Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 549: The establishment of the Netherworld and the theory of Wuhunzi entanglement system

Chapter 549: The establishment of the Netherworld and the theory of Wuhunzi entanglement system

The city of killing.

Coming to this "City of the Dead" again, Tang San had a different feeling - the space here was between reality and dimensions. To put it simply, it was the space passage between the God Realm and the Douluo Continent. The endpoint is similar to a transit station, but only gods can pass through it. Ordinary people, even the most powerful ones, cannot break through the space and enter the divine realm.

Walking in the city of the Killing City, the flesh, blood and bones of the past have long been turned into dust and disappeared in this special environment with fluctuations in divine power. Only the broken buildings show the "prosperity" of this place.

Tang San came to the center of the former Slaughter King's palace. There was a formation composed of strange lines, which was the real door to the God Realm.

"This is it."

Electrolux's figure appeared, he looked at this place for a long time, and said to Tang San, "Release the martial spirit, the Lord of Eternity and I will cut off this connection. From now on, God Shura has lost a coordinate and wants to observe To go to the lower realm, you either need to observe through a soul master who has been given the realm of the killing god, or you need to go through the inheritance places left by other gods in the lower realm."

In this way, it will inevitably alert the snake.

But Tang San released the Blue Silver Emperor, planted it on the ground where the space passage was, and together with the Lord of Eternity destroyed the corresponding passage patterns.

How can you accomplish something if you are timid?

Furthermore, from a human perspective, isn’t it normal to develop an abandoned city? It was just a self-defeating act that cut off the space channel left by God Shura, that's all.

With the disconnection of the space channel, the Shura divine power in the entire killing city could not be maintained and gradually dispersed. The entire underground world shook as if it would collapse at any time.

But this vibration only lasted for more than ten seconds and then stopped, because the roots of the Blue Silver Emperor had spread to the entire killing city, re-stabilizing the corresponding foundation.

After the space in the Killing City was re-stabilized, Electrolux released the Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death and placed it in front of the Blue Silver Emperor.

The leaves of the Blue Silver Emperor wrapped around it and lifted it to the top.

The eighteen levels of hell space in this Soul Seal Throne were originally connected to the starry sky world. Now that the Soul Seal Throne has come to reality, it is connected with this space and combined with each other, making the entire killing city a Part of the Eighteenth Level of Hell.

"Haha! The hell gate of the underworld is closed! It's done!" Electrolux's figure gradually solidified, becoming no different from a real human body, as if he had been completely resurrected.

However, Tang San could tell that Electrolux did not obtain a flesh and blood body, but because the eighteen levels of hell space inside the Soul Seal Throne were combined with the space of the Killing City, and the Blue Silver Emperor's starry sky world was stabilized. , so that he can live like a real person in this space between reality and illusion.

In this way, in this killing city, Electrolux is equivalent to being alive, and as long as the power of others cannot reach the level of destroying the entire killing city, they will be crushed by Electrolux.

The entire city of killing has become the domain of Electrolux!

Although from the perspective of the outside world, the scope of the Killing City is slightly larger than that of Tiandou City, in fact, the internal space is already bound to the eighteen levels of hell inside the Throne of the Soul Seal of Kindness and Death. , and the eighteen levels of hell space are bound to the starry sky world within the Blue Silver Emperor.

As long as the starry sky world continues to grow, the space here can also expand without limit.

In the same way, as this area improves, the starry sky world can also receive feedback and grow rapidly.

"Come out!"

"My most loyal servant!"

Following Electrolux's call, a humanoid undead monarch came out of the Soul Seal Throne of Goodness and Death. It was the undead creature created by Electrolux using countless undead souls, and it was also the spirit of this Soul Seal Throne. I saw it constantly dividing, turning into hundreds of undead souls of different fat and thin shapes, different appearances, and different genders. They began to quickly clean up the killing city and repair and rebuild the damaged places.

According to Tang San's estimation, at this efficiency, the entire Killing City could be completely renewed in less than half a month.

These undead souls do not need rest, food, or wages. They are simply the most perfect wage earners. The only problem is that after the weapon souls are divided into so many undead souls, they have no brains. No matter what they do, they need to be directed by Electrolux himself. , otherwise it is easy to be self-defeating.

However, if the Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death can be promoted to the level of Nine Pattern Forging and become a super artifact, then the intelligence of the artifact spirit will inevitably be stronger, and it is even expected to become a real life.

"With these undead, it is easy to rebuild this place." Electrolux stroked his beard and said with a proud smile, "Perhaps, in the future, this place can be completely renamed the Netherworld."

"How long will it take to completely build this place?"

"It will probably take three to five years, and the only thing that can survive in this place for a long time is the soul."

Electrolux thought, "Originally, when all creatures die, their souls will dissipate, but relying on my Nether World and the Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death, I can actively draw the souls of death from the outside world, but in this During the process, most of the souls who are far away from this Netherworld will dissipate halfway due to the external environment on the way here. The best way is to send people to bring the dead souls here."

Tang San looked strange. Isn't this the work of a bull's head and a horse's face, black and white?

However, it is inconvenient to collect souls all over the world. There must be a team of black and white impermanence and bull-headed and horse-faced people. It is definitely not suitable for people to deal with them. There must be hundreds of millions of soul clones of the Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death to search for them. Just fine.

However, the current weapon spirits cannot spread all over the entire continent. They have to lay the foundation with the roots of their own Blue Silver Emperor before the Soul Seal Throne of Kindness and Death can cover the entire Douluo Continent. , Douluo Star, and even cover the entire star system in the future.

But how to let the roots of the Blue Silver Emperor cover other planets in the future?

Is it possible that the Blue Silver Emperor is used as a rope to connect multiple planets?

This is certainly not the case.

After all, everything in the universe is moving, and the Blue Silver Emperor should be allowed to transform again, turning into a conceptual being of some kind, and making connections similar to quantum entanglement.

What is quantum entanglement?

Two particles are entangled with each other, and the behavior of one particle will affect the state of the other, even if they are far apart.

To put it bluntly, after two particles form a system, they can influence each other no matter how far apart they are in space.

If we only use technological means, Douluo Continent will not be able to use quantum convenience even if it develops for a million years, but relying on the specialness of martial arts, maybe it can be done.

Wuhun is between energy and physical objects. In a sense, isn't it a relatively special "quantum" entanglement system?

To give another more obvious example, Tang Sansan planted many Blue Silver Emperor plants. As long as he wanted to, his spiritual will was manifested through any one of them, even if the roots of these Blue Silver Emperor plants were not connected to each other. And if any one plant is touched with soul power, the other plants will also change and tremble. How can it be said that this is not "quantum entanglement"?

However, due to the special nature of Wuhun, it may be called the entanglement of "Wuxunzi".

In the future, in order to plant Blue Silver Emperor in space, it is estimated that the "Wulhunzi Entanglement System Theory" must be perfected first...

(End of this chapter)

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