Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 498: Double cultivation of great elixir in oven

Chapter 498: Double cultivation of great elixir in oven

The macrocosm of nature and the microcosm of the human body.

The collision between the big universes is brilliant and magnificent.

The collision between the small universe of the human body is also full of passion and enthusiasm.

After obtaining the eighth soul ring, Xiao Wu obtained two soul skills, one of which was called the Space Oven, which could use the internal organs as a cauldron to refine all things in the world into elixirs.

At this time, she was pulling Tang San to conduct scientific experiments in a strange way: the tempering and interaction of the human body's cosmic energy, blood, soul power, and spiritual power.

Through the close connection between the two human body universes, Xiao Wu used the eighth soul skill: the space oven to refine the information between the two and perform a common combination of essence, energy and spirit.

The two of them were also immersed in it, feeling the joy of the collision of material entities in the universe, the surge of the fusion of spirits, and the warmth of the exchange of energy information between essence, spirit, and spirit.

The movements of the two people also seem to follow the path of the natural universe: sometimes they are like an old man pushing a cart, which becomes stronger over time; sometimes they are like a Guanyin sitting on a lotus, which is outstanding.

After the experiment was over, Xiao Wu asked seriously: "Breathe, breathe, third brother, how was it? Is my eighth soul skill powerful?"

"It's really awesome."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wu's eighth soul skill had such an effect. It could help him condense the essence of his energy and spirit to assist his cultivation.

But Tang San could sense that that thing was completely different from the immortal spirit. The only similarity was that it had a trace of immortality.

"With this soul skill, my seventh soul skill: Soft Bone Method, even without the support of your Blue Silver Emperor, should be able to last for nearly an hour."

Tang San nodded involuntarily, recalling the taste just now, and noticed that the energy and spirit in his whole body was more condensed, and even part of the escaped energy and energy gathered into a strange energy group, and the energy was as unified as if it were immortal. True spirit.

"During the process of cultivation, I interacted with my essence, energy, and spirit, and my soul has also been improved. Maybe I can also help Guang Ling and the others in their cultivation." Xiao Wu told the effect of his soul skill, "In addition, In addition, I can purify various drugs and minerals through the space oven formed by the internal organs, condense the medicinal power, and gather it into elixirs. When I use this soul skill, I seem to have inexhaustible power. "

Condensing the golden elixir of qi and blood, the core of soul power, and the spiritual spirit, and establishing the transformation and circulation between essence, qi, and spirit. In addition to cultivating the physical body as a universe, it is also to support the soul.

When this energy group came into contact with the Yuan Shen, it actively integrated into it, constantly strengthening the Yuan Shen and making it more condensed - the Yuan Shen was the purest essence of life, and the "nutrients" needed for its growth "It can be high-quality energy, such as fairy spirit energy, chaotic energy, etc., but the most suitable one is provided by one's own essence.

However, Tang San estimated that such an effect could be achieved because the two of them had been cultivating both Qi and blood for a long time, and were extremely familiar with each other's energy and spirit, and had even reached the state of "sharing weal and woe".

"The internal organs are really the source of a person's power."

Tang San felt that after thoroughly studying this space oven, he might be able to create a "qi and blood oven" to further improve the Jade Bone, Golden Muscle, and Divine Hidden Method, but right now he was more concerned about Xiao Wu's eighth spirit ring. A soul skill.

"Another soul skill is -" Xiao Wu satisfied Tang San's curiosity. After putting on his clothes, he released the soul ring. The crimson eighth soul ring flashed, and there was a ring that looked almost exactly like Xiao Wu. The figure outlined lines in the air, and then slowly solidified, turning into Xiaorou's appearance.

The only difference may be that the other person's long hair is casually draped over his back shoulders in a ponytail, instead of being styled into a scorpion tail like Xiao Wu's.

"Auntie, how do you feel about this state?" Tang San asked.

"It's not bad." Xiaorou sniffed her nose and smelled a strange smell, but she didn't ask any more questions and just looked at her situation, "I found that I can do all the soul skills that you know, Xiaowu, and I've developed them." The soft skills that come out can also be used, such as the eighth-level throw... I will tell you this, but you have completely forgotten the foundation of the soft-bone rabbit lineage."

Xiao Wu didn't know where she was thinking, her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, she coughed twice and hummed: "Where did I forget everything? I just used it where it should be used."

Tang San was a little embarrassed, so he changed the subject and said, "Ahem, Auntie, your current state is no different from that of a living person. How long can you exist without the help of Xiao Wu's soul power?"

Xiaorou sensed the energy in her body and said in surprise: "In terms of cultivation, my strength has already reached its peak, and even exceeded it by a lot... If I don't borrow Xiao Wu's soul power, I should be able to continue to exist. It will last about three years. If you use soul power, it can always exist."

"Xiao Wu, the quality of your soul power is simply ridiculously high!"

"Have you condensed your soul core?"

"It feels like it's condensed, but it seems a little different from the way I told you. You condensed three soul cores? No, it's the energy, blood, and mental power that have been condensed into corresponding soul cores. It seems that they can interact with each other. It’s a strange way to transform.”

Speaking of this, Xiaorou looked at Tang San——

Obviously, in Xiao Rou's mind, Xiao Wu doesn't have the brains to develop a cultivation method at all. The method of condensing soul cores of the Soft Bone Rabbit lineage comes from a more distant era, when the Dragon Rabbit has not yet become extinct. Coming down.

"Thank you so much for taking care of Xiao Wu these years." Xiaorou bowed to Tang San sincerely and thanked her, and then suddenly said, "Little girl has nothing to repay, so I can only pledge myself to you. I hope my son-in-law doesn't feel bad about it..." ···”


Before she could finish her words, Xiao Rou was taken back into her body by an angry Xiao Wu, and she said cursingly: "I have always thought about resurrecting my mother, but after she was really resurrected, she was really out of touch... Third brother, she Don’t believe a word of what you say!”

Tang San nodded dully, then suddenly smiled and said, "After Auntie appeared, I became a lot more lively, and had the same cheerfulness as when I was in Notting City."

"Hmph!" Xiao Wu was in a good mood, and she also understood how her character was developed. In addition to being protected by Da Ming and Er Ming, she was also more influenced by her undistinguished mother.

From now on, I have to "educate" Xiaorou properly to prevent her from making embarrassing jokes.

On this night, in addition to Tang San, Guang Ling, Rongrong, Huo Wu and the two elves: Mengmeng and Niannian all enjoyed the "wonderful function" of the space oven.

However, for Tang San, happiness did not affect his original intention. While immersed in joy, he also realized the exchange, transformation, and circulation of the spirits between himself and the girls, and felt the meaning of it. "Roasting Furnace Avenue" is conducting the most rigorous, practical and scientific research...

(End of this chapter)

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