Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 491 Communication between mother and daughter

Chapter 491 Communication between mother and daughter

When Qian Renxue walked out of the Douluo Palace, Bibi Dong was already waiting outside the door.


But before Qian Renxue finished speaking, Bibi Dong turned around and walked down the mountain.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and could only follow quickly, saying: "I already know everything. You killed him, right?"

"What? Can't you even call me father?" Bibi Dong said coldly, "Has Qian Daoliu told you everything, or is he hiding something?"

"I don't know the specific situation. It's just that I have been emperor for a long time and have seen a lot of ridiculous things. I compared my own situation and made a bold guess." Qian Renxue said this, feeling a little helpless. "Grandpa just confirmed my statement... My fate is really rough. I obviously didn't know anything before."

Bibi Dong stopped.

Qian Renxue also stopped.

Finally, it was Bibi Dong who broke the silence: "The nobles are really depraved."

"Well, the things the hereditary nobles of the Tiandou Empire did were much more excessive than him. Teachers violated students, fathers violated daughters, etc. These ridiculous things were not understood until I actually came to power." Qian Renxue A flash of fire appeared in his eyes, "Compared to you, those people are much more miserable. They don't even have the strength to resist... Do you know? Grandpa asked me to inherit the position of Angel God as soon as possible, but I refused."

"Oh?" Bibi Dong was surprised.

"It's not because of the reason you said that gods can't interfere in the human world, but because I have seen the true darkness of the nobles, and I want to remove them from this world-"

Qian Renxue's tone became louder, "Erase it completely!"

It was as if Bibi Dong had met this daughter whom she had not seen for a long time for the first time... She thought that after learning the truth, this daughter would go crazy, give up, and degenerate, regardless of anything, but she never thought that she would Actually make some kind of determination.

"When I was a child, I have been receiving the teachings from my grandfather. He hoped that I would inherit the throne of God and spread the glory of angels..."

"When I grew up, I found that I was different from other children. I didn't get your love. I didn't know what made you dislike it. I longed for your approval, so I asked Ying to go to the Tiandou Empire to work as an undercover agent..."

"Now, I am the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, and I have seen a lot, but what I usually think more about is how to develop an empire, how to get the rights back from you, or how to restore my daughter... But when I After knowing the truth of everything, I did not collapse, but calmed down."

"Now, I just want to do what I want to do!"

"I no longer live for you!"

Bibi Dong looked at Qian Renxue's back for a while, then said: "In that case, then do what you like to do, Wuhun Palace, I will not give up to the angel lineage."

Qian Renxue turned her head suddenly, with an inexplicable look in her eyes, and said lightly: "Can I help you?"


"Lend Tang San to me."

Bibi Dong was silent for a while, then uttered one word: "Get out."

Qian Renxue smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to borrow it. It was just a joke. But just because you can't conquer him doesn't mean I can't conquer him."

"Now that we've finished talking nonsense, you can leave." Bibi Dong's expression turned cold, and the little kindness she felt towards Qian Renxue suddenly disappeared - this daughter is still so annoying!

"Not yet. What I want to ask for your help is to restore my daughter's body." Qian Renxue shook her head and expressed her request, "It's really uncomfortable for a woman to dress up as a man. Ling Yuan is still here. In front of my girlfriend... it was a really weird thing."

Due to some people's gossip, Qian Renxue finally found Ling Yuan for acting while she was the emperor of the Tiandou Empire and made her the girlfriend of Emperor Qinghe.

Those small countries betrayed and supported Xue Beng, and it was also because she, the king of the Tian Dou Empire, was too close to Ling Yuan, the master of the Tian Dou Martial Spirit Branch Hall.

"It's a really weird thing."

There was no expression on Bibi Dong's face. She agreed, and after being silent for a while, she said: "I will find a way to get you back to your female body. Just wait for the opportunity. Don't worry too much. What you have to do now is, It's better to find a way to govern the Tiandou Empire first, and recover the new Tiandou at the same time." "The grace order that Tang San said is indeed good, but we must also pay attention to it. That way, there will be more ethnic groups of those bloodlines. Sects and families are all based on direct bloodline and martial spirit."

On Douluo Continent, a family or sect does not believe in oaths or promises, but it absolutely believes in the members of the same martial spirit.

"No need to worry, Tang San's grace order also gave me a lot of ideas, which can be derived into many operations, such as: marriage needs to be free, children's choices must be respected, etc." Qian Renxue said calmly. He said, "Families and sects are said to be connected by blood, but in fact they are just connections between interests. It's just that they have the same blood and the same martial spirit, so they will naturally be closer. , when the interests are so great that they exceed the interests between the blood, betrayal is just a common occurrence."

"It is not an easy task to establish a powerful force like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family."

"Although those hereditary nobles are capable, they are not many. I can handle them well."

Bibi Dong nodded, and then talked about Haotian Sect: "This sect that recently returned to the mainland, please note that those Haotian disciples supported the Xingluo Empire before sealing the mountain, but their sect is in The territory of the Tiandou Empire, well, is now between the mountains at the junction of the Tiandou Empire and the New Tiandou Federation."

Supporting the Xingluo Empire, the sect's headquarters is within the territory of Tiandou.

If it was said that the Haotian Sect did not have the idea of ​​​​collaborating with the Xingluo Empire to destroy the Tiandou Empire, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue would not believe it.

At least, the Haotian Sect when Tang Chen was still there definitely had such ambitions!

And now-

"Tang Chen has returned to Haotian Sect, and is still undergoing assessment by God Shura."

"The inheritor of the gods?" Qian Renxue was not very surprised. "If a god really cannot participate in the disputes on the mainland and cannot affect the situation on the mainland, then if he becomes a god, he will have to stay out of the matter... But, I listen to you. The tone, you attach great importance to him, the Shura God, how do you compare it to the Angel God?"

"In front of God Shura, angel gods can only be killed instantly." Bibi Dong told the information she got from her predecessor Rakshasa, as well as her and Tang San's speculations and speculations about the divine world, "God Shura is at the level of a god king. A strong man, and also a law enforcer, his strength is far beyond what ordinary angels and gods can match."

Qian Renxue's heart sank: "Is this so?"

"Want to become stronger?" Bibi Dong suddenly asked.

"Do you have a way?" Qian Renxue was stunned, and then she understood something - Bibi Dong wanted to kill Qian Daoliu. It was actually very simple, but he didn't do that. "Tang San has made further progress in martial soul cultivation." Is it the content? No wonder you were outside the Douluo Palace before, covered by the divine power of angels and gods, and even grandpa didn’t notice you."

"Want to learn?"

"Are you willing to teach me?" Qian Renxue suddenly became excited, not because she could become stronger, but because Bibi Dong's mother... was willing to teach her knowledge in person.

Will the maternal love she longs for come true now?

"Thank you Tang San, he let me come out."

Bibi Dong walked down the mountain, "But don't think that I will give up my hatred for the angel lineage, including you."

"My grandfather and I are the only ones left in the angel lineage. There is no one else... I will change your mind."

"It seems you still don't know that the inheritance method of a first-level god like the Angel God is not the same as the Rakshasa God I inherited -"

"what do you know?"

"For a god like you who has inheritance and belief in the human world, the final ninth test is to obtain the final divine position of the corresponding god, and the divine position exists in another space. To open that space, you need to A small price to pay.”

"What price?"

"Don't tell you."


(End of this chapter)

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