Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 490: Everyone in Wuhun Palace “betrayed” Angel’s Faith

Chapter 490: Everyone in Wuhun Palace “betrayed” Angel’s Faith

"Grandpa, please tell me, don't treat me like a three-year-old child anymore." Qian Renxue saw her grandfather's expression gloomy and knew there must be something wrong with it, so she asked, "This is about to become mine. I have a demon in my heart, and I have gone through all kinds of hardships, going undercover and fighting all over the world, just to gain her approval."

"But if she doesn't like me for other reasons, no matter how much I do, I can only make her feel a little bit more compassionate..."

"During the time when I was Emperor Tiandou, I also grew up a lot. In addition, Tang San and I often chatted, and I also learned that it is impossible for a dignified and titled Douluo to die due to serious injuries. The power of the Clear Sky Hammer is powerful. , but the angel spirit is not bad either, and there are many healing spirit masters in the spirit hall."


"There is another hidden reason behind my father's death... Was she the last one to do it?"

As she talked, Qian Renxue also began to analyze and came to such a conclusion that shocked her, and then she considered her own identity...

"Stop talking! Stop thinking!" Qian Daoliu stopped him immediately, but it was already too late. He had no way of erasing other people's memories. He could only close his eyes and nodded helplessly, "Your deduction The result is good, your father was indeed killed by her, and she devoured him in the most cruel way, leaving no bones left."

"When I found out, it was already too late...Originally, I wanted to wait until the moment you finally succeeded to the throne of God before telling you about it, so that you wouldn't be unable to accept it."

"I just didn't expect your thinking to be so sharp."

Looking at her grandfather in pain, Qian Renxue had mixed feelings.

If it were in the past, she would definitely not be able to accept it, but after being the emperor for a period of time, she has dealt with too many things. She has also seen some similar ethical dramas among the nobles - now it just happened to her. .

It seems clear why Bibi Dong killed her teacher and why she hated her - it was all the fault of her scumbag father!

Why did Qian Xunji do that?

Qian Renxue didn't want to explore it, and felt there was no need to explore it.


Bibi Dong is an orphan. As Bibi Dong's teacher, Qian Xunji plays a father-like role and is highly trusted. No matter how big a mistake a "daughter" makes, she should not be insulted.

This is the behavior of an animal!

If master and disciple had a good impression of each other and loved each other, like Tang San and Guang Ling, it would be a good conversation, but it was obviously not the case between Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue is now glad that Bibi Dong didn't strangle her to death when she was still in her infancy. Is it because she still has some mother-daughter affection for her?

Maybe Tang San persuaded...

"Xue'er, now that you know the truth, why not come back and concentrate on your cultivation and accept the divine test."

Seeing that Qian Renxue didn't have much reaction, Qian Daoliu breathed a sigh of relief, interrupted her thoughts, and showed a look of expectation, "Only by becoming a god can you dominate this world."

"But, what about the last angel god?" Before coming here, Bibi Dong found her again and warned her not to become a god, which would mean she would lose the qualification to interfere in the entire continent.

Upon hearing this question, Qian Daoliu was stunned.

The previous angel god, that is, the first generation angel did he know where the other party had gone? In fact, he did not have any communication with the previous angel god. He only knew that this inheritance place would give them the angel lineage divine test, and as long as he, the high priest of the angel lineage, allowed it, the others could also get it. Take the divine test and become a loyal believer in the angel god.

"Did Bibi Dong tell you something?" Qian Daoliu, who came back to his senses, realized that Bibi Dong must have told Qian Renxue some secrets of the gods. Perhaps the gods inherited by Bibi Dong had told her something. "Gods cannot interfere with the human world, including faith. Once it expands, the divine realm will intervene and enforce the law. In serious cases, the gods who want to absorb faith will be killed..." Qian Renxue told Bibi Dong. He spoke in his words, "Grandpa, you once told me about Poseidon Island in the form of storytelling. It is a paradise for Poseidon believers. The believers live and work there in peace and contentment, and provide Poseidon with the power of faith...the power of faith. Extremely powerful, why doesn’t Wuhun Palace expand the belief in angel gods and make everyone in the world become believers in angels?”

"The ancestors left behind the ancestral teachings. If you don't become a god, you must not spread the faith of angels..." Qian Daoliu said this and also reacted, with a very solemn expression.

If one cannot interfere in human affairs after becoming a god, then Xue'er cannot take away Bibi Dong's position as pope, nor can she personally lead the empire to unify the continent and spread the glory of angels.

But why can Poseidon?

That Poseidon Island...


Poseidon Island!

The belief in Poseidon only exists on one island. On the mainland, that is, the fishermen and sea spirit masters in the cities along the coast have faith. Others do not know the existence of Poseidon at all!

Qian Daoliu felt that the warnings left by his ancestors made complete sense through the "divine punishment theory" - the first generation of angel gods built Wuhun temples on the mainland and absorbed faith, which attracted the attention of the gods. Law enforcers came down to punish them. The first generation of angel gods were killed, so that the descendants of the angels erased all that history.

"Is that so?" After Qian Renxue learned about this ancestral precept, she believed Bibi Dong's warning eight percent, and felt a little warm in her heart - at least, Bibi Dong still cared about her daughter.

"Xue'er, these are all speculations and not true. Improving your strength is good after all." Qian Daoliu brought his thoughts back to the present and said extremely seriously.

"We will discuss the matter of accepting the divine examination later. If my mother does not become a god, I will not become a god either." Qian Renxue made a decision, "Also, I will rely on my own efforts to cultivate to level ninety-nine to catch up. Go to Tang San."

"Tang San?" Qian Daoliu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized and asked hurriedly: "Has he reached the peerless realm? How is that possible? How old is he?"

Although that young boy has incredible fighting prowess, he is only nineteen years old this year, which means he is only twenty in actual years.

Tell him now that Tang San has reached the peak of soul master?

Is it so easy to break through the realm?

"But that's the fact. I've seen him before, and he has already reached level ninety-nine, and his soul ring ratio is also extremely terrifying, eight gold and one chaos." Speaking of this, Qian Renxue paused and said , "Grandpa, maybe this is her using me to convey a message to you and demonstrate that she is no longer worthy of you."

Qian Daoliu was silent for a long time and asked: "Is there any other news that I don't know?"

"Martial Spirit City is filled with Tang San's martial spirits, grandpa, do you know that?"

"I know it can increase the concentration of energy in the entire Wuhun City. What's wrong? Could it be that it has other effects?"

"In Tang San's martial spirit, there is a starry sky world, similar to a dream. With the help of the Blue Silver Emperor's roots, a blue silver network has been established, which can transmit sounds and images between the personnel of the Spirit Hall for thousands of miles. In addition, In addition, it can also capture alien planes. Currently, it has captured a spirit beast illusion space. Killing the spirit beasts inside can increase the life of the soul ring and even have a chance to obtain soul bones." Through Qian Daoliu's astonished words From the look in her eyes, Qian Renxue was sure that her grandfather really didn't know these things, so she couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that except for grandpa and a few other worshipers, everyone else has been conquered by her."

Qian Daoliu's face was gloomy and terrifying——

He was shocked that his subordinates "betrayed" him without saying a word and defected to Bibi Dong...

It was even more shocking that Tang San actually used Wuhun to do such a thing...

But what makes Qian Daoliu unbelievable the most is that he and others are alone in the current Wuhun Hall! Bibi Dong and Tang San's group had put aside their belief in the angel lineage!

The only remaining connection is Qian Renxue.

(End of this chapter)

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