Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 496 The 8th Soul Skill: Space Oven!

Chapter 496 The Eighth Soul Skill: Space Oven!

In the end, no matter how Xiao Wu and Tang San persuaded her, Xiao Rou made up her mind and prepared to sacrifice to Xiao Wu, so that they would not meet each other in the future and embarrass each other.

"Son-in-law, Xiao Wu and I will be entrusted to your care from now on." Xiaorou told Tang San, but why did these words sound so weird?

However, Xiao Rou was sacrificed to Xiao Wu, and mother and daughter became one. In a sense, Tang San did have to take care of two people at the same time.

"Hmph! I knew you had bad intentions!" Xiao Wu seemed to have seen through everything. After all, his lively temper before meeting Tang San was inherited from his mother!

Does she know what this girl is thinking in her heart?

The man who stole his daughter...

Although this is a joke, they are both soft-bone rabbits and have the same preferences. If they are really resurrected and spend time with them for a long time, they might actually fall in love with the third brother.

In addition, Xiaorou now understands that from a higher perspective, she is not the mother she was in the beginning. When that happens, Xiaowu is sure that her mother will use this as an excuse.

I want to sacrifice it to myself now to avoid embarrassment in the future.

"Don't worry, Auntie, you won't die completely after you sacrifice, I can make you a soul." With that, Tang San called out Wu Lin, Wu Tong, Ling Yun, Alan and Feng Wutong.

Especially Feng Wutong, who made a lot of flirtatious remarks as soon as he appeared on the stage——

"Emperor, did you finally call me out?"

"Are you going to secretly date me?"

"Oh, is there anyone else here? Your girlfriend is here too!"

Thinking of the things she had done for Xiao Wu, Xiaorou shuddered and felt that her idea of ​​sacrifice just now was a bit decisive.

There was a hint of danger in Xiaorou's eyes: "Daughter, there are many Yingying Yanyans around your man. You have to be careful to prevent him from being abducted by other bad women."

The appearance of the soul...

Seeing this scene, Xiao Rou showed relief: It seems that Xiao Wu has made a good man, which is really enviable to her mother, but——

"Am I going to look like this in the future?"

"What a disappointment!"

Tang San had a new soul, so he would not hide it from Xiao Wu. Naturally, she would not be angry because of it. Instead, she said, "Okay, Mom, don't provoke me. These are the souls of the third brother, and they were offered to you on your own initiative." Sacrifice to him, a good partner who can grow up with him. Now Tang San's worst soul rings are all million-year-level. Speaking of which, these souls are all god-level. You can think of them as third brother and me. Among the daughters, the last one, Feng Wutong, has just arrived and is not very sensible."

In terms of "cuteness", it is indeed true, but she is Xiao Wu's mother after all. If she turns into such a child in the future, won't she have to be played in Xiao Wu's hands?

"You guys are really disobedient!" Xiao Wu grabbed the palm-sized Phoenix Wutong and scratched its creaking nest, causing it to laugh and even shed tears. Then, as it fell, Medium energy quantification.

"No." Tang San assured, "They just like to maintain this appearance. If they want to transform into adults, it is actually very easy."

Will this daughter return all the things she has done to her in the past tens of thousands of years back to her - teasing her with bluesilver grass, greedy her with carrots, and treating Daming's hair and Ming's scales made her a floral dress and so on.

Feng Wutong quit and flew to Xiao Wu. He puffed up his face and said angrily: "What do you mean I just came? I have been friends with the great plant emperor for a long time, and I have always been in his spiritual sea. , in terms of relationship intimacy, it is much better than you."

As the soul rings have evolved for millions of years, Wu Lin and other souls can naturally switch between child and adult bodies. The reason why they choose to appear in the form of children may be because they are used to this body, or because they are accustomed to this body. The appearance of his body was enough reason to sit on Tang San's shoulders and head.


After turning into an adult, he could only follow Tang San. Although Xiaorou was not sacrificed to Tang San, with Tang San's current ability, it was extremely easy to help Xiaorou become a soul after the sacrifice and maintain the appearance of an adult.

For the formation of the soul, three foundations are needed: a powerful soul, majestic vitality, and an energy materialization carrier that can carry the breath of one's own blood (the energy of the soul bone before it is formed).

Tang San's five souls: Wu Lin, Wu Tong, Ling Yun, A Lan, and Feng Wutong are all like this.

Of course, Tang San's kind of soul is not the same thing as the "soul" created by Electrolux in Dou Er's plot.

Xiaorou’s current situation——

The above three foundations, even if they are the material carrier of energy that carries the aura of one's own blood, can be possessed after resurrection. What's more, the ninth soul ring of the Blue Silver Emperor comes from the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, and has the power of creation. , and Electrolux lives in Tang San's upper dantian, it is only a piece of cake to transform a real soul.

"That's good." Xiaorou's soul seemed to be relieved, and then smiled, "Then let's start quickly. I can't wait to merge with my daughter."

"By the way, baby girl, what kind of soul skill do you want?"

"Mom has a choice."

Xiao Wu thought for a while and said: "My first soul ring is to strengthen the waist, the second soul ring is: ears → brain, the third soul ring is: spine, the fourth soul ring is: thighs, the fifth soul ring is: arms, The sixth soul ring: nervous system."

"As for the seventh soul ring, it is mainly about entering the maturity stage and strengthening the entire body in all aspects."

"For the eighth soul ring, let's strengthen the internal organs. Although I have already mastered Third Brother's Jade Bone, Golden Muscle and Divine Hidden Technique, it is also a good choice to strengthen it again with the soul ring. In that way, it will also strengthen the area. whole."

Xiaorou glanced at Tang San, thoughtfully, and said: "I feel like you don't look like a soft-bone rabbit at all. But naturally, the mother must fulfill her daughter's wish. Although the soft-bone rabbit is weak, it can run at an extremely fast speed. Fast, and if you want to run fast, you must also have a pair of indispensable powerful internal organs. The soft-bone rabbit family also has similar skills..."

Xiao Wu was stunned: "Why don't I know?"

Xiao Wu originally just hoped that her mother's sacrifice could slightly strengthen her internal organs, but she didn't expect that the Silhouette Rabbit clan also had skills related to internal organs.

"The main reason is that I died too early and didn't have time to tell you." Xiaorou sighed, and then smiled, "But it's not too late now - as I said, the Silky Bone Rabbit can run fast and has good endurance. It’s not just enough to have soft and well-developed bones, it also requires a set of internal organs that are far stronger than those of other species.”

Tang San affirmed: "I agree with this point. If the dragon soul beast is compressed to the same size as the soft-bone rabbit and is of the same age, without comparing other values, just compare it by the operating frequency of its internal organs. The soft-bone rabbit is far superior to the dragon clan."

But this does not mean that the energy utilization efficiency exceeds that of the Dragon Clan——

Tang San didn't say the second part of this sentence. After all, Xiaorou dared to say that. I guess the internal organs of the soft-bone rabbit also have secret ways of using it that he didn't know about.

"Good son-in-law, knowledgeable."

Xiaorou winked at Tang San, admiring him even more, and then comforted Xiao Wu, whose fists became hard again, and continued: "The use of the internal organs is actually related to the power of space..."

(End of this chapter)

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