Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 512 Artificial Soul Ring

Chapter 512 Artificial Soul Ring

After the qualifying, knockout, and promotion rounds, there will be a month for each major team to make adjustments. During this period, each force will send people to visit and recruit talented soul masters who have performed well in a certain aspect.

This is just the same method as in previous years. After all, this continental elite competition is a stage for selecting talents for the major forces on the mainland.

Apart from occasionally watching games, Tang San and others spent most of their time busy with their own things.

Tang San, in particular, has already begun to teach Twelve Yuanchen how to practice the Qi and Blood Oven method that he created based on Xiao Wu's Space Oven Lock. Based on blood Qi, it flows through the heart, lungs, and liver according to a specific rotation method. , kidney, and spleen form the prototype of the oven, and then move the six internal organs to condense the blood and qi in the abdomen and rise to the flames, so that the qi and blood oven is fully formed.

In this "qi and blood oven", Tang San also added some methods for circulating the five qi in the chest and condensing the six qi in the abdomen, so that people who practice this method can quickly digest food, absorb nutrients, and become strong. Even when one's physique reaches a great level, it can theoretically be like Xiao Wu's space oven, directly swallowing the energy of the world.

In order to make the Twelve Yuan Chens cultivate faster, Tang San took them into the Magical Beast Mountain Range in Shenlong Island for three years of special training.

The longest time difference between the Eternal Realm and the outside world is as long as ten thousand years.

Therefore, the outside world has only been a month, but Twelve Yuanchen has been practicing on Shenlong Island for three years. The progress of practicing the body skill and Qi and Blood Furnace has been greatly improved, and everyone has even reached a level close to that of the Soul Emperor. Level, the ones with the highest cultivation levels: Shen Monkey, Youji, Haizhu, and Weiyang. The soul power of these four has reached level 58 or 59.

However, because the Eternal Domain is isolated from the Douluo Continent, the rules cannot be applied to the Twelve Yuanchen, so their soul power level will not stagnate just because they have not obtained soul rings.

After the training of Twelve Yuan Chen, Tang San relied on the creative ability of the ninth spirit ring to create spirit rings for twelve people and assisted them in absorbing them.

Everything has two sides.

To put it bluntly, the so-called soul ring is a product that semi-materializes and fixes the energy and soul fragments of an extraordinary and non-human being under the rules of Douluo Continent.

After thinking about this, Tang San understood that he actually didn't need to think so much, he could just do what he thought was okay from his own point of view.

Everything changes with the times. If it is not suitable, it will be eliminated. When it is suitable, it will reappear. This is the unchanging truth in the world.

Douluo Continent's plane rules against soul beasts can be said to be laid out in the open... In a more normal world, there would never be such big restrictions on the cultivation of humans and soul beasts.

In Twelve Yuanchen's hearts, Tang San was no different from the legendary god. Apart from loyalty, there was only fanaticism in his eyes - whatever Tang San said, they would regard it as the truth!

As for the ability to create soul rings, before Tang San could control the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation, he could use the Blue Silver Emperor to condense Blue Silver Emperor level soul rings. After actually obtaining the ninth soul ring, Tang San Under the guidance of the Lord of Eternity, I briefly studied the process of shaping the soul ring——

However, in today's Douluo Continent, the setting of soul beasts dropping soul rings after death still has more advantages than disadvantages. However, with the development of the times, more innovative inspirations are needed. At that time, this setting was a disadvantage. If it is more than profitable, it must be eliminated.

This makes Twelve Yuan Chen even more admired!

Create a soul ring!

I'm afraid only the legendary gods can do this!

It is true that soul beasts do save human soul masters time in creating their own soul skills to a certain extent, but they also stifle human creativity to a certain extent.

In this process, energy and spirit are indispensable.

As long as you can analyze this plane rule of Douluo Continent and use it, you can use energy and spirit to create a soul ring.

Compared with the soul ring born after the death of a soul beast, the artificial soul ring replaces the soul fragments of the soul beast with spiritual energy. It lacks one ability, that is, it cannot bring bloodline and attribute bonuses to the martial soul. After all, the soul rings dropped from the soul beasts carry their soul fragments and bloodline information energy. After being absorbed by the soul master, they will naturally cause the martial soul to change, which is to speed up the evolution and transformation of the martial soul.

When Tang San did not use the Blue Silver Emperor and only used the "creation" ability to make the spirit ring, he did not have the bloodline information of the corresponding spirit beast, and the spirit ring naturally could not provide the corresponding bloodline bonus for the spirit.

However, this type of soul ring does not only have the advantage of helping people break through the realm. It is precisely because there is no bloodline information or soul fragments of soul beasts that this type of artificial soul ring can evolve the most suitable one according to the situation of the martial soul itself. Soul skills.

The specific principle is that the pure spiritual energy in the artificial soul ring will actively sense the soul master's thoughts, and then evolve the skills it should possess according to the type of martial soul.

Just like: when birds grow to a certain stage, they will naturally grow feathers on their bodies and gain the ability to soar into the sky; beasts will be able to walk upright and even run within half a day not long after they are born; fish will just hatch out of their eggs. Just be able to swim in the water.

It's instinct!

Tang San's artificial soul ring evolved the instinctive skills that the martial soul should have after it grew to a certain stage, nothing more.

In addition, during the process of being absorbed by this artificial soul ring, the spiritual power within it will resonate with the soul master himself. As long as the soul master's spiritual will is strong, the energy inside the soul ring will be driven by the spiritual power. Under this process, it continuously absorbs energy from the outside world, causing its lifespan to increase in the process until the soul ring is completely absorbed.

And this performance is almost consistent with the "God-given soul ring" in the original work.

Perhaps, this is the principle of the god-given soul ring!

"Next, it's time for you to conduct the experiment of martial soul fusion." Tang San returned to his thoughts and smiled at the twelve people, "If it succeeds, you can also gain more power than the real body of the martial soul bone armor!"

The fusion of martial souls has a fatal flaw that cannot be said to be fatal - the two parties to the fusion will be attracted to each other by the martial souls, which will lead to a mutual affection and affection between the soul masters.

In the past, the phenomenon was that as long as they were not brothers and sisters, there would be an instinctive attraction between two people of different genders.

But as the research progressed, Tang San and the researchers from Wuhun Palace discovered that this was not the case. In fact, when Wuhun fused, even people of the same gender would have a good impression of each other. For this reason, they would not get married. Examples also exist.

For example: Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo.

The two people are now truly integrated.

The reason why there will be no ethical issues in the fusion of martial souls between brothers and sisters, is mainly because these people already have a relatively complete three views before the fusion of martial arts, at least in terms of moral concepts. In line with the mainstream of Douluo Continent.

If a brother and sister who are related by blood have not met each other since they were young, but when they grow up, they meet and discover that there is a tendency for martial souls to fuse between them. The discovery gave rise to an embarrassing ethical drama - whose example this refers to, of course, no need to say much, everyone understands.


The original martial spirit cannot.

(End of this chapter)

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