Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 492 Conversation with Xue Qinghe

Chapter 492 Conversation with Xue Qinghe (Part )

After going down the mountain, Qian Renxue was about to return to the royal high-end hotel arranged by Bibi Dong, but when she saw Tang San and Gu Yuena walking towards the direction of Hunwu Manor, talking and laughing, she got interested and jumped several hundred meters in two or three steps. , then slowly walked over and said hello: "What a coincidence, Brother Tang, do you live here?"

"I've met Emperor Qinghe." Qian Renxue had already resumed her men's clothing at this time, and since this was not a private occasion, Tang San naturally wanted to address him more formally.

"There's no need to be so polite. It's an informal setting here. I call you Brother Tang, and you call me Brother Xue to show our friendship." Xue Qinghe smiled heartily.

"Brother Xue is really generous." Tang San was not pretentious, saying "Brother Xue" immediately brought the relationship between the two closer, and together with Gu Yuena, he accompanied her to the Royal Hotel.

"Brother Tang, what are your responsibilities in this Wuhun City?" Xue Qinghe wanted to know what Tang San did in Wuhun City.

"Mainly the study of martial souls and soul power cultivation, supplemented by the study of qi, blood, spirit, etc., and then, the study of the original martial soul." Tang San said roughly, if these outsiders were investigating, just ask anyone. It can be known, but the specific details are not mentioned at all.

After all, there are still pedestrians on the road, and it would not be good to be listened to.

Xue Qinghe asked curiously: "Is it the original martial spirit? That is indeed a very rare martial spirit. The Spirit Hall has been searching for the owners of this type of martial spirit in recent years. Can you tell me about this kind of martial spirit?" Is there anything magical about the martial arts-like spirit?"

Tang San glanced around and saw that the sky was getting darker and the pedestrians were gradually disappearing, so he said: "Based on the current research data, I made a bold guess, that is, the original martial spirit is what humans should have. Martial spirits, and other martial spirits, are all influenced by other external factors, and combined with their own ideas and concepts, they are gradually finalized."

"Martial spirit, at the beginning, should be just an invisible mass of strange energy. At the beginning of awakening, it will choose a fixed form due to human expectations, and the closest thing to human beings is the body."

"It was only later that other martial arts spirits were born due to the influence of various factors."

"At the beginning of ancient times, humans developed stone tools, which greatly facilitated human hunting and life. Therefore, this strong desire for stone tools also caused the martial soul to be fixed in the shape of the tools when it awakened."

"The origin of the martial spirit can sense one's own thoughts and respond to them."

"Of course, once the shape of a martial spirit is fixed, it will tend to be stable. Under normal circumstances, it will be difficult to change again. Either through practice and the addition of soul rings, the martial spirit will change, or it will be inherited from generations and due to environmental changes. Changes, one's own migration, and one's own beliefs change in order to survive, thus causing the evolution of the stereotyped martial soul from generation to generation."

Xue Qinghe nodded frequently: "This is the Theory of Evolution of Martial Spirits. I have read all of Brother Tang's works. They are well-founded and convincing. Every martial spirit evolved from the ancestors' struggle with nature." .”

"This is just the evolution of the weapon spirit." Tang San continued, "As for the beast spirit, a large part of it, as I guessed, evolved from the origin of the original spirit that has not yet been finalized. According to the mountain villages and ruins in some remote areas on the mainland, the ancient ancestors worshiped soul beasts with extraordinary power and regarded them as totems. Under the strong thoughts, the origin of their martial souls was shaped into soul beasts. appearance."

Xue Qinghe also agreed: "There are also relevant records in Tiandou's collection of books. In areas where there are few soul masters, the local people will use soul beasts as totems to carry out sacrifices and other activities. Perhaps this is the most primitive belief. .”

For Tang San, the unformed martial spirit took shape because of the desire for corresponding things.

But for Qian Renxue, this may be that the ancient ancestors developed the power of faith in their worship, and used this power without knowing it, making the invisible martial soul possess what they wanted. thought form.

It's just that this "set" is very stable. Although it can be changed, it takes time.

"In addition, there is also a part of the beast martial soul, which should be given to humans by the soul beast."

"Soul beast?" Xue Qinghe was surprised, then he thought of something and narrowed his eyes, "Brother Tang, you mean the transformed soul beast with a hundred thousand years?" "Yes, the currently powerful beast martial soul, according to my estimation, , there is a high probability that our ancestors have a powerful soul beast that has taken the form of a hundred thousand years. After all, if these soul beasts want to be strong, they have to attach great importance to the so-called power of blood." Tang San expressed his conjecture, "For example: The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Family, the White Tiger Family, and the Nether Civet Cat Family.”

"Of course, it's just a guess..."

"By the way, I discovered that some powerful beast spirits can also transform into weapon spirits. For example, Snake Spear Douluo, who recently returned to Spirit City, can transform his spirit into a weapon spirit and a weapon spirit. The beast spirit transforms back and forth, somewhere in between."

Xue Qinghe smiled lightly: "Brother Tang, isn't your Clear Sky Hammer the same?"

Tang San nodded slightly: "That's true. Moreover, my major martial soul can also transform between plants and objects..."

Perhaps human beings are born with a brain that is good at thinking, flexible fingers, slender arms, and legs that can walk upright. They are naturally designed to "be good at fake things."

Beast martial souls should have more of a symbolic meaning, used to stimulate the body's instinctive bellicosity, but the most fundamental purpose is to allow humans to control artifacts.

After all, humans have beast martial souls. At the same level, except for IQ, they cannot compare with real soul beasts of the same type in all aspects.

With weapons, even a weak human being can still kill animals many times larger than himself.

Xue Qinghe was surprised when he heard such a statement for the first time, but Tang San continued: "This is just my family's opinion and personal opinion. I will not publish this kind of speculation. After all, I am not standing in time now." The ability at the top of the long river cannot overlook the future, just listen to it for fun."

However, Xue Qinghe believed that Tang San's speculation was very reasonable. After all, based on the body of an ordinary human being (leaving aside factors such as soul power, qi and blood, mental power, soul bones, etc.), it was naturally not suitable. It is used to compete with those ferocious beasts in terms of speed, strength, and defense. Perhaps the only outstanding feature is an innately intelligent brain and flexible limbs.

"Besides these, are there any other martial spirits? For example: angels." Xue Qinghe asked about other special martial spirits.

"I always want to exclude this type of martial spirit before researching it."

"Why?" Xue Qinghe wondered why Tang San treated him differently.

"Because this type of martial spirit has an influence beyond the mortal level, that is, the influence of divine power." Tang San said slightly seriously, "After the martial spirit is finalized, if you want to change it, usually you can only reproduce it through generations. , inheritance, as well as training and adding soul rings to change, but for a god-level power, changing a martial soul is just like eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake."

"According to my estimation, as long as God is willing, no matter how weak the spirit is, it can be made powerful."

"The power of God transcends soul power, and the dissipation of its energy can even change the level of life."

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger——

Before the power of the evil god came, he was just an ordinary white tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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