Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 519 Prize: Artificial Soul Ring of Body Skill

Chapter 519 Prize: Body Skill + Artificial Soul Ring

The actions and discussions of the seven teams were naturally recorded by Tang San Blue Silver Network and played in the center of the Wuhun City Great Fighting Arena.

Regarding the discussions between Oscar and Ma Hongjun, the audience mostly expressed disdain and disgust, feeling that they were too despicable.

"His Majesty the Pope, is this in compliance with the rules?" Xue Beng asked.

"It is true that the rules do not stipulate that this is not allowed. Moreover, searching for information and sending it back safely is also a test for the participating teams." Bibi Dong remained calm.

"Having said that, the captain and vice-captain of Team Shrek are a bit despicable." Xue Qinghe held his forehead and covered his face, pretending to be embarrassed and helpless.

Who said Shrek was an academy within the Tiandou Empire?

[Perhaps, in the future, it is also necessary to standardize the education model of the academy. There should not be any academy or students with such low moral quality... This will harm the face of the Tiandou Empire! 】

Xue Qinghe secretly made up her mind. After all, she is now Emperor Qinghe!

Xue Beng was quite disdainful of the behavior of this "good brother" and retorted: "Despicableness is the pass for despicable people. Brother, you have to respect the diversity of life."


Xue Qinghe: "······"

Xue Qinghe said: "In that case, how about I take the decision and move Shrek Academy to your new Tiandou Federation? Then I will go and tell the dean of Shrek Academy in person, saying that you have great respect for Shrek Academy. I have a good impression...”

Tang San chuckled and said: "Secret."

So disrespectful?

"Brother, don't bother." Xue Beng's expression changed. He didn't dare to ask for Shrek Academy. He quickly changed the subject, looked at Tang San, and asked: "Your Excellency, the Holy Son, in addition to soul bones, the championship prize for this competition is also There is a secret prize provided by you, don’t know what it is? I’m very curious.”

Xue Beng said: "This is just in case, and His Majesty the Pope thinks it's okay."

"Really?" Xue Qinghe said with a chuckle, "This is a competition, and participating teams must be fair and aboveboard."

But Xue Qinghe spoke: "Earl Yinlan, can you speak to me?"

These two sentences are obviously good when taken alone, but when combined together, why do they sound so strange?

Moreover, Xue Beng couldn't say such tasteful words.

It seems that there are "experts" in the Traveler Alliance, and we need to be vigilant.

"Of course." Tang San agreed.


Are they treated so differently? It’s really too much!

"The reward for the championship, in addition to the soul bones, is the Qi and blood cultivation method I have developed: the body skill." Tang San said, "This skill can exercise the muscles, bones, skin, internal organs, and even the brain, martial arts If the people inside the palace want to practice, they must make corresponding contributions." "This technique does not cultivate soul power, but only cultivates Qi and blood. Even ordinary people can practice it."

"If someone can cultivate to the peak, even if his soul power is zero, he can still deal with soul masters under the Soul Saint... Of course, this is the most ideal state. After all, according to my research, people's Qi and blood are stronger. , when it is full and overflows, it will automatically pass through the circulation of the human body and turn into soul power. This means that if this skill is practiced to a certain level, even the awakened martial soul with zero innate soul power can Give birth to soul power and walk towards the path of a soul master."

Xue Qinghe's eyes widened, and he glanced at Bibi Dong calmly. Seeing that she didn't react much, he knew that she had known about it for a long time, and he suddenly became a little angry: This woman actually hid it from her, it's really too much!

"As expected of a theoretical master of martial arts cultivation, he is really powerful. This is a technique that can defy the heavens and change one's life!" The age-old soul ring... I wonder if Earl Silver Blue can withstand such a powerful soul ring, and his physical strength is also extremely strong, right?"

"How should I put it? Without using soul power or mental power, and relying only on the physical body and Qi and blood to fight, it may take two hands to defeat a titled Douluo above level ninety-eight." Tang San was more rigorous. and conservative said.

Xue Qinghe: "..." The gap with Tang San is getting bigger and bigger... No, after returning to Tiandou City, Tang San must be allowed to plant blue silver emperors there. , he must also enter the spirit beast illusion space, increase the age of his soul ring, and then learn various theoretical knowledge and practice techniques developed by Tang San, so as to catch up with Tang San's progress.

Seraphim are by no means weaker than other martial spirits!

"And the reward I want to give, in addition to this "Noumenal Skill", is another latest research result." Tang San said, taking out a crystal clear bead from the storage wristband.

In terms of size, it is only as big as a fingernail, but it contains a strange energy fluctuation, which is similar to soul power, but different and somewhat illusory.

"This is?" Xue Qinghe was confused.

"Artificial soul ring."

Regarding artificial soul rings, Tang San had already tested them on Shen Hou and others, and the results were pretty good. Taking them out this time just gave the world an idea, that is, you can get soul rings even if you don't hunt soul beasts.

It can be regarded as preparing to subtly change human concepts——

This will be a long-term process.

Xue Qinghe observed the bead in Tang San's hand and wondered: "Is this a soul ring?"

"Of course it is."

Tang San injected a ray of soul power into it, causing the beads to levitate, then slowly expanded, forming a white soul ring.

"This kind of soul ring bead is condensed with pure energy and spirit. When the soul master's soul power is injected into it, the internal energy will become active and form a soul ring, and the spiritual energy in it will be related to the soul master himself. The spiritual power connection can detect the soul master's physical quality and mental willpower, so that the soul ring can continue to evolve in the process of absorption, until it reaches the limit that the soul master can bear."

"Of course, the life of the soul ring is only increased during the absorption process. After the soul ring is absorbed, if you want to increase the life again, you need to enter the spirit beast illusion space to hunt the spirit beasts."

The implication is that if you want to extend the life of your soul ring, you must join the Spirit Hall.

Moreover, even if you join the Wuhun Palace, you will not be able to enter the spirit beast environment space immediately. You must first make an important contribution to the Wuhun Palace and truly integrate into the system of the Wuhun Palace.

"What about soul skills?" Xue Qinghe is more concerned about soul skills. After all, most soul masters hunt soul beasts and obtain soul rings not only to break through existing cultivation bottlenecks, but also to develop a powerful soul skill.

"Soul skills will derive corresponding types based on the type of martial spirit and the soul master's own thoughts, but they generally evolve based on the abilities that the martial spirit itself should have." Tang San explained, "Normally, , there will be no abilities that have nothing to do with the martial spirit itself."

(End of this chapter)

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