Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 527 Actions of the Traveler Alliance

Chapter 527 Actions of the Traveler Alliance

This time's awards ceremony was more luxurious than the previous one, mainly because the prizes were richer. The top three were all rewarded.

The third runner-up has three thousand-year-level soul bones.

With the development of the spirit beast illusion space, the number of soul bones exploded was also increasing day by day. Some of them were lost, broken and became incomplete during the research process of Guang Ling and Tang San, so they discussed it and took it out. , as a prize.

Although soul bones are only a thousand years old, on the Douluo Continent, this thing is still priceless, so it is extremely precious. In the past, except for the champion who received rewards, the other teams could only accept the rewards from various empires after returning. Recruitment and rewards.

Therefore, when the soul bone appeared, the eyes of many people on the field lit up.

"Martial Soul Hall is really generous. The third place is actually rewarded with a soul bone." Although the seventh elder of Haotian Sect doesn't look down on the thousand-year-level soul bone, if that thing falls into his hands, he will definitely absorb it. .

Without him, ten-thousand-year-level soul bones are too rare. If he wants to have ten-thousand-year-level soul bones all over his body, a titled Douluo like him should not have too many extravagant expectations.

Then, the second place team, the Qibao Glazed Sect team, came on stage to receive their rewards.

Bibi Dong personally brought out a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone.

At this time, the eyes of most people present were flashing with greed, but due to the Pope's great strength and the fact that Tang San was also beside him, no one dared to act rashly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

When the Wuhundian team came to the stage to receive the award, Bibi Dong took out three ten-thousand-year-level soul bones.

"Ten thousand year soul bone! That is the most precious treasure in the soul master world!" Tang Xiao swallowed unconsciously and calmed down, "Is the Spirit Hall so generous?"

"Perhaps it's a special meditation method created by Tang San or something like that."

He was not surprised that the Spirit Hall could produce ten thousand year soul bones, but the second place had a ten thousand year soul bone, so wouldn't the age of the soul bone obtained by the first place have to be fifty thousand years? Or maybe multiple ten thousand year soul bones? The reward for the champion of the previous competition seemed to be multiple ten thousand-year soul bones, but it seemed that Tang San used it as a stepping stone to challenge Bibi Dong...

"Original Kung Fu? What is that?"

This is not surprising at all, everyone has speculated.

"Is it possible that it has something to do with the Wuhun Palace collecting a large number of original Wuhun owners?"

While everyone was talking, Tang San took out seven more crystal clear beads the size of a fingernail, lifted them up to the seven people with his soul power, and said: "This is the second prize I gave, named The artificial soul ring is a soul ring created based on my ability after obtaining the ninth soul ring. When it reaches the bottleneck, it can be absorbed, and during the process of being absorbed, it will be absorbed according to your respective body, spirit, and martial soul. situation, reaching the maximum soul ring age that you can bear, and the soul skills evolved from it will also evolve under the world rules of Douluo Continent, which may not be the strongest, but are definitely the most suitable for your respective martial souls. Skills."

And Tang San lived up to everyone's expectations, taking out seven thick booklets and saying: "This is the "Original Skill". If the people inside Wuhun Palace want to practice it, they need to make a certain contribution. You and the captives of the Sun Moon Empire He is an important person, so he can practice in advance."

"The efficiency of training should be very high, otherwise the members of the Wuhun Palace team would not be so excited... It depends on the situation, even if the internal personnel of the Wuhun Palace want to practice, they have to pay a certain amount of merit and so on."

What they were more concerned about was what reward Tang San would give.

"Thank you, Lord Holy Son!" X7

The seven people were all overjoyed and took the seven booklets respectfully, with burning eyes.

Artificial soul ring?

World rules?

The Holy Son of the Wuhun Palace, the Master of Wuhun Theory, and Earl Silver Blue, what level had he, Tang San, reached? Can even soul rings be created?

This is no different from God!

After Tang San finished speaking, he took out an artificial soul ring bead again and concealed its use in front of everyone.

Everyone watched as the bead disintegrated under the infusion of soul power, condensing into a white soul ring, and then the color turned into yellow, purple, black, red and the gorgeous gold. Finally, this spirit ring was broken by Tang San's wave and turned into beads again.

"If you have the ability, the lifespan of this artificial spirit ring can reach the level of a million years." Tang San said, releasing his nine spirit rings, eight gold and one chaotic color, "Just like me, the Blue Silver Emperor The emperor's first eight soul rings are all at the million-year level."

Everyone's breath froze.

Millions of years?

Is that human being?

Could it be that Tang San had already broken through to the legendary hundred levels and became a god?

"We will do our best!" The seven members of the Wuhundian team showed admiration and fascination. They respectfully received the seven artificial soul ring beads, looking forward to obtaining a hundred thousand year level soul ring in the future...


"Tang San is a bit too powerful."

In the Traveler Alliance, Tang Laoya's eyes twitched, "Eight golden million-year soul rings, plus the ninth strange soul ring, maybe at the tens of millions of years level... How did he do it?"

Feng Ming sighed and said: "We are all time travellers, why are we so shabby? Is it possible that he became the protagonist because of his time travel? Is there any justice?"

Hawke was also shocked, but then said: "Don't be so decadent. At least we have established a line with each other and left some feelings... By the way, I am getting closer and closer to the soul emperor." It’s almost here, start getting ready, go to Poseidon Island, I’ll take you flying.”

Hawke finally saw that Tang San most likely did not accept the inheritance of a certain god——

According to the original work, the most generous god in Douluo Continent is Poseidon. All residents of Poseidon Island can participate in the assessment when they reach a certain age.

Unlike angel gods and Rakshasa gods, they dig and search.

And Tang San obtained eight million-year-old spirit rings, a special spirit ring of an unknown age... It didn't look like it could be created by humans, but it certainly didn't involve the involvement of gods from the divine world.

They won't act like this!

"Going to Poseidon Island? Do you have a way to get past the guardian on the outside of the island: the Demonic Great White Shark?" Feng Ming asked excitedly.

"The New Heaven Dou Federation has seized a lot of ship-type soul guides from the Sun and Moon Army. It won't be a problem to borrow a ship with fast speed and high hardness."

Hawke had his own ideas, and his face looked more anxious and helpless.

"The Sun and Moon Empire army can fly across the sea and come to Douluo Continent. Even with Xu Xing leading the way, their own ships must be able to withstand the impact of ten thousand year level soul beasts, otherwise they will not be safe."

"We must quickly get close to Tang San in terms of strength, otherwise our line will be cut off by him on a whim."

"If we want the right to speak, we must have the corresponding strength."

Feng Ming thought thoughtfully and finally agreed, saying: "Speaking of which, is the emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire also a time traveler?"

Hawke said: "It must be, but it doesn't matter, he was beaten to death by Tang San anyway..."

(End of this chapter)

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