Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 513 Existence from ancient times!

Chapter 513 Existence from ancient times!

After the martial souls are fused, the soul masters from both sides of the fusion develop a good impression of each other...

This point does not exist in the original martial soul.

In other words, this trait does not exist when both Tonghe and Tonghe have their own martial souls.

This is the conclusion that Tang San came to after studying a large number of original spirit owners recruited by the Spirit Hall - there is induction between the original spirits, but this induction is limited to "mutual cooperation", that is, to ensure personal independence. , instead of attracting each other due to the influence of the fusion of martial souls.

The fusion of martial souls between other non-body martial souls will cause the soul masters themselves to be affected by the martial souls. Even if they originally dislike each other, their respective martial arts will be able to make up for the shortcomings of their own martial souls. The soul will instinctively produce some kind of fluctuation, thus affecting the physical senses between the two. The more they look at each other, the more attracted they feel.

This may be a powerful alliance between martial spirits. In the society of Douluo Continent, it is two couples who can combine martial spirits to form a family.

For example: the dragon-snake couple who are quite famous in the world of alien beasts.

But the main martial soul is different. As parts of the human body, they can cooperate with each other, that is, the martial souls merge. However, after "cooperation", the "individual" must also remain independent, that is, no one is dependent on the other among the main martial souls. .

This is simply the same as human beings themselves. Even if people are divided into three, six or nine levels, with subordinates obeying superiors and forming a large group, everyone within the group has independent thoughts.

The same is true for the original martial soul, and because the martial spirit has spirituality but does not have the seven emotions and six desires of humans, this independence is more obvious between the original martial spirits, that is -

But since it was Tang San's order, the twelve people could only take it as the truth and learn it. Fortunately, there was [Heaven's Way] that could cheat them and provide them with brain power, making their learning progress extremely fast, especially Yin Hu, Si She and Wei Yang, when they first received Tang San's teachings, they taught them according to their aptitude and had an understanding of medicine. Si She was even now a qualified doctor.

"At least, you need to understand the specific situation of that part of yourself based on your own martial soul. Otherwise, even if the fusion is successful, I guess there will only be one thing."

Shenhou couldn't wait to give it a try.

Every martial soul of the original body has the heart to be the "boss"!

Therefore, when the original martial souls are fused, how to integrate the [individual and collective] relationship between the martial souls is also a key issue.

"This is the basis of martial soul fusion."

After the main martial soul and other types of martial souls have the feeling of martial soul fusion, they will return to the normal martial soul fusion situation. However, the impact on the owner of the main martial soul is much smaller than that of other martial souls, and can even be ignored. .

Soul masters never like to use their brains, and the same is true for Twelve Yuan Chen.

"Unlike the fusion of other martial souls, the fusion between your own martial souls needs to be simple, but also difficult." Tang San said contradictory words, and continued without waiting for them to ask, "It's simple because you Twelve people often train together and know each other very well. Not to mention training in the Eternal Realm for three years, the tacit understanding between them is far beyond ordinary people."

Coupled with the time difference between the Eternal Realm and the outside world, in just half a day, Twelve Yuanchen has learned to return, with an excited look on his face: "Your Majesty, we have already learned about our martial souls and corresponding body parts. Now that we have a better understanding, can we start the experiment of martial soul fusion?"

They naturally understand that martial soul fusion is a powerful move that can exert far more power than a single soul master. Normally, only two people can fuse it, but now they have twelve people!

How strong will they be after fusion? What kind of strength can be unleashed?

Twelve Yuan Chen is looking forward to it!

"It's difficult because there are twelve of you. How to unify your soul power requires a long time of training. Secondly, you also need to have a detailed understanding of the human body. You don't just know that the human body has hands, feet, and a body. , brain and other divisions, but more detailed parts, such as: the functions of the internal organs, the operation of the brain and nervous system, etc.”

"what should we do?"

The same goes for everyone else.

Tang San checked everyone's bodies, asked about the corresponding body organs, tested everyone's application of their martial spirits, and praised with satisfaction: "Not bad, the foundation has been laid. The fusion of martial spirits The experiment can be carried out——"

There are already precedents for multiple people to perform martial soul fusion on the mainland: in addition to the Golden Iron Triangle, which was once famous on the mainland, there were also multiple people performing martial soul fusion skills displayed by major academies in the last mainland elite competition. .

For example: Xu Xing's soul power fusion, Huo Yuhao's soul skill fusion. However, none of them have reached the level of true martial soul fusion.

And between the twelve yuan chen, it is necessary to complete the complete fusion of martial souls, and use the twelve types of organs to merge into a complete "person"——

Rat man: nose

Ugly cow man: left arm

Yin Tiger Girl: right hand

Rabbit Girl: Ears

Chen Longnan: right foot

Snake Girl: Tongue

Wu Ma Nu: waist

Maiden: Hair

Shen Monkey Girl: Heart

Unitary chicken girl: skin

Dog Man: Mouth

Pig Man: Bones

Among them, rat, rabbit, snake, sheep, and dog make up the head. Among them, the martial spirit of Wei Sheep is hair, but it contains a large number of neuron cells, which are extensions of brain tissue and can be counted as brain.

However, as for the head, it lacks eyes.

Chou Niu, Yin Hu, and Chen Long represent the limbs, but there is only one of them. In the future, the second or third awakening of the martial spirit may be able to perfect the other parts.

Wu Ma refers to the waist and also includes the large and small intestines inside.

Shenhou, the Wuhun heart includes the blood vessels and veins all over the body, as well as the blood. In the future, the other four internal organs can also be developed.

Hai Zhu, Wuhun is the bones and skeleton of the human body, which is the foundation that supports a person.

The last unitary chicken is human skin, covering the body surface, with a certain degree of relaxation, and the unitary chicken itself can use the skin to camouflage itself, which can be said to be ever-changing.

These twelve people practiced the "Original Body Skill" and learned how to bake Qi and blood. Under Tang San's guidance, the Qi and blood of the twelve people were like a bell, emitting a dull yet surging sound of resonance, and the essence of each other was Gods have reached a certain balance.

"It's now!"

"Perceive the rhythm between the martial spirits and combine them!"

Following Tang San's order, the twelve people shouted softly one after another, and the soul powers on their bodies connected with each other, forming an imperfect circuit.

Then, something that surprised Tang San happened——

The fusion of martial souls between twelve people is not that the soul master's body is energized and then fused, but that the original martial soul breaks away from the possessed state and takes on a detached form, floating in front of everyone.

Under some strange fluctuations, the facial features, limbs, skin, waist, skeleton, skin, heart, etc. actually flew into the sky on their own initiative, and were assembled in sequence according to the arrangement of the human body structure.

Those incomplete martial spirits, such as the right foot, were also prompted by the strange fluctuations to absorb the energy of the world from the outside world, and derived the right leg, and the left leg and left foot were symmetrically formed.

The rest of the body's martial soul is almost constantly becoming complete: the heart and blood circulation system have given birth to the other four internal organs; the layer of nerve tissue under the hair has also slowly grown into an energy-based brain.

And so on.

Three minutes later, a six-foot-tall "person" was completely formed. The gender could not be distinguished, and the gender could not be distinguished. There was no aura on it, and it seemed that it was just an ordinary... person.

Like an old farmer in the field, like a hunter in the mountains, Tang San even saw his own appearance on it.

Thousands of people have different faces.

"This is the ancestor of all human beings?!" Tang San's heart was shocked, such an idea popped into his mind for no reason, and the Eternal Lord who had already merged with the Blue Silver Emperor and became his soul said in a trembling voice. : "This is the awakening of a certain existence from ancient times that has completely passed away! His realm is probably similar to that of my previous life in the whole era, and he is also a creation god!"

(End of this chapter)

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