources of the Federation, but then we often lose sight of people, wouldn't we become freeloaders?"

"Don't worry about that." Xuexing waved his hand casually, indicating that the empire still provided such resources, but he also became curious, "You said you want to practice, where can you go to practice?"

"Devil's Island."

Hawk thought for a while and finally said the name.

"Devil Island!" Compared to Poseidon Island, the name Devil Island is more well-known on Douluo Continent. Dugu Bo was even more surprised, and then said in a deep voice: "Young man, you are very courageous, that place old man Although I have never been there, I also know that it is a tough nut to crack even for the Spirit Hall. All the soul masters who went to that island, no matter how talented they were, did not come back alive... "

Having said that, Dugu Bo felt that there was a person who could return from that Devil's Island.

Tang San!

That kid is a monster to the extreme. Judging from the invasion of the Sun and Moon Empire, the opponent has super strength. I am afraid that without using weapons such as the throne, it can be comparable to a title fight of level 95 or above. Luo Liao, and the members of the Tiandou Royal Team in the same class as him are also able to fight beyond the level. Except for those members of the purely auxiliary system, all of them have good combat prowess.

"Where there is a will, there is a way." Hawke smiled confidently and then said, "However, it is precisely because the three of us plan to go there to experience after reaching a certain level that we are unwilling to join the Federal College... After all, we want to Consider the eventuality.”

Dugu Bo nodded and said nothing.

Xuexing also heard about Devil's Island and didn't understand why these three outstanding soul masters wanted to die, but he no longer forced it and said: "Okay, that's the case, then I'll trouble you to teach the students of Federal College. , how about we just hire you as temporary teachers?"

"Of course I am willing." Hawke agreed. If he didn't agree, he would probably have to reveal Tang Laoya's identity and scare Dugu Bo before he started.

Even if Dugu Bo wanted to kill someone and silence him, he still had to consider his reputation and the Haotian Sect's pursuit of him afterwards. After all, the emergence of soul guide photography devices made information dissemination faster, and the three of them all carried a soul guide on their bodies. What about photography equipment?

Moreover, there is a soul camera installed on the beam in the living room!

(End of this chapter)

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