Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 514 The person who controls the immortal spirit: Ancient

Chapter 514 The person who controls the immortal spirit: Ancient

The "person" without pupils suddenly raised his hand, clenched his fist, and made a sound, as if he was telling something or shouting something.

"The Lord of Eternity? What is He saying?"

When Tang San saw that Shen Hou and the others had completely lost consciousness, with only their instincts maintaining the existence of martial spirits, he knew that this "person" had a will of his own.

The original martial soul has a big secret!

The Lord of Eternity should understand what is going on, right?

Although the martial soul has its own spirituality, the "blind man" who was fused with the original martial soul has an extremely powerful spiritual intelligence and even has an independent will.

Is it possible that the dead being can be resurrected in this way?

Really scary!

Can Shenhou and the others still wake up?

At this moment, Tang San had already prepared for the worst, and was always ready to defeat this "person".

"Don't ask me, I don't know what He is expressing." The Lord of Eternity replied, "Just be careful."

"Perhaps it is to express the unwillingness to be resurrected perfectly." Electrolux guessed, thinking about others, "The solution is actually very easy, just interrupt the fusion of martial arts. After all, the martial souls that make up him come from the twelve Guys, just knock them out completely and block the transmission of soul power, and that will probably do it."

[I have to say that being able to discover the existence of the immortal true spirit is truly a gift... I would rather call it: Yuan Ling, Yuan, the original foundation. 】

Tang San nodded and was about to take action when he found that "person" lowered his head and looked at him. The dark eye sockets without eyes were a bit creepy.

"Who are you?" Tang San became alert, wondering why this "person" knew him.

[Hello, Tang San. 】

[No, I may be the only one who realizes the existence of the immortal spirit and begins to think about controlling it. 】 "Human" shook his head, "I can't tell you the specific method. After all, I made a mistake at the beginning and was lucky enough to record everything about myself on the Immortal True Spirit. 】

Tang San did not dare to be careless and asked curiously: "In your era, did you already have the method to control the immortal spirit?"

Unexpectedly, he actually spoke Douluo language and even knew Tang San's name.

[Don’t be nervous, I just spent some time to understand all the nature of the world, and learned all the information about what happened in the world in the past, and I also understand your past——]

[The immortal true spirit is the only thing for a living being. The external soul is just a protective shell. However, most beings are not aware of this. They think that the soul, consciousness, and thoughts are the foundation. But in fact, If they are more careful, they can find that when their own soul is separated from the main body and is far away from the main body and cannot be sensed, that ray of soul may become a separate, brand-new individual. 】

[In this huge universe, there are many similar flowers, but the immortal true spirit is the only one. 】

Tang San realized that this might be his chance, so he wanted to ask more about the Immortal True Spirit, and the other party was not stingy, saying: [The Immortal True Spirit is the only one, as long as you control your true self, then you can You can use this immortal spirit to travel through the infinite multiverse. However, in most cases, those of us who control the immortal spirit will not interfere with anything, but just watch everything grow and die. An observer. ] "We?" Tang San knew that for such an existence, every sentence and every word was carefully considered and would not come out of nowhere... And this also meant that there was more than one existence that controlled the immortal true spirit.

[Indeed, there are countless existences like me. 】

"People" express their own opinions.

[Although we are eternal, transcending time and space, eternal, and immortal, we also have ideological disputes with each other. The main purpose is to discuss how to make all living beings eternal together. However, because each other’s methods are different, it often leads to disagreements. Fight... It's just that everyone is an immortal existence. At most, the body will be destroyed, leaving only the immortal spirit. 】

[But the true spirit is immortal. In the long period of time, there will always be a time for recovery... As for me, I was beaten to the point of death, which means you found a way to wake me up in advance, otherwise I don’t even know how long it will take to achieve true nirvana. 】

"Is it really okay for you to tell me this?" Tang San always felt that he would be killed because he knew too much. "Is this something that a person of my level should know?"

[Don’t worry, we don’t care. After all, what if you know it? If you don’t understand the true meaning of life and the eternal mystery, you just know it, and you will eventually be forgotten in a long time. 】

The "person" didn't care, with an indifferent smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, [As for knowing too much, so that there are barriers to knowledge and vision, that has nothing to do with me. After all, from the perspective of the immortal spirit, All life in the world is eternal from the moment it is born! 】

To be honest, Tang San can understand this statement from an absolutely rational perspective, but he is currently in the world of mortals and cannot be independent from the world. He himself will also be trapped by his own emotions and desires, so in the realm of his mind , has not yet reached this level.

[This is enough. After all, if you want to truly control eternity, you must first put a layer of barriers on yourself, and then find a way to break it. 】

【Only in this way can we see the true meaning of life! 】

After saying this, the "man" shook his body, and the martial souls that made up the body separated and fell back into the bodies of Shen Hou and others. However, his own appearance became clearer and clearer, and finally revealed a square and straight face. .

It's the type that you can't find among the crowd.

Ordinary, ordinary, and even his temperament has nothing outstanding about him. He is just the most ordinary mass of people, without anything outstanding.

"Are you resurrected?" Tang San asked in surprise.

"For me, who controls the immortal spirit, there is no such thing as death." The man's voice was as steady as the waves, and like the breeze. It was already a part of nature. "In the future, you will let others perform body martial arts." You can rest assured that you can’t summon me in the soul fusion experiment, but for me, you need..."

Before he finished speaking, the man's complexion changed, and his figure immediately disappeared into the void, leaving only one sentence: "My name is Gu. If we are destined to meet again in the future, my An enemy has discovered me and I have to run away. That guy is very rigid. It may take me countless epochs to get rid of him..."


When Tang San was thinking about this unit of measurement, the person in front of him had already disappeared, and he couldn't help but give up thinking: "Although I know a lot, before I reach that level, knowing it is of no use. I still have to be honest. Realistically, one step at a time...”

(End of this chapter)

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