Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 497 Eternity of Life, Level 89

Chapter 497 The Eternity of Life, Level

The power of space is an ability that was born independently from the source of blood after the soft-bone rabbit reached the 100,000-year level. However, unlike other soul beasts with space abilities, the power of space of the soft-bone rabbit , very weak, there are only two ways to develop it - invincible golden body and teleportation.

Needless to say, teleportation, the invincible golden body does not really make the physical body indestructible, but relies on the power of space to cover the body with a space barrier.

Generally speaking, there are only two types of soft-bone rabbits that can use the power of space.

"It is said that the bloodline of our Soft-bone Rabbit family comes from the Dragon Rabbit, which is a kind of rabbit with dragon blood, and it is also the most noble golden bloodline." Xiaorou said about the memories passed down by the Soft-bone Rabbit from past generations. , sighing endlessly, "And the strengthening of the internal organs that I talked about is actually related to the power of space."

"After controlling the power of space, it operates in a specific way and attaches to the internal organs and even the brain to form an extremely powerful digestive system."

"We soft-bone rabbits are more sensitive to plants and can distinguish which plants are good for us, and which plants can bring us the greatest benefit when mixed together, or mixed with some strange rocks and soil."

"This is also the reason why soft-bone rabbits of our lineage can become hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu suddenly realized.

It turns out that the soft-bone rabbits are born masters of alchemy! It's just that the way to refine the elixir is to eat various herbs and minerals, let them react naturally in the body's organs, and then omit the step of condensing the elixir, allowing the medicinal effects to penetrate into the body naturally.

No wonder I have such a talent for medicine!

"But you should be able to do it now."

Afterwards, Tang San took Xiao Wu and left the starry sky world, using the fourth soul skill: Nine Deaths to Resurrection, and with the ray of Soft Bone Rabbit blood aura that Electrolux had obtained from Bibi Dong's Soft Bone Rabbit soul bone. , and began to shape its physical body.

"You're so lucky. Why am I not so lucky?" Xiaorou couldn't help but feel a little more envious, and then said, "Then, if I sacrifice it to you, I should be able to create a set for you that mainly strengthens the internal organs and supplements it. Strengthen the brain and nervous system. As for the soul skills, it all depends on the situation. After all, your soul ring skills are not what the Silky Bone Rabbit should have. I don’t know what the soul ring will be after my sacrifice. What kind of soul skills will evolve when you fuse them."

"I sense that you seem to have a space-like realm, right? The space opened up by the Rabbit lineage has also been inherited by you, right?"

Xiaorou continued: "This ability requires strong control of soul power and sufficient perception of space to be able to perform it. The ordinary hundred thousand year soft-bone rabbit cannot do it."

In this regard, Xiao Wu did not hide anything and told the story about the spirit beast illusion space.

Xiao Wu's head was covered with black lines, and she felt that this mother was her former self.

The internal organs of the soft-bone rabbit are natural alchemy furnaces. My current research on medicine, refining medicines and elixirs is also bionics, but I am imitating myself?

Tang San's understanding was even deeper: nature is the best teacher of mankind. The so-called being close to the Tao means being close to nature.

The vision of resurrection was not shocking, it just emitted a weak fluorescence in a small room - the top of a blue and silver emperor plant more than three meters high, the pearl enlarged to three meters in diameter, and it was densely covered with nebula-like mist. Colorful, a soft-bone rabbit with a length of more than 1.6 meters is sleeping quietly in it, like a flower in bud, ready to burst out of the wall at any time.

"Third brother, how long will it take for mom to come out?" Xiao Wu asked nervously.

"About an hour or so." Tang San gave an approximate time, "The feedback information the Blue Silver Emperor gave me, converted into human time measurement, is like this." As they spoke, Tang San and Electrolux People also saw something deeper, that is, at the moment when Xiaorou's body was fully formed, an invisible and immaterial spiritual light emerged out of thin air, as if it suddenly appeared from the void, and then instantly disappeared into the brain of the physical body. Fusion with Xiaorou's soul.

Before, Xiaorou's soul seemed lively, but no matter how complete it was, it felt to Tang San like a shabby coat, without the slightest life.

But now, that soul seems to be alive!

"It seems that the immortal soul is really the key to life." Electrolux has long accepted this. "When I learned that the soul shell and the memories on it can be copied, I should no longer have any expectations. ··After all, I am not the original undead natural disaster. As I once said, I should enjoy my own life."

The Lord of Eternity, Austin Griffin, also saw that bit of immortal aura through the corresponding perspective with Tang San's permission, and fell into deep thought.

The Lord of Eternity feels that that aura is the real eternity.

Even though Austin Griffin didn't want to admit it, no matter how strong he became, he couldn't destroy that flash of aura.

That is the eternity of a life!

When the soft-bone rabbit in the pearl was about to turn into a human form, it suddenly opened its eyes and emitted a strong light.

The sacrifice has begun!

The energy of the soft-bone rabbit, plus the vitality provided by Tang San's fourth soul skill, the brilliance of the sun and the moon, and the power of the earth, were also injected into it, turning his entire body into a pure energy form, condensing into a blood-red soul. The ring was slowly inserted into Xiao Wu's body.

From the same root and origin, connected by blood.

Xiao Wu barely needed to sit cross-legged to practice, and she could feel the energy in the soul ring flowing through her body, actively strengthening her body and improving her soul power, but more than that, there was still an energy flowing through her internal organs through other routes. The spatial power of the brain builds a circulatory system that is integrated with soul power, qi, blood, and spiritual power.

At that moment, Xiao Wu's body was like glass, and her whole body was exuding a strange burning heat, like the blazing sun or the vast starry sky.

Tang San's soul was keenly aware that the three major dantians in Xiao Wu's body were vibrating at this moment, forming an extremely complex energy circulation circuit with the internal organs of the body, constantly pulling in the energy of the outside world - —

When Xiao Wu completely absorbed the soul ring, her soul power had already reached level eighty-nine, and she was only one step away from the final level of ninety.

"Are you ready, Xiao Wu, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Wu hugged Tang San, kissed him, smiled, and said, "Want to know the effects of my soul skills? I'll let you experience it right away."

After saying that, he pulled up Tang San's clothes.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was aroused, Tang San also cut off the sight of Electrolux, Eternal Lord, Austin Griffin and others, and prepared to check Xiao Wu's physical condition...

(End of this chapter)

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