Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 494 Talking with Xue Qinghe Bingzhu at night

Chapter 494 Talking with Xue Qinghe Bingzhu at night

In this Wuhun City, Wang Chen saw the guy he least wanted to meet. Wang Chen had expected it and was even fully prepared, but the moment he saw him, he still couldn't accept it!

His grandma’s!

You already have a harem, but you still want to steal the white moonlight in his heart. Is there any justice or royal law in this?

"Your Majesty, you are back." After adjusting his mood, Wang Chen greeted him respectfully.

"Why don't I go in and talk, Brother Tang, I haven't seen you for a long time, just in time to chat more." Xue Qinghe ignored Wang Chen who was full of expectations, and instead extended an invitation to Tang San.

"I am the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall, and also the Silver Blue Earl of the Tiandou Empire. Your Majesty invites me, so naturally I cannot refuse." With outsiders around, Tang San also treated Xue Qinghe with more respect.

Xue Qinghe nodded slightly and said to Wang Chen: "Go and prepare the supper. I want to talk to Brother Tang at dawn and learn from him."

Sperm extraction?

Wang Chen thought wrongly, but he still respectfully agreed and was very obedient - he believed that with his sincerity, he would definitely be able to impress Qian Renxue and make her understand his feelings.

As the saying goes: where sincerity reaches, gold and stone will open.

Tang San Boai is a scumbag.

"What I need is your arm's length strategy." Xue Qinghe showed a fiery look, as if he had seen a lustful woman who met a stunningly beautiful man.

Looking at its leaving back, Tang San somehow thought of a certain dark-skinned sheep that walked upright...

"You know, I don't get involved in the conflicts and disputes between countries in the mainland, and for you, this should be a 'family matter'." Tang San declined politely, "I can't even propose a favor order. Whether it’s just talk on paper or actual implementation, you still have to do it yourself.”

Tang San asked: "Wang Chen should be able to tell these contents, right?"

"Him?" Xue Qinghe said disdainfully, "When I was a child, I did have a lot of novel ideas in my mind, but unfortunately they were of no use to me at the time... Now, to use your words, my thinking is rigid and my brain is full of mush. "

"You can't say that." Tang San actually thought that Wang Chen was pretty good at being able to look like this. Didn't you see that some of the other time-travelers are already dead?


And he said: With three thousand weak water, taking only one scoop is a first-class loyalty.

Wang Chen was like this. He suffered many setbacks. No matter how unwilling he was, he had already developed a passive "conditioned reflex", just like Fang Zhongyong, who was oblivious to everyone.

"It's actually easy to take down Xin Tiandou."

"Brother Tang, how should I regain the New Tiandou Federation?" Going to the hotel room, Xue Qinghe personally poured tea for Tang San and Gu Yuena and talked about this matter.

The environment has a great influence on people. Travelers who were raised by Xue Qinghe in the "Eagle-cooking" way since childhood, no matter how talented they are, will be forgotten during this period of growth.

"The reason for the New Tiandou Federation is that you wanted to eliminate the old aristocratic forces in the empire, which led to the aristocrats of those kingdoms uniting together. However, such a union is not actually reliable."

"They couldn't achieve an effective unity. When they fought against the Sun and Moon Army in Xiaohai City, the army brought by Avalanche was the largest in number, but the one with the worst coordination among them."

"If we attack by force, the Tiandou Empire can actually easily destroy the New Tiandou Federation, but it will be very painful and will make the Star Luo Empire feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, right?" Xue Qinghe nodded. For her, , the New Tiandou Federation is nothing at all. The only trouble is that the Star Luo Empire may take advantage of it to mobilize troops.

In addition, the entry of the Sun and Moon Empire also forced her to consider overseas factors.

What's more, the research on soul-guided weapons has been made public, and all countries are studying it. No one dares to act rashly, and can only send their own spies to conduct more in-depth exploration.

It can be said that the current Tiandou, Xintiandou, Xingluo, and Wuhun Palace all have spies among each other... that is to say, the Wuhun Palace here in Wuhun City is slightly better. If there are spies, they can be caught directly. come out.

Because of the existence of the Blue Silver Network, all spies' activities were carried out openly and openly under Tang San's eyes.

"The reason why those kingdoms recommended Xue Beng is because he is a blood descendant of Emperor Xue Ye. They don't care about the word 'orthodox'."

"If they elect a king to be the head of the federation, they will be truly rebelling."

"Reputation is very important, especially in this era where information spreads very quickly, it is even more important."

In the past, when there was turmoil in the royal family, the common people didn't know about it and naturally didn't care.

But now, with the propaganda of public opinion, it is easy to incite emotions, and the nature of watching the excitement can drive a large number of people to promote their own "justice."

Although keyboard warriors in the true sense have not yet appeared in Douluo Continent, due to the development of soul guides, the reduction of the cost of newspapers, soul guide cameras, etc., and the Wuhun Temple has opened enlightenment in villages, towns and other places across the continent. The Wuhun Academy spreads new ideas and sells high-yielding grains, allowing the people to eat well. It also increases the mainland people's interest in literacy, which also allows them to know things that they usually don't know, and then open up, express their opinions privately.

Despite the fact that the New Tiandou Federation is now "closing itself off" and preventing the residents of each kingdom from leaving, in fact, many knowledgeable people within the territory have been spreading news from the outside world into the territory.

"In other words, we want to make their reputation worse so that the people of the entire continent can reach a consensus, right?"

Xue Qinghe's eyes lit up, "Those guys have a bad reputation to begin with, and they are not united internally. Maybe a little alienation can make them fall apart."

"Just how to use it?"

Tang San stretched out and said slowly: "I don't know about this, but I can only say that they united here to resist your reforms and to preserve their hereditary status, honor, and wealth. Together."

Having mentioned this point, Xue Qinghe naturally knew what to do - find certain kings, promise them hereditary rights, or even search for every king, and there would always be some confused guy who believed it.

They don't expect that they will really fall apart because of this, but as long as there are conflicts, they can continue to expand. Even if they know that it is a divorce plan, once the grudge is planted, even if it is pulled out, holes will be left. It cannot be restored to its original appearance.

Gu Yuena watched Tang San and Xue Qinghe smile without saying a word, pursed her lips, and secretly scorned: "Really evil human beings, they actually want to engage in so many conspiracies... But the relationship between human beings is really complicated. Yes, I am about to be assimilated into a human being. If I return to my true form in the future, I will definitely no longer want to live in those deep mountains and old forests."

"However, for now, with my relationship with Tang San, it's not impossible to make things worse and let the spirit beasts live somewhere else."

"It's a pity that neither Tang San nor myself are allowed to be ruined..."

(End of this chapter)

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