Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 548: Take measures against the Killing City

Chapter 548: Take measures against the Killing City

After Tang San came down from Tang Chen's place, Hu Liena came over and asked, "What did that god tell you? Doesn't he want you to return to the Haotian Sect, and then cooperate inside and outside to attack the Spirit Hall?"

"People from the Haotian Sect have more brains than muscles, and they can't think of a sneak attack strategy." Tang San denied Hu Liena's last guess, and then said, "Get ready, it's time to go back, it's really boring here."

Haotian Sect is still living in the past.

Tang Chen's return not only did not allow them to reflect, but they felt that their backbone was back... It can only be said that this kind of sect has no future and will eventually disappear in the long river of history.

"Indeed, the disciples of the Haotian Sect basically think in terms of hammers. Although the soul masters are warlike, they are not warlike to the extent they are." Hu Liena thought of what she had done in the Haotian Sect where people from other forces were allowed to browse. From what I saw and heard, most of the disciples were sparring with each other. Apart from that, they seemed to be doing nothing else.

As for other chores in the sect, they are all done by the Force Clan, the Yu Clan, and other people whose martial spirits are not from the Clear Sky Hammer.

These people in the Haotian Sect really seem to only have muscles in their minds.

If it was meant to be demonstrated in front of outsiders like them...


Movements can be disguised, expressions can be changed, and words can be spoken unintentionally, but habits that have been developed over several years cannot be changed overnight.

Not to mention, everyone in the Haotian Sect is extremely proud and does not even bother to hide their true thoughts. When asked about some secrets that they should not ask, they would at best avoid talking about it, and most people would never think of changing the subject. .

After the two returned to the mountain gate of Haotian Sect, they called the rest of the Wuhun Hall and prepared to leave.

The Qibao Glazed Sect, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and others also planned to leave together. After all, staying here would only be embarrassing.

Ning Fengzhi, in particular, found that there were not many common topics between the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Haotian Sect, and there was no business cooperation. He couldn't help but sigh to himself: the Haotian Sect has declined.

Although Tang Chen became a god, which could be regarded as re-establishing the Haotian Sect, but a hundred years later, when he ascended to the divine realm, where should the Haotian Sect go?

Perhaps because of Tang Chen, the Haotian Sect has a lot of titled Douluo, but judging from the current situation, the disciples of the Haotian Sect can no longer keep up with the ever-changing new era. Even if they have more powerful people, So what? Is it possible that the number of powerful people can be used to force cooperation with other forces and collect protection fees?

Give me a break!

Times have changed!

What's more, if we really want to talk about the number of strong men, with Tang San in the Wuhun Palace, after a hundred years of development, the number of titled Douluo will only be greater. Even the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family will compete with the Wuhun Palace. Goodness, completely forming a community of interests, what will the Haotian Sect do with it?

After returning to Wuhun City, Tang San reported the general situation to Bibi Dong, and then said: "For now, to deal with Tang Chen, we must either force him to ascend to the God Realm, or make him violate the rules of the God Realm."

"For the former, when the successor of Poseidon reaches level 100, Tang Chen will most likely follow Bo Saixi to the God Realm. He is a relatively infatuated person; for the latter, he keeps provoking, but his methods are not very glorious. Martial Spirit The temple is now open and aboveboard, and is not suitable for doing that kind of thing."

"There is another way, which is to wait for the blue silver network to cover the entire planet, find the inheritance places of all the gods, erase the coordinates, and cut off the space channels."

"In other words, the space channel is in our hands."

This naturally involves using the starry sky world and Tang San's ninth spirit ring: the Divine Seal Throne of Eternity and Creation to communicate with the divine world. After all, if Douluo Star World wants to grow, it also needs high-quality source energy.

Fairy spirit is good.

"Then let's follow the third method. After all, what we lack most now is time." Bibi Dong made a decision, and then asked, "So, what do you think about Poseidon Island? That Poseidon If the inheritor becomes a god in the future, how should he deal with it?"

"The successors of gods are much easier to deal with than those who independently gather their faith to become gods, because they all know more or less the rules of the god world and will not act recklessly after becoming gods." Tang San didn't take it seriously. "Moreover, the road to becoming a god is not smooth sailing, and he may not be able to succeed." "As for how to treat Poseidon Island..."

"Opening up territory is not what Wuhun Palace should do."

Wuhun Palace has not yet established an empire, so there is no need to worry about the size of the empire's territory. It just needs a reasonable reason to deal with Poseidon Island.

For example: Emperor Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire considered the importance of coastal defense and wanted to include Poseidon Island in the coastal defense circle.

Obviously, Bo Saixi from Poseidon Island would definitely not agree.

As a result, a conflict will definitely break out, and Wuhun Palace will have a reason to take action. With the current relationship between Poseidon Island and Haotian Sect, Tang Chen is unlikely to get involved, but he can kill two birds with one stone.

"Indeed, Xue'er has to work harder." Bibi Dong decided to write a letter, asking her to solve the new Tiandou Federation as soon as possible, regain Tiandou's original territory, and then develop the empire while also paying tribute to Poseidon. Heading to the island... This is the closest place to Douluo Continent where the gods are inherited. It would be better to find a solution first.

Speaking of the inheritance places of gods, there are also inheritance places for Angel God and Shura God in Douluo Continent.

There is no need to worry about the inheritance place of the Angel God. The previous Angel God has died and disappeared. There is no need to worry about it. There is only one god left in the world. As for the inheritance place of the Shura God... most of the entrances and exits of the Killing City have been closed. , but its presence in the world is always troublesome.

"I have an idea about the Killing City -"

Electrolux already has the Soul Seal Throne of Goodness and Death, but it is not a problem to stay in his upper dantian or the starry sky world all the time. He needs to have his own territory.

It just so happens that the ownerless city of Killing City can be cleaned up for Electrolux to live in.

As for the question of whether the city of killing belongs to God Shura?

His godmother is also the goddess of life!

What's more, as the law enforcer of the God Realm, God Shura should be generous to mortals. The protagonist of the original work destroyed the city of killing, but he didn't care much about it.

It is estimated that the City of Slaughter is just one of God Shura's back-up tools for choosing a successor. If he really likes someone, it is not impossible to directly send his spiritual thoughts to the earth to invite him.

Of course, even if the worst happens and God Shura descends to earth to question him, he can just test how far he is from the level of a God King at this time.

At that time, the commotion became louder and alarmed the God Realm, but it was because of the Shura God King who had a hard time with him as a mortal.

"Then the city of killing will be left to you, but what are you going to do with it?" Bibi Dong believed in Tang San, but was also curious about what Tang San would do.

"The main thing is that I have a friend..."

"But it's not a good time to show up now. I will introduce you to him after the transformation of the Killing City is completed."

(End of this chapter)

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