Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 537 I want to learn everything here!

Chapter 537 I want to learn everything here!

"I didn't expect that the Holy Son could resurrect others." Yan Yi saw Tang San's ability for the first time and couldn't help but marvel, "Isn't it possible that the personnel of Wuhun Palace can live forever?"

"Without the complete soul, resurrection will not be a true success."

Tang San shook his head, but this does not mean that without a complete soul, there is no way to be resurrected, but it is not certain whether the person after resurrection is the original one.

After all, the soul is divided into: soul shell and immortal spirit.

The soul shell, that is, the mysterious substance that is mostly composed of memories, is like the data information of Tang San's great era and can be copied.

The backward method is equivalent to borrowing a book to copy, but the more advanced method is to click "Ctrl+C", then click "Ctrl+V" and paste with one click.

Yan also knows something about this, and also knows that in the starry sky world, the spiritual soul masters in the Wuhun Palace are studying the souls of the fallen, in order to obtain soul embers that can only be left after the soul dies naturally. A precious substance to enhance the quality of human soul.

Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen, who were following Tang San, felt their scalps numb when they heard——

Wuhun Palace is so scary!

Unexpectedly, this Holy Son actually began to study the resurrection of the dead, even involving the soul!

This is an area that even my brother (Your Majesty) has not touched!

After leaving the prison, Xu Huang suddenly spoke and asked, "Can I meet Elder Xu Long?"

"Because, in that case, it's okay for you to attack the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace and be executed on the spot."

"No." Tang San refused flatly.

"Why?" Xu Huang was a little angry, "You are so powerful, are you still afraid that I will plot something with him?"

Back at Hunwu Manor, Tang San called Lan Yinzi and said, "You know these two guys, they are 'famous' in the competition. From today on, I am their guardian, you..." ··”

Their faces turned dark and they were speechless.

"I'm not afraid, but I hate trouble. My time is precious and I don't have much free time to deal with other things. Besides, I am the guardian of both of you now, so you have to listen to me." When Tang San said this, he said to The two of them showed a playful smile, "Xu Huang, your brother, was pierced through the heart by me before leaving this place. If there was no way to save his life, he would most likely be dead. Therefore, if you two If you want revenge, you can launch a sneak attack on me at any time, but you only have one chance."

"Very smart." Tang San clapped his hands, as if admitting that he did not kill Xu Huang, and then grinned, "But it is an indisputable fact that he escaped to other planes after I beat him, isn't it? Otherwise , how could you be caught? Otherwise, how could our continent have the leisure and leisure to hold the Continental Classic?"

Fu Hongchen suddenly realized: "As expected of a princess, she is smart...Tang San, we have seen through your plan! Although you are very strong, you are no match for your majesty. How could your majesty be killed by you?"

Xu Huang clenched his fists, but finally put down his hands, stared with big eyes, and asked: "Is it because you have no reason to kill us, so you want to stimulate us so that you can have a reason to do it? The Holy Son of Wuhun Palace needs to be upright?"

"Guardian?" Lan Yinzi exclaimed, interrupting Tang San, "Are you going to be their father?"

Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen's expressions became even more gloomy.

"Monitoring and care." Tang San corrected, pushing the two of them in front of Lan Yinzi, "But I don't have that much time. You can help teach them and let them learn how to do housework."

"I don't know how." Xu Huang refused, "After all, I am also the princess of the Sun and Moon Empire. How can I do the work that a servant should do?" "So, you have to learn." Tang San said unceremoniously. Fu Hongchen said, "You should be more sensible than her. If you want to live or escape, you must at least eat well, wear warm clothes, understand the route map of the entire Wuhun City, and understand the general map of Douluo Continent. And these , all require time and energy.”

Fu Hongchen nodded frequently, then felt something was wrong and asked strangely: "Are you trying to help us?"

"Try to impress me." Tang San had other thoughts. These two people had a very high status in the Sun-Moon Empire and had great influence. As long as they were subtly affected by this side, they would return to the Sun-Moon Continent in the future and carry out reforms there. System adjustments and improvements will probably bring the values ​​of people on both sides closer together, making it easier to integrate them.

and also--

"I have a question. Are the common words used on your Sun Moon Continent the same as those on our Douluo Continent?"

"The accents are different, but the words are the same." Xu Huang asked without thinking, "Why?"

"Nothing, I just feel that maybe before eternity, the two continents were one." Tang San said casually, but he was thinking in his heart: The theory of continental drift is also applicable to this world. That's right, in a planet-like world, the continents don't drift, which is a strange phenomenon.

However, the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent have been separated for such a long time, and the language has not changed... It seems that it has inherited the superiority of the golden civilization, which is extraordinary, otherwise it would not have such a big influence.

"Are you kidding some continent-level joke?" Xu Huang looked at Tang San with the eyes of a fool, feeling that he shouldn't be such a boring person.

"Occasionally, you can relax by making small jokes." Tang San smiled, and then said to Lan Yinzi, "I'll leave these two guys to you. At least, let them learn how to buy food, cook, wash, and clean in the future. and other life skills.”

Lan Yinzi looked at the two of them with a smile and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely train them into obedient babies."

"That's not necessary." Tang San signaled Lan Yinzi not to go too far, and then said to the two of them, "Actually, the people who work as slaves here are noble soul masters who have made mistakes, and they might have something to talk about with you. Moreover, in your spare time, you can also explore the situation of the entire Wuhun City by yourself and study accordingly, I will not restrict it too much."

Xu Huang and Fu Hongchen looked at each other and wondered why they were given so much freedom. Are they really not afraid of them running away?

Later, after two days of living as servants, the two discovered that the advanced level of Wuhun City + the six outer cities was really not comparable to that of the Sun and Moon Empire.

At least, as servants, the two of them are no worse than what they originally came from in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation -

Although the style of the clothes is simple, the fabric is no worse than that of the princes and nobles; the living space is small, but it is an independent room with a kitchen, stove, toilet, bed board, etc. It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs; The food we eat is not leftovers. There is a public canteen in the manor. The dishes are as rich as those of the royal family, but there is no soul beast meat. As for travel, there are special bicycles or soul guide cars. If you want to drive , you can apply for the corresponding assessment.

Is this really what a servant should enjoy?

Then, the two of them discovered that the servants here were also very serious about their work. After all, no matter how much they enjoyed themselves, they had to work hard, otherwise they would be fired.

In addition, the six outer cities of Wuhun City are also very prosperous and lively, and each city has its own characteristics and is constantly expanding outwards——

"Princess, should we find a way to escape?"

"No!" Xu Huang had other plans at this time, "This place is more advanced than the empire. I want to stay and learn everything here (Martial Spirit City)!"

(End of this chapter)

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