Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 525 Yu Xiaogang: I, Shrek Academy, protest!

Chapter 525 Yu Xiaogang: I, Shrek Academy, protest!


Bibi Dong asked when Tang San took Gu Yuena back to the VIP table.

"It's just three Contras, it won't take too long." Tang San nodded, "They are the royal caravan of the Sun and Moon Empire, coming here to do business, but considering that they entered the country at will without us, We regard our sovereignty as nothing, and it is better to keep it in custody to await future judgment.”

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, looked at the scene above the venue, and asked: "Which team do you think can win this final?"

"Let's go to the Wuhundian team." Tang San said without hesitation, "Although in terms of personal strength, the captain of the Haotian Sect team is the strongest, but their team is too single. They are all powerful players, capable of close combat and armor breaking. , the field control is relatively comprehensive, but it does not have long-range attack methods."

"If it were a seven-on-seven spirit battle, the Wuhundian team might be overturned. After all, the Haotian Sect team can barely be regarded as 'one force can defeat all methods'."

"But this competition for transporting intelligence takes place in a very large area. Before returning to Wuhun City, the venue will be different every time we pass a certain distance. Moreover, even if the Haotian Sect team can snatch Xu Huang over, they still need to Be prepared for sneak attacks and robberies from other teams... From the previous battles with the Wuhundian team, the members of the Haotian Sect team have strong ability to adapt to changes in combat, but in terms of planning, they are quite poor. Genji is swinging his brain like a hammer."

"As for the other teams, I don't know much about them, but all the members of the Qibao Glazed Sect team have more flexible minds. Now they are divided into four groups, secretly watching the Wuhun Temple team, the Four Elements Academy team, the Shrek team and the other two teams. This team...I guess they want to extract more information from those two people on their way back."

"Although those two people are considered 'intelligence itself', collecting intelligence is also a method as long as we obtain more and more detailed content."

"[Normally], this premise has not been forgotten." Tang San reminded, "The spirit rings produced by some special spirit beasts may not have anything to do with the martial spirit itself, such as: a hundred thousand year soul. If the spirit ring of the beast is not consistent with the martial spirit itself, the spirit skills acquired may be dominated by the spirit beast."

"You still need to be more vigilant. The Eight Spider Spears give Oscar very good flexibility and are extremely poisonous. The soul skills of his martial spirit are also quite surprising. He can recover, be able to fight in close combat, can also control, and even has long-range capabilities." And the defensive skills are very comprehensive.”

“We won’t win the championship, but third place is not bad.”

"As for Team Shrek..."

When mentioning Oscar, Bibi Dong's face turned gloomy, but she still commented objectively: "Throwing aside the obscene elements, it's really 'refreshing'... How could a food martial spirit like sausage derive such a soul skill?" Come out? According to your theory, no matter what kind of soul ring the soul beast has, if it is attached to the martial soul, will it only give birth to the abilities that the martial soul itself can possess? Just like ropes can bind, lone wolves can bite, etc. "

Tang San in the original work, his sixth soul ring is Xiao Wu's sacrifice, and none of his soul skills are related to Blue Silver Grass. One is nothingness, and the other is to summon Xiao Wu's soul to materialize energy, and then Perform a set of physical attacks on the enemy called "Eight Stages of Void Explosive Killing".

"In Oscar's case, is it because the soul beasts he hunted are indistinguishable from food?" Bibi Dong became interested.

"No." Tang San shook his head, "Food spirit and weapon spirit can inherit the corresponding attributes of spirit beasts. His spirit obviously inherits the attributes of hunting spirit beasts." "As for his spirit skills? It will be that kind of expression——"

"This brings me to my "Evolution Theory of Martial Spirits". Martial spirits can sense the desires of the human heart, thereby responding to the expectations of the heart and evolving."

"It takes several generations for an ordinary person's martial soul to evolve, but a soul master can cultivate soul power and promote the rapid evolution of the martial soul. In this process, in addition to the changes brought about by the soul ring, the strong thoughts of the soul master himself, It will also play a certain role... and recently I also have a guess that the original martial arts of human beings are all the original martial arts. After all, the inheritance of the original martial spirit is uncertain and unstable, and it is easy to cause problems in other limbs. Changes, if some influence is exerted on this type of people before they awaken their martial soul, there is a high probability that the original martial soul will appear in other forms."

"Oscar's martial soul, it is estimated that it has a tendency to evolve in the direction of the original body. As for why it evolved in that direction... As I said before, the martial soul can respond to people's wishes to a certain extent."

"Furthermore, judging from his soul skills, the soul beasts he hunted almost all had skills such as spinning silk and spraying venom, which coincided with the male reproductive organs... Based on this analysis, he If his martial soul doesn't evolve in that direction, he will be sorry for the soul beasts he hunted."

Although Tang San's analysis was clear and logical, Bibi Dong's complexion became darker and darker, and her sense of Yu Xiaogang became worse and worse.

If the disciples are so wretched, how can the teacher be any better?

Also, Yu Xiaogang knew that Liu Erlong was his cousin, but he still got together...

Yu Xiaogang, in order to clear his name, did he even give up his face?

You have fallen!

But that’s fine, there’s no need to show any kindness in the future.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to afternoon.

All seven teams returned to Wuhun City, and the moment they entered Wuhun City, they could no longer fight with each other.

The team that won the championship was naturally the Wuhundian team with the dim-eyed Xu Huang.

The second place is the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect Team - when the Four Elements Team was entangled with the Shrek Team, Tiandou Royal Team, Xingluo Royal Team, etc., the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect team jumped out and snatched them away when they were all exhausted. He met the pale Fu Hongchen.

The third place went to the Four Elements Academy. Although they lost Fu Hongchen, they also got a lot of information about the Sun and Moon Empire from him. In terms of completeness, it was far better than the other teams, so they won the third place. name.

The four teams, Tiandou, Xingluo, Haotian Sect, and Shrek, collected the least intelligence and missed the top three.

Among them, the Haotian Sect team collected the least intelligence!

"The prosperity here far exceeds that of the imperial capital of the Sun and Moon Empire!" Xu Huang had just recovered from the turbulent trance. He looked around and his heart sank: This is definitely no less powerful than the Sun and Moon Empire. , Brother Huang, have you really...

When Tang San and Bibi Dong were preparing to award prizes to the winners, Yu Xiaogang from Shrek Academy stood up and shouted to the two of them: "I, Shrek Academy, protest! In this finals, we I don’t approve! I hope that the competition can be conducted in an upright and fair manner in accordance with the previous rules and in a standardized competition venue!”

(End of this chapter)

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