Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 528 Tang Chen: Failed again

Chapter 528 Tang Chen: Failed again...

"The inheritance failed..."

In the dim and scarlet place where Shura God inherited the inheritance, Tang Chen looked ugly, "Is my will really not firm? But I have fulfilled my original agreement."

Although he did not inherit the Shura God's title, Tang Chen relied on his powerful talent to break through level 100 in the land of inheritance and became a killing god under the Shura God.

"Your heart is not strong, you are trapped by love, and it is difficult to inherit the throne of Shura." God King Shura also came to the inheritance space at this time - at that time, he went to track the throne of the divine seal of eternity and creation, but he searched for many days and found nothing. He had no choice but to report back to the God Realm... Later, he found that Tang Chen saw Bo Saixi's illusion during the test for inheriting the divine throne and couldn't extricate himself.

God King Shura could sense it, and Tang Chen himself knew that it was a phantom, not a real person, but he was willing to indulge in it and didn't want to wake up.

Such a guy is simply not qualified for the position of Shura God.

Shura is a law enforcer in the God Realm. He can have selfish motives, but when enforcing the law, he cannot be so sentimental and trapped by seven emotions and six desires. This is absolutely unqualified!

"Great God Shura, can you give me another chance?" Tang Chen begged.

"You are not qualified. That is to say, you have accumulated a lot of energy in this process, exceeded level 100, and reached the level of a priest. Otherwise, you would have been in the process of inheriting the divine throne and sinking forever. In purgatory, both body and soul will eventually be destroyed." God King Shura said coldly.

"Thank you, God King Shura!" Tang Chen thanked him hurriedly, finally letting go of a large part of the stone in his heart.

"When I was enforcing the law against the angel god in the lower world, I met him and had a pleasant conversation with him."

Tang Chen's heart sank and he thought to himself: In the divine world, relationships are also important.

God King Shura's eyes were indifferent: "So, the Angel God is dead. She refused to obey the orders of the God Realm and insisted on staying in the lower world to spread the faith... She was killed by me with my own hands. I only used one sword, but I thought it was me. She has a great talent for condensing the divine position, so I just shattered her divine body and killed her soul, but the angelic divine position was left, which gave her descendants a hope."

"This attachment really impresses me." God King Shura sighed softly and said: "But you have also broken through level 100. From now on, you can be a killing god under me. As for Bo Saixi, you don't have to Worry, she is the high priest of Poseidon, and when she dies in the future, her soul can be pulled by Poseidon to the divine realm, and her body can be reshaped at that time."

"Of course--"

"As for Poseidon..."

Tang Chen was stunned. He had never thought that gods could not interfere in the human world. Then Haotian Sect... Suddenly, Tang Chen seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Why can the angel god interfere in the human world?"

"And Poseidon, isn't he also embracing his faith? Isn't this interfering in the human world?"

"The Wuhun Palace has the belief in angels, and Qian Daoliu is also a good friend of mine. He once told about the glory of angels. That shouldn't be some illusory story, right?"

Tang Chen's heart was trembling, and he lowered his head, not daring to refute - he also wanted to inherit the divine throne, but who said it was Bo Saixi in the illusion? Even if it is an illusion, he does not want to harm it at all.

"Now, you have two choices: one, follow me to the divine world and become familiar with the corresponding things; the other, stay in the mortal world, but you can only stay for a hundred years, and during these hundred years, you cannot interfere with the affairs of the human world. It is also impossible to kill a mortal, even if he or she is guilty... From our point of view, the existence of good and evil has its own reason, not to mention that there is a supreme god king in the divine world, named: Evil." God Shura Tang Chen was given two choices.

As if he could read Tang Chen's thoughts, God King Shura added, "He did not violate the rules of the God Realm. After all, he just settled on a small island overseas. The people on Poseidon Island were originally just fishermen. They spontaneously His belief in Poseidon was not actively recruited by Poseidon, and the existence that provided him with the most faith was the Sea Soul Beast."


initiative? That's the difference!

Tang Chen suddenly realized, and then said: "I want to stay in the mortal world for a hundred years. I wonder, can I teach my disciples?"

"Those who become gods cannot interfere in the human world." God King Shura said calmly.

"Absolutely not." Tang Chen understood clearly. The implication of this was that it could not affect the situation in the mainland and could play secret chess on a small scale. But Tang Chen only had two thoughts at this time: to teach his disciples and -

Marry Bo Saixi!

But when Tang Chen came out of seclusion, he learned the result of this continental elite competition from Tang Xiao and others who rushed back to the sect: the Haotian Sect team could not even make it into the top three.

"Hmph! You have all obtained the Killing God Realm, right? Are you such a waste?" Tang Chen hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"Sorry, great-grandfather..."

These fourth generation disciples of the Haotian Sect all lowered their heads and had no face to face Tang Chen.

Tang Xiao said something fair: "The main reason is that there was an accident in the finals this time. The Sun and Moon Empire sent people to invade again... Then the finals became seven teams collecting information about the Moon Merchant, and Tang Third, he has reached a peerless state. With just a raise of his hands and feet, he can open a space channel and travel thousands of miles in an instant..."

After understanding the tip of the iceberg of Tang San's strength, Tang Chen frowned: "Artificial soul rings? Can those things be created? It seems that he has definitely embarked on the same path as me."

"Uncle, now that you are out of seclusion, have you become Shura God?" The seventh elder asked about this, his face was excited, and others were also excited. Does this mean that their Haotian Sect will once again reach the top of the mainland? ?

"No." Tang Chen's words extinguished the flames of joy and excitement among everyone, and then he said, "But he did break through to level 100 and became a killing god under the command of God Shura... in the divine world. The gods are also divided into three, six or nine levels, and God Shura is at the level of God King, the one with the highest strength. I am not qualified enough to gain his recognition, so I can only become a minor god."

The seventh elder became excited again: "That's God too!"

Tang Xiao also regained his spirits: "Grandpa, can we declare war first with Wuhun Palace? Then, we can go overseas and attack the Sun and Moon Empire! Dealing with Wuhun Palace is a personal enmity, and others can't say anything, but At this time, Wuhun Palace is at its peak, and others will think that we don’t care about the overall situation, but if we can also defeat the Sun Moon Continent, then the Haotian Sect’s reputation will definitely be popular among people.”

However, Tang Chen's face looked a little ugly and he said: "As a god, I am not allowed to interfere in the human world. My power is too strong and will cause disaster to all living beings."


The smiles on the faces of Tang Xiao and others disappeared——

Great-grandfather, uncle, grandfather, when did you become so compassionate?

"However, I will teach you to break through the realm. You must achieve your status and reputation by yourself!" Tang Chen continued.

Tang Xiao and others understood——

It turns out that grandpa (uncle, great-grandfather) wanted to train them.

That's right!

Naturally, they have to regain what they lost by themselves, how can they rely on Tang Chen?

"By the way, where is Hao'er?"

"Brother Hao? He is practicing in the back mountain. I heard from him that the killing god domain on the Haotian Hammer is about to evolve again, and he has sensed the divine thoughts in the dark."

"Really? Maybe Hao'er has a chance..."

(End of this chapter)

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