Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 524 The road is long and long

Chapter 524 The road is long and long——

The approach of the Yueshang Company caused the seven teams near the coast to stop fighting, and all ran into the ruins of Xiaohai City, preparing to go to Wuhun City.

As for the fight for Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen, they can only take place on the way back.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Seeing this, the three Contras jumped into the air before the ship even docked, and jumped towards the coast. However, before they landed, they were covered by an invisible force and were pressed down on the beach. .

"This is!"

Xu Long struggled, but the invisible pressure on his body was as heavy as a mountain. He could not resist it at all. Only his eyes and mouth could move throughout his body.

"Illegal intrusion into other people's territory is a serious crime." Tang San stood in mid-air, dispelling the pressure on the three of them, and his magnetic voice resounded in the hearts of the three of them.

"Peerless..." Xu Long was shocked. He couldn't think of any escape in his heart, and he didn't dare to resist. Facing a peerless Douluo, any means would be in vain.

This is an absolute crushing of strength!

When Xu Long and others opened their eyes again, they found that they had arrived at a relatively open area. They were also tied up by long leaves similar to blue silver grass and were not allowed to move.

"Tang San." After glancing at Xu Long, Tang San said his name, "You don't have to be so sad. Although you were with the invading Sun and Moon Army, you didn't have time to implement it after all. Therefore, the subsequent trial will not be carried out. There is no danger of life, at most it is an illegal intrusion."

After Xu Long was taken down, Gu Yuena asked: "What is illegal invasion?"

This kind of blue and silver grass rope is very tough, even with Contra-level soul power, it is difficult to break free.

"It's just that I broke into my master's territory without my consent." Tang San explained.

However, even if they dare not take action, Xu Long and others will not surrender easily, let alone tell the intelligence of the Sun and Moon Empire!

As everyone knows, Tang San doesn't care at all about the information they say. Luo Qiu knows far more information than these three Contras, not to mention that at this time, he can also sense the blue people on the Sun Moon Continent. Silver Grass, Blue Silver King and Blue Silver Emperor, as long as he wants, those Blue Silver people will pass everything they know to him, the Blue Silver Emperor, in an instant.

Xu Long shouted to Tang San, who was chatting with Gu Yuena: "Who is your Excellency? Can you tell me your name? It is our honor for a strong man like you to come and capture us personally!"

"The Sun and Moon Empire is really determined to kill me as Douluo. One after another also makes me experience the feeling of waiting for something to happen." Tang San seemed to be speaking to Xu Long and others, but also seemed to While talking to himself and waving his hands, a space portal expanded, wrapping Xu Long and others as well as the Yueshang ship inside.

The law enforcement officers of Wuhun Palace tied up the remaining people on the ship one after another and escorted them to cells to await trial in the future...

"In that case, when the soul master went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts, wasn't he illegally invading my territory?" Gu Yuena drew inferences and said with a smile, "So, is there no problem in catching them too?"

"This concept is different. After all, spirit beasts don't have a collective concept like humans, so they can't be generalized." Tang San said something else.

"Huh." Gu Yuena was a little angry, but she didn't say much. After all, she also knew that soul beasts could not form a civilization similar to humans. "Don't worry, when the technology of artificial soul rings is analyzed in the future, others can also make them, and humans will have less need for soul beasts." Tang San touched Gu Yuena's head and comforted, "As for the living space, There is no need to worry about competition issues for tens of thousands of years. Maybe in the future, humans will be able to find a way to coexist harmoniously with spirit beasts, but that’s not necessarily the case.”

Speaking of this, Tang San thought of the movies and TV shows related to "Pokémon" in his previous life, which depicted a world where humans and species called Pokémon coexisted harmoniously.

Although there are also shady interest disputes, generally speaking, humans and elves in that worldview can coexist perfectly.

Humans control elves to fight, but elves are not tools, but partners.

However, it is more troublesome to do this in Douluo Continent. In addition to the fact that it takes time to change human concepts, the spirit beasts themselves are also "wild and difficult to tame". The main reason is that spirit beasts are different from Pokémon. After the cultivation level reaches Before a certain level, you cannot understand human speech at all, which means you lack wisdom.

It can be said that the habits of spirit beasts that are less than ten thousand years old are not much different from ordinary animals and plants. The reason why they are difficult to tame is mainly because they possess extraordinary powers that ordinary animals and plants do not have, and they can easily hurt people.

Only a soul master can subdue a soul beast.

But the number of soul masters is pitifully small when compared to the entire human race on the mainland. Moreover, soul masters have a high status and do not need to do domestication work in order to survive.

Changing ideas does not happen overnight.

"Let humans and soul beasts coexist?" Gu Yuena imagined the future, shook her head, and said, "If we want to do that, the soul beasts and humans must understand each other. At least, most soul beasts must be born with Not weak spiritually, otherwise it will just be empty talk.”

"Indeed, this is a problem." Tang San nodded. After all, no matter which Pokémon in the Pokémon world view, they are born with a strong spiritual intelligence, but like the spirit beasts, most of them live in the natural environment. In the wild, you don’t think too much, and all you think about is for survival and reproduction.

How to make the soul beast also possess spiritual intelligence?

Tang San felt that we had to start from the rules.

"It's really a dream-like world." The Lord of Eternity watched the Pokémon animation in Tang San's memory and was filled with emotion. "But it's a pity that I have traveled to countless places with the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation. I have never encountered a similar world before. The most similar plane. When the animals and plants in it reach a certain level of cultivation, they can develop spiritual intelligence and then transform into half-human and half-animal forms, or all of them. The human form is what the practitioners there call it: demon.”

Electrolux said: "This is not much different from the soul beasts in Douluo Continent."

The Lord of Eternity shook his head and said: "It's different. They can freely transform between animal bodies and human bodies, but their strength is only equivalent to that of ten-thousand-year-level soul beasts."

"Can the rules be modified and applied to the rules of Douluo Continent?" Tang San felt that by sorting out all the similar rules known to the Eternal Lord, a rule suitable for spirit beasts might be established.

But the Lord of Eternity said: "It's possible, but I didn't record so many rules. After all, I just wandered freely in the space of the universe following the guidance of the will of the universe. I spent most of my time sleeping in the past, so what? Do you have time to record those plane rules? I was not a researcher before, and I don’t know any scientific thinking."

Tang San:"······"

There is a long way to go--

(End of this chapter)

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