Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 520 Just right, I need some slaves

Chapter 520 Just right, I need some slaves

With the injection of Tang San's soul power and mental power, the soul ring suspended in his hand turned from pure white to warm yellow, then dyed a strange purple, and then appeared a deep black, Then a bright red emerged.

One hundred thousand years!

When everyone present saw this scene, they all seemed to have witnessed a miracle.

However, the improvement of this 100,000-year-old soul ring has not stopped, and the red color continues to deepen, so that a golden line appears on the body surface.

Then, the number of golden lines continued to increase, two, three... when it reached the ninth, the entire red soul ring was covered with gold, turning into a blue-gold soul ring.

Millions of years!

It is self-evident how old this soul ring is.

Xue Qinghe's heart was shaken, feeling that he could only rival Tang San after becoming a god: "Could this be the same as your first eight soul rings, a million-year-old soul ring?"

"Yes, and the pressure of this soul ring has been erased by me, otherwise most of the people in this venue would have been crushed. Before the soul ring is absorbed, the pressure within it does not distinguish between friend and foe. Oppress everyone." Tang San pointed his fingers together, and the million-year-level spirit rings turned into star points and scattered, returning to that crystal bead, "But whether I can obtain a million-year-level spirit ring, It all depends on the situation of the person absorbing it.”

Having said that, everyone present knew that unless the soul master who absorbed this artificial soul ring reached level ninety-nine, it would be difficult to possess a million-year-old soul ring.

And does a level 99 expert still need a soul ring?

It's just that the rulers of the Sun and Moon Empire prohibited these families from doing this.

But even so, the eyes of everyone present were fiery. After all, this is an artificial soul ring that can provide the soul master with the most suitable soul skills. There is no need for the soul master to spend a lot of time hunting soul beasts in various remote soul hunting forests.

"Princess Huang, according to the information from the leader, the main situation in Douluo Continent is that of the Three Kingdoms, and within the Tiandou Empire, there are multiple principalities and kingdoms with relatively primitive systems."

This is one of the reasons why Xu Huang went to Douluo Continent in person in the first place.

You Hongchen, who had been killed by Tang San, was Fu Hongchen's grandma, so he naturally admired him very much, but he still admired Xu Huang more than anyone else, because the entire empire was unified by his unparalleled strength!

It's just that Tang San today is far beyond the imagination of the current soul masters on the mainland...


Month trade name.

This is the merchant ship of the Xu family of the Yuezhi of the Sun and Moon Empire.

"Even if there are peerless experts in Wuhun Palace, they can't stop my ancestor!"


Gods are mysterious and unpredictable, but Qian Renxue gradually loses superstition. After all, Tang San used his own strength and wisdom to perform miracles again and again... Perhaps one day, Tang San will announce to the world: God, It's just a certain state of cultivation. So-called miracles can also be achieved when people or soul guides reach a certain stage.

As for the princess?

Moreover, Qian Renxue, as the inheritor of the Angel God, knew about the god-given soul ring, and felt that Tang San's artificial soul ring was no different from the god-given soul ring.

"His Majesty is going on a personal expedition to deal with a primitive continent. Naturally, he can capture it with ease. What's more, he has brought so many titled Douluo with him, even offering tribute from the empire."

"I think His Majesty will be angry. After all, he did not allow the big families in the empire to come and do business." Fu Hongchen pursed his lips, a little worried that he would be punished.

"Yes, my eldest brother is the most powerful." The woman's name is Xu Huang, who is Xu Huang's biological sister. Their names also have the same pronunciation. At this time, she stretched out and looked at the coastline in the distance and said : "I'm about to arrive on land. I don't know how big brother will greet me."

If this artificial soul ring can be kept until level 90 and then absorbed again, can a powerful hundred thousand year soul ring be obtained?

Xue Qinghe felt that if he wanted to obtain a spirit ring in the future, he wouldn't need to hunt spirit beasts, he could just ask Tang San for it directly. In this way, he wouldn't need to worry about his identity being discovered by others.

Naturally, this was the order left by Xu Huang before going to sea. As a time traveler, he knew the horror of capital and would not allow these families to establish capital groups to confront him.

Unless it's twin martial souls.

After the Sun-Moon Empire marched towards the Douluo Continent, many families from the Sun-Moon Empire wanted to go to the sea by ship and go to the Douluo Continent to establish their own colonies.

"Fu Hongchen, do you think my eldest brother has conquered most of the Douluo Continent now?" On the deck, a woman with a straight nose, beautiful features, and short hair cut close to her ears asked the man next to her.

The man named Fu Hongchen has flowing white hair and even his eyebrows are white. This is a physical change caused by the mutation of the martial spirit.

As we all know, in the Empire of the Sun and Moon, the great His Majesty Xu Huang dotes on his sister the most. As long as she does not disobey him, she can do almost anything she wants.

"Okay, I will plead for you. Big brother listens to me the most." Xu Huang patted Fu Hongchen on the shoulder. She didn't look like a dignified princess at all, but a lively and willful little girl.

Fu Hongchen sighed and looked at the sea. He noticed something. He immediately walked to the railing and looked far into the distance. He found a raft with seven young fishermen sitting or standing on it.

"Are those the natives of Douluo Continent? They look quite miserable, actually riding such a simple raft out to fish." Xu Huang also noticed, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "Fu Hongchen, you When they saw our luxurious merchant ship, would they think they had encountered a sea monster or something?"

"Maybe." Fu Hongchen agreed, "Even in the Sun and Moon Empire, in some remote areas, when people there see an unknown large ship, they will think it is a monster, not to mention that it is much backward than where we are. Douluo Continent."

At this time, a member of the Wuhundian team on the raft with excellent ears heard the conversation between the two and said to his companions: "They thought we were fishermen, and this seems to be a merchant ship."

"Then we will use the trick. We will pretend to be fishermen and gather our soul power." The leading captain instructed, "Then, we will row back. After all, we are unsophisticated indigenous fishermen who have seen the 'sea monster', so we will definitely be scared!"

"good idea!"

The rest of the people responded one after another, made panicked expressions, and hurriedly rowed toward the mainland. Some even "accidentally" lost the oars. Seeing this scene, Xu Huang burst into laughter and said to Fu Hongchen: "Catch them. It's just right. I need some slaves, and they are just right."

"Okay, Your Highness the Princess." Fu Hongchen called a few guards and asked them to take a small soul-guided boat, chase the raft on which the Wuhundian team was riding, and catch them all on the soul-guided boat.

"who are you?"

"What to do?"

"We have no money!"

“We haven’t caught any fish today!”

"God bless~"

"Ah! Help!"

The seven people were frightened, causing the two guards of the Sun and Moon Empire to laugh wildly: "Haha! Stupid Douluo natives!"

This scene was also seen by all the spectators in the Spirit Fighting Arena of Wuhun City——

"As expected of the Wuhundian team, their acting skills are top-notch!"

"Be brave and resourceful!"

"The Wuhun Hall is really full of talents!"


Tang Xiao frowned as he heard the compliments about the Wuhundian team. He couldn't see anything about the "brave and resourceful" people in the Wuhundian team.

The Seventh Elder snorted coldly: "A bunch of flatterers are not worth mentioning!"

After the Wuhundian team, the four teams of Tiandou, Xingluo, Qibao Liuli, and Four Elements were captured by the crew of Yue Shang and brought to Xu Huang.

"Are you fishermen in this area?" Xu Huang glanced around the thirty-five people, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Just now, she thought they were fishermen, but now, why don't these people look like them?

At least part of it doesn't look like—

How can any fishermen who go fishing at sea be young?

Even if she doesn't fish, she still knows that she needs to be taken by an old man when going to sea, otherwise even offshore areas are very dangerous.

"Yes, miss." The captain of the Wuhundian team stood up and said tremblingly, "It's just that this time we are not here to fish, but to escape."

"Escape?" Xu Huang became interested.

"Yes, escape. Xiaohai City has been occupied by a group of barbaric guys. In order to survive, we have to escape." The captain of the Wuhundian team realized that these people probably didn't know that the Sun and Moon Army had been completely wiped out, so he Pretending to be frightened, he said loudly, "They have fire-breathing weapons, which are more powerful than the soul masters. There was only a sound, like thunder exploding from the sky, and the soul masters we resisted fell down... The devil ! They are absolutely devils!"

The four teams of Tiandou, Xingluo, Four Elements, and Qibao Liuli were all shocked when they saw the leader of the Wuhundian team performing so exaggeratedly.

Thinking that they would act like this in the future, and that this scene was being broadcast live and being watched by the audience in Wuhun City, a sense of shame suddenly surged in their hearts.


Tiandou: "Yes, those people have dark skin, like charcoal sellers."

Xing Luo: "They are man-eating savages."

Four Elements: "But we heard that the Tiandou Empire, the Star Luo Empire, and the Wuhun Palace are uniting to counterattack those bandits."

Qibao Liuli: "The Qibao Liuli Sect has also joined."

Seeing these people talking about the warriors of the Sun and Moon Army like this, Fu Hongchen's eyes became angry and he wanted to teach these Douluo natives who "didn't know right from wrong".

But Xu Huang raised his hand to stop him and said: "They are just ignorant natives. My brother often said that if Douluo Continent is to be liberated, the natives here will also be the people of our Sun and Moon Empire in the future. ···”

The captain of the Wuhundian team was surprised. He didn't expect this woman to be quite open-minded, but Douluo Continent doesn't need liberation from outside invaders like you.

Just when the members of these five teams thought that Xu Huang was a pretty good person, they heard her continue: "... It's just that before you become a subject of my Sun and Moon Empire, you have to be a slave for a period of time."

All members of the Wuhundian team: "······"

(End of this chapter)

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