Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 495 Resurrection? Or a sacrifice?

Chapter 495 Resurrection? Or a sacrifice?

When Tang San opened the door with Gu Yuena and was about to leave, he happened to see Wang Chen with a resentful and ferocious face. He didn't say much, just turned around and said goodbye to Xue Qinghe and left the hotel.

"Why are you so slow to deliver a midnight snack?" After seeing Tang San off, Xue Qinghe turned to Wang Chen and asked.

"I heard that you and Tang San were chatting happily, so I didn't dare to knock on the door." Wang Chen answered in a low voice with his head lowered while carrying the midnight snack box.

Xue Qinghe stopped and fell silent.

Just when Wang Chen felt that Xue Qinghe wanted to care about him, he just heard her say: "From now on, you can't call him by his name. You have to call him Lord Holy Son, or Lord Silver and Blue, do you understand?"

Wang Chen was stunned and wanted to cry, but he still nodded and said: "I understand, Your Majesty."

"Go and rest."

"Your Majesty, I have one more thing to ask of you."

"What's the matter?"

"My age is still suitable. I can participate in this continental elite competition, and I may win honors for you." Wang Chen became more confident. Five years later, his strength has reached the Soul Emperor level.

"...Mom, I'm not dead." Xiao Wu was originally very touched because of the reunion between mother and daughter, but when she heard her mother ask this question, she suddenly calmed down - when her mother was alive, she cared about her very much. But she also has a very lively temperament, and I inherited that temperament from her!

In the past few years, Xiao Wu's mother's soul has also completely recovered.

"At that time, this continental elite competition will no longer be a talent selection, but a venue for major forces to compete with each other."

Resurrection, today!


"Don't you think it's embarrassing?" Xue Qinghe's face darkened, "Tang San and the others are not participating, why are you going to join in the fun? The essential purpose of the Continental Classic has always been to select talents, not to show off one's power. Although it does have such an effect, the fundamental purpose is to select talents for the major forces."

Wang Chen: "..." Such words were definitely not what Qian Renxue said... What on earth did Tang San teach her?

But at this time, he could only nod and say yes...


In the blink of an eye, three days before the start of the Continental Classic, Tang San took Xiao Wu to the starry sky world and met her mother's soul.

After Tang San's explanation, Xiao Wu's mother suddenly realized, and then asked: "So, am I the only one who died? Oh, oh, oh, Xiao Wu, mom, I'm sorry for you!"

"Take a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter."

"To know--"

"Xiao Wu!" Seeing Xiao Wu's arrival, the soul of Xiao Wu's mother, who was almost carved out of the same mold as Xiao Wu, exclaimed, "Did you also die and come to the world where the dead live? This person beside you Is he your husband? Did he die with you?"

"When you go on stage, others won't look down upon you, because in the eyes of outsiders, you belong to the royal family of the Tiandou Empire. They will only think that I compete maliciously in order to win the championship."

Wang Chen was stunned and at a loss.

Just listen to Xue Qinghe talking about Chicken Soup for the Soul: "Don't worry about past failures, and be open-minded, otherwise you will never get out of the spiritual predicament."

Xiao Wu hesitated to hold her mother's soul, and when she saw Tang San's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling, she became even more disgusted with her mother... Putting aside the issue of the immortal spirit, this attitude alone made her Xiao Wu recalled something scandalous that she absolutely did not want to recall...

"Ahem, Mom, please pay attention, my man is still watching." Xiao Wu finally pushed her mother away, and then introduced to Tang San, "This is my mother, Xiaorou."

"Hello, handsome young man, do you want to go on a date?" Xiaorou was very bold, winking at Tang San, and even flirting with him in front of Xiao Wu, not shy at all. "I'm sure, memory is definitely the key to a person's soul!" Xiao Wu was so angry that the whip on the back of her head was raised - her mother Xiaorou was exactly the same as in her memory. She didn't feel anything before, but now that she thinks about it, this mother has nothing to do with it. She has never been very responsible. Raising a daughter like her is like raising a living toy.

At this time, Xiaorou also stopped messing around and said seriously: "Thank you for taking care of Xiaowu all these years, and for saving my remnant soul from that woman..."

"But I also understand that even though we have the same memories, I am still not Xiao Wu's original mother."

"I recovered from that ray of remnant soul. If there are other remnant souls that survive and there is a chance like this, I can still recover into another Xiaorou."

"So, don't resurrect me."

Xiao Wu was startled and said: "Mom, you..."

"Xiao Wu, I'm very happy to see you happy." Xiaorou looked at Xiao Wu and smiled slightly, "I was really sorry just now. I couldn't help but tease you when we first met."

Xiao Wu: "······" Exchange my feelings for you! Bastard mother!

"Aunt, are you really not going to be resurrected?" Tang San looked at Xiaorou, having temporarily given up thinking about the composition of the soul, and asked curiously.

"It's better not to resurrect from the dead." Xiaorou shook her head, "Since I'm dead, my body has probably returned to nature. Even if you help reshape it, it will still be another body... Yes, maybe I will compete with Xiao Wu for a man."


At this point, Xiaorou coughed lightly, glanced at Xiao Wu who was staring at her openly, and said: "Now that the child has grown up, he doesn't need me to take care of him anymore. I'm not the original one either. There's really no need to look after him anymore." Resurrection... Speaking of which, Xiao Wu, have you reached level 80 now? How about I sacrifice it to you?"

Xiao Wu's soul power level is closely following Tang San's, but because she doesn't want to hunt soul beasts, she has never obtained a soul ring. In addition, Tang San can give her the breath of eternity and creation, allowing her to escape Douluo Continent without a soul ring. There are no rules that cannot be broken, so there is no thought of getting a soul ring again.

At this time, her soul power had reached level 83.

"Sacrifice? Stop being ridiculous. You are just a soul and have no cultivation. And after resurrection, you will only be a human being." Xiao Wu hoped that she would not think about these things.

"No, you can sacrifice. After all, my resurrection must first create a body. As long as I don't resurrect to its prime and then sacrifice, it will be fine." Xiaorou said her innocent thoughts.

"It seems to make sense." Xiao Wu also agreed.

"So, have you considered my thoughts?" Tang San expressed his thoughts, and was stared at by the mother and daughter, as if he had destroyed the "communication" between mother and daughter.

Helpless, Tang San shrugged and motioned for the two of them to continue.


Or a sacrifice?

If Xiaorou was the original one, Tang San felt that it would be best to be resurrected, but the immortal spirit of the soul was obviously not the original one, so how could this be the same person?

Memories and soul shells can all be reproduced!

(End of this chapter)

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