Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 526 Then you are also real heroes

Chapter 526 Then you are also real heroes

Why did Yu Xiaogang protest?

Can't wait.

Five years and five years, five years is so many?

Yu Xiaogang has also seen the development of Wuhun Palace over the years. In the next five years, even if Oscar and Ma Hongjun can participate again, so what?

They are no longer just teenagers. Even if they win the championship, it doesn't prove how powerful they are, just because they are older.

The Continental Classic is a stage for young people!

If he can't prove himself this time, then he will have no chance... Moreover, he has also calculated that if this competition is based on the team competition of seven VS seven, the Shrek team can beat the Wuhundian team. Oscar Against the captain of the Wuhundian team, there is a 70% chance of winning!

This sudden behavior caused everyone to focus on Yu Xiaogang.

"I protest!"

Yu Xiaogang said these three words again with a loud voice and piercing eyes. He looked directly at Bibi Dong, "This is against the rules!"

The people from Wuhun Palace were about to drive away, but Bibi Dong raised his hand to stop him and said: "Although the rules of this finals are temporarily changed, I think it is not unfair. In the process of detecting enemy intelligence, , each team was relatively comprehensive and fully demonstrated their methods, abilities, strategies, etc."

"Soul Master, just fight, you don't need to know so much." A trace of cold sweat broke out on Yu Xiaogang's forehead, but for the sake of his reputation, he must persist.

These words offended the high-ranking officials of all major forces present——

Bibi Dong has already recognized Yu Xiaogang's character and knows what he really cares about - his ridiculous self-esteem. "Although the enemies of the Sun and Moon Continent are cruel, they have also broadened our knowledge and made us realize Overseas, there are other continents and other civilizations.”

Yu Yuanzhen of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family was even more angry, clenching his fists tightly: "You traitor!"


"Times have changed, and soul masters must naturally follow the pace of the times and move forward together."

"You Shrek haven't answered the call to join the army yet!"

I just hope that Bibi Dong still has him in her heart and can give him some face and change the rules.

Although they cursed secretly in their hearts, no one said it openly that the current situation was inappropriate.

"Is this a mockery of our lack of contribution in that war?"

Yu Xiaogang's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that there was no place for him in Bibi Dong's heart, and he couldn't help but darken in his heart: "You are secretly changing the concept... Also, the Sun and Moon Empire's The enemy was nothing more than that, wasn't he defeated by Tang San alone?"

"Is it possible that, as a former master of martial arts theory, you feel that soul masters should not progress and remain the same? You know, at the beginning of the ancient times, when humans had not yet learned to use campfires, humans were still drinking blood."

"These days are different."

Bibi Dong looked deeply at Yu Xiaogang and said, "Do you think that every time there is an invasion of foreign enemies on the mainland, you can feel at ease and let Tang San and our Spirit Hall deal with it?"

"What qualifications do you have to say?"

"Sure, we'll go, but—"

"We don't have that obligation."

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang didn't answer, Liu Erlong wanted to say something, but Fran pulled him back and covered his mouth. The atmosphere fell silent. Bibi Dong faced the entire venue and asked: "Everyone, what are you doing?" Do you worship Tang San, worship the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace, worship the hero who single-handedly defeated the Sun and Moon thieves?" "Worship!"

At this moment, the entire venue was shouting and waving their arms, and the enthusiastic roars echoed through the sky, which stunned Yu Xiaogang - if the cheers here were for me, how great would it be?

He yearns for such pursuit!

This is how a soul master should be, respected by everyone!

At that time, his martial soul had mutated viciously, and he had no hope of reaching the peak as a soul master. He could only hope to achieve theoretical success in martial soul cultivation.

Its fundamental purpose is to enjoy the cheers and worship of thousands of people, and even regard him as a belief!

Unfortunately, this honor does not belong to him.

As everyone knows, it is precisely because of this vanity that he hopes to be admired and pursued by others that the compatibility between him and the martial spirit "Luo Sanpao" is extremely low...

After seeing the emotions caused by Bibi Dong, Tang San was speechless. He realized that it was time for him to go up and speak, and said, "Everyone, please be quiet. I'll say a few words."

The simple and unpretentious words moistened things as silently as spring rain, causing the entire audience to stop shouting.

"Thank you all for your trust in me. However, there is no need to admire me too much. I don't think I am a hero. I am just a cheerful person who can't hide secrets. I like to share some of my research results with others. I am complacent and... A cunning businessman who enjoys it, a parody intent on exploring the laws of nature.”

"Perhaps, he is still a more philandering person?"

"Ahem! These are not important. What is important is that, like me, eat well, rest well, work hard to live out your own life, and leave the results to those who come after you-"

"This is a hero!"

"And results are no matter how big or small. If I can be a hero, then you are also true heroes!"

The impassioned speech made everyone present cheer!

Whether they were praising others openly or slandering them secretly, at this moment, no one could deny that Tang San was the center of attention.

Envy, jealousy, regret...

Yu Xiaogang glared at Tang San, thinking to himself: "That's the position I should be standing in, but now - it's occupied by someone else... This fate is really unfair, I'm obviously the master of martial arts theory!"

"Finally, if you worship me, please surpass me. This is the greatest respect for me." Tang San raised his hand again, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and said the last part, "Don't blindly believe what I said. Everything I do is the truth, and finding out where I am wrong and being able to point it out is what you should do."

"When three of us travel together, we must be my teacher."

"No one is perfect. My achievements are also based on the research of predecessors. I just sorted it out a little, diverged my thinking a little, and did some experiments, and then I came up with the current comparison. Authoritative results, maybe if the research methods become more sophisticated in the future, the theory will be overturned and replaced with a more accurate theory.”

“It’s just keeping pace with the times.”

Suddenly, the whole place was silent, and most people began to think, and then——

Cheers again!

Chasing stars doesn’t require too much rationality~

However, Yu Xiaogang's incident was ignored by most of the audience present, and no one cared about his feelings... Although this saved him a little face, for him, being ignored was far from enough. It's worse than being laughed at.

laugh at···

At least someone cares.

But now, no one wants to know who he is or what he just proposed. Everyone just cheers and jumps for joy for the person they admire in their hearts.

Yu Xiaogang?

Who is that?

No matter how he shouted, his voice could not cover the audience, and he could only be dragged lonely by Flanders and Liu Erlong to the Shrek Academy audience seats...

(End of this chapter)

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