Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 536 Scare the Children

Chapter 536 Scare the Children

"As the princess of a country, it's not good to be so unruly." Tang San shook his head, "Yan is not ugly..."

"Lord Holy Son!"

Yan couldn't help it anymore, veins popped up on his forehead, "Can you skip this topic?"

"OK!" Tang San gestured to the other party, but Xu Huang was shocked and asked hurriedly: "How do you know this gesture? This is a code and secret message between me and my elder brother. It is impossible for outsiders to Even if you know it, you won’t understand its meaning, but you actually..."

"You may not believe it, but your elder brother and I should be considered the same kind of people to a certain extent." Tang San shrugged his shoulders, not caring about the presence of Yan and Fu Hongchen. After all, they couldn't understand, even if they did I understand, but it doesn't matter, so I said casually, "Besides, I may know a little more about this language than your elder brother. After all, foreign languages ​​are my major."

Xu Huang didn't understand, but he didn't know how serious it was. Then he was ready to say something to test: "Ella is rich, what does this mean?"

"The pronunciation is not very standard, it should be I·love·you. Under normal circumstances, it refers to the confession between men and women, that is: I love you." Tang San chuckled, but his eyes caught a glimpse of Yan's look of realization, He kept saying "Ella is rich" and seemed to want to make a secret confession to someone.

No need to think about it, it must be Xiang Hu Liena.

"You actually know!" Xu Huang's eyes widened and he looked at Tang San in disbelief, "Who are you?"

In an instant, the two looked at each other and hurriedly ran to the left and right - there were doors on the left and right sides of the interrogation room, and during the few days they were detained, the two also figured out the general topography of the prison, and in Before being captured, Fu Hongchen noticed a waterway flowing to the outside world, and he should be able to escape through that.


As soon as their hands touched the door handle, two blue silver emperor leaves appeared on their bodies. Before they had time to react, they were pulled back to their original seats.

After saying that, Tang San let go of the Blue Silver Emperor.

"After all, I don't want us to become wild beasts like you who prey on the weak and even slaughter the city on a whim."

"Maybe you will think this is more hypocritical, but this is the difference between us and you."

At least that's the case inside Wuhun Hall.

"Why do you think we need to be liberated?" Tang San asked.

"Tang San, at the same time, is also the of you two." Tang San raised his fingers and moved slightly, and the soul-sealing belts around their waists automatically dropped.

Without the restraints, the soul power of the whole body will naturally recover.

"The so-called guardianship means monitoring and care. Don't confuse it with 'elder'." Tang San smiled slightly and said his definition of "guardian", "We are civilized people, so we won't do it just because you are Japanese." The people of the Moon Empire will drive you all to death. After those Sun and Moon soldiers and generals who invaded the Douluo Continent were defeated by us, they were not killed directly, but were tried through legal procedures and convicted."


Xu Huang glanced at Fu Hongchen, gave up her plan to escape, and asked, "Is this the so-called guardian's attitude?"

Xu Huang wanted to explain something, but she saw photos and videos of Tang San invading Xiaohai City and piling up the Sun and Moon Army into a palace in front of her: "If this is the so-called liberation, then I Now go to the Sun and Moon Continent, find a city at random, kill all the people there, and pile them up into such a small mountain, can it be said to be liberation?"

Before the two of them could struggle, Tang San said: "I think you guys should also realize the strength gap between you and me, right? Why do you do such a funny thing?"

In this case, wouldn't it be the best time to escape?

Not only Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen were stunned, but Yan on the side was also a little stunned. It felt like Tang San was talking about not only the Sun and Moon Empire, but also the former Spirit Hall and the two empires... But now, under Tang San's influence Now, this situation seems to be gradually changing. Although the strong still have the highest rights, now, some weaker people also have a certain say.

More importantly, because of Tang San's special status, after he came in, the two of them noticed that the guards here had temporarily left.



Xu Huang was angry, "We are obviously here to liberate you!"

Xu Huang's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it - even though she was Xu Huang's sister, she had never been exposed to this. She had never participated in a real war since she was a child.

She never imagined that the so-called liberation could be so cruel.

"It seems that you still have some conscience."

Tang San confirmed his guess. The other party was born in the royal family, but was well protected. Perhaps in terms of personality, she was unruly and willful, and was affected by the bad habits of the nobility, but she was in a high position and was not exposed to too many people. Dark, or in other words, unable to truly understand, has greater sympathy for ordinary poor people, and the "clarity" and "stupidity" revealed in his eyes are no less than those of college students who have just entered society.

"According to the laws of our Douluo Continent's Spirit Hall, Tiandou Empire, Star Luo Empire, and New Tiandou Federation, you came to Douluo Continent with the Yue Shang. Although it was not an invasion, you did not kill a single Douluo. The people of the mainland, but after all, they entered our territory without our permission."

"Therefore, you are required to serve."

"In view of your special status, I will personally take care of you. I hope you can learn something so that you can correct your attitude and understand what you are living for."

"And the rest of them? They seal their soul power and go to the mine to mine."

The two people who came back to their senses looked at each other in confusion. After a while, Xu Huang asked: "How long do we need to serve?"

Tang San thought for a moment and said, "Ten years, what do you think?" "It's too long!" Fu Hongchen wanted to bargain.

"fifteen years."


"Twenty years." Tang San added another five years and reminded, "Please remember, after that, I can't hear the word 'agree', or you choose to acquiesce, that is, stay silent for ten seconds, I Just add five more years.”

Xu Huang didn't understand: "What's the point of this? If you add it to a hundred years later, we will all be old!"

"Twenty-five years." Tang San reported a number, and then said to Yan, "Go to the cell and find a death row prisoner who has been deprived of all rights. He is older or is in critical condition."

Without saying anything, Yan immediately went to the cell and picked up an old fallen man who had been beaten half to death.

OK, both conditions are met.

Under the puzzled looks of Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen, Tang San snapped his fingers.

Just hearing a "pop" sound, a blue silver emperor grew out of the ground and wrapped around the fallen man. With the injection of life force, the opponent's injuries recovered quickly, and the skin on his body also became smooth, but The hair is still white.

"Did you see it? As long as I want, people can live forever." Tang San said and glanced at Yan.

"What do you mean?" Dan Yan and Tang San didn't have any tacit understanding and asked directly.

"Don't make a serious situation so funny, okay?" Tang San helplessly held his forehead and said bluntly: "Punch him in the stomach, the kind that goes straight through."

"This is not good."

He said this, but Yan smiled ferociously and punched the fallen man's abdomen directly. The punch with hot magma penetrated his abdomen and came out from his lower back.

The Fallen's eyes bulged out in pain, veins popped out all over his body, and he yelled.

Tang San used his first soul skill to restore it.

In less than ten seconds, the wound on his abdomen was restored to its original state, even the prison uniform on his body was still charred black.

Then, Tang San asked Yan to chop off the fallen man's head.


The fallen man's head fell to the ground, his eyes were still rolling, and his consciousness did not dissipate immediately.

Tang San pressed it back to his body and used his first soul skill to heal the wound. The fallen man's head and body were reconnected, and the other man was trembling with fear.

"Isn't it interesting?"

Tang San showed a big smile towards the two people who were trembling with fear, "Have you thought about what to say next? I keep my word, otherwise, let alone a hundred years, even a thousand or ten thousand years , can be added, anyway, with me here, even if you want to die, you can't do it."

After saying that, Tang San glanced at Yan again.

"Punch him again?"

"No, let's give them both a shock and kill this degenerate directly. By the way, before killing him, let's talk about what this guy did."

"Oh~ In order to become a soul master, this guy relied on martial arts to absorb people's blood and soul power. And because he was too old and couldn't defeat other soul masters, he set his targets on ordinary people, especially women and children. , babies, before his arrest, there were 173 women, 221 children between the ages of 6 and 15, and 369 babies whose blood he sucked. He also likes to suck people’s brains.”

When Yan said this, he smashed the opponent's head with a punch, and then continued, "Because it was too bad, I didn't plan to kill him directly. I planned to use the waste before he died to make qi, blood and soul power." , mental power and other testing know these better, and after death, the soul..."

"By the way, it seems that this cannot be said."

But Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen no longer listened to what Yan said, they just did this to this degenerate.

On the Sun Moon Continent, there are many people who lack talent but want to become soul masters and are looking for "shortcuts"... But the two of them have only heard stories and have never had any contact with them.

I didn’t expect that the Fallen could be so cruel!

Tang San wrapped the corpse with Blue Silver Emperor and used the fourth soul skill: Nine Deaths to Resurrection. In less than fifteen minutes, the dead fallen person was "resurrected", but he was a little sluggish at first, but then he remembered something and was horrified. Looking at Tang San and Yan, they couldn't help but retreat.

"Did you see that? Even if you are dead, I can bring you back to life." Tang San showed a devilish smile to the two of them, and his meaningful eyes made the two of them feel as if they had fallen into a bitterly cold ice cellar and were unable to escape.

"Now, have you thought about it?"


Xu Huang immediately agreed.

Fu Hongchen nodded dullly and agreed involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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