Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 560 Xiao Wu’s views on soul beasts

Chapter 560 Xiao Wu’s views on soul beasts

Why is Xiao Wu said to be in an abnormal situation?

Naturally, it was because she had an extremely close relationship with Tang San, their auras blended together, and they also had the aura of the golden ancient tree.

Tang San is the son of eternal destiny in Douluo Continent, so Xiao Wu is not bad, she is the wife of the son of eternal destiny, not to mention that Xiao Wu is also following the path of the physical universe, the soul and heaven, as long as she stays in Douluo. One day on the Luo Planet, the interaction of invisible energy between the small universe of the human body and the large universe of the outside world can bring huge benefits to the Douluo plane.

The most basic benefit is that the Douluo Star's world energy continues to increase.

It can be said that even putting aside the role of martial arts, beings such as Tang San, Xiao Wu and others who follow the cycle of the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and God, and build the cycle of human body and small universe, are themselves the most beloved children of the consciousness of the Douluo Star Plane.

Ordinary creatures, no matter how powerful they are, reaching peerless ability, or even becoming gods, are equivalent to being adopted by Douluo Star's plane consciousness.

But Tang San, Xiao Wu and others are biological children!

If you hold it in your hand for fear of falling, if you hold it in your mouth it will melt. How can you be willing to inflict divine punishment?

Isn’t it just taking away the control of luck?

What's the big deal?

If your good daughter wants to play, just go ahead and play with it. Even if it goes wrong in the end, after hundreds of millions of years, Douluo Star will still usher in the next prosperous period of life.

"This ability is really outrageous."

Even a being like Gu Yuena was shocked by Xiao Wu's ability. "Even gods cannot control destiny. Even aliens like the Three-Eyed Golden Raider can only perceive and observe." Luck, but cannot manipulate destiny, let alone become the master of destiny."

"This may be related to the situation of cultivating oneself as the universe."

Xiao Wu stretched out and summoned the three-eyed golden beast back into the soul ring. Looking at the curiosity and shock on the faces of Di Tian and other ferocious beasts, he briefly described his situation, "Anyway, you don't have to worry anymore." If you care too much, this ability will not be used on you, after all, we are not familiar with each other."

Emperor Tian and other ferocious beasts: "······"

"Good sister, what do you want to do next?" Xiao Wu, who transformed into a hundred-thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit, is naturally more willing to see soul beasts and humans living in harmony, but she also understands that soul beasts need to go through at least ten thousand years of experience. The ability to be born at a young age is similar to human wisdom, and the wild nature is not easily tamed, which is a problem that hinders the harmonious coexistence between the two.

In fact, soul beasts cannot be regarded as a race. Which of the ferocious beasts present would really care about the life and death of other soul beast races except their own?

Even those animals that are less than 10,000 years old can possess wisdom in advance. The best situation is nothing like the situation in the soul guide movie "Crazy Soul Beast City".

Without a unified and similar body shape, it is impossible to live harmoniously in the same city, not to mention trivial issues such as aesthetic concepts and dietary concepts between different soul beast races.

If the body shape is unified, it would be the best choice for everyone to turn into human form.

In fact, in Xiao Wu's eyes today, it is the most appropriate choice for the soul beast to completely transform into a human being. After all, most of these ferocious beasts do not regard their less intelligent kind as their true kin. The purpose of gathering them may be out of an instinctive desire to protect their own tribe, or perhaps they are aware of the benefits - the power of faith.

Maybe these ferocious beasts don't know the existence of the power of faith, but Xiao Wu is sure that these guys must know that as the number of their own tribe increases, their own cultivation level will increase faster.

For example: Blue Silver Grass.

According to the speculation of the third brother, in the distant era, the birth of the original Blue Silver Emperor may have been due to the spontaneous power of belief of one or more ordinary Blue Silver Grasses among the other Blue Silver Grasses. This caused the blood factor to evolve and become Blue Silver King, Blue Silver Emperor and the like.

With the power of faith, mortal creatures cannot sense its existence, nor can they enjoy its benefits of improving their cultivation and life essence. However, as long as there are more of them and they gather together, the environment of the place where faith gathers will always change. .

Not only the Blue Silver Emperor, but also the kings and emperors of other races may have been born this way at the beginning of the ancient times. The spontaneous power of faith of an ethnic group led to the birth of the king, and the king protected the development of the ethnic group, which increased the number of the ethnic group. This is an upward spiral development method.

But the "King" itself is not absolutely rational. The birth of wisdom makes the "King" also have complex emotions and six desires, but it is relatively simple compared to humans.

At this point, the "king" will think that there are other beings of the same level to communicate with, but he is also afraid that a new "king" will appear in the group and threaten his status, so the development of the group will stagnate. After all, the "king" cannot Take the initiative to absorb the power of faith. If the group expands and a new "king" is born in a place beyond its jurisdiction, what should you do if you want to rebel?

Maybe the "King" can't think of that much, but he will instinctively feel that other "Kings" in the same clan who are not the continuation of his own bloodline and were born independently will be a threat to him, so once discovered, he will immediately remove them.

In this way, the "king" is enslaving the ethnic group, rather than simply protecting the development of the ethnic group.

From this perspective, these ferocious beasts and hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts of different races in the Star Dou Forest can stay together in harmony, just because they are different races and compete and conflict with each other. Most of them are the living spaces of their respective ethnic groups.

Moreover, only the "king" and "emperor" of the corresponding race can order those races with low intelligence among them.

For example, Di Tian is very powerful, but he cannot command the group of Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bears. When those bears saw Di Tian for the first time, they were either frightened or fled immediately, and would not listen to anything he said. Orders, only Mr. Xiong, the king of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear Group, can order members of the group.

Therefore, in Xiao Wu's view, after the soul beasts gained wisdom, they were separated from their original ethnic group and became another race. This is a kind of evolution!

The power of faith does not have much effect on most mortal creatures.

In other words, its effect works in two aspects:

First, over a long period of time, in an environment filled with the power of massive faith, the blood factors that passively affect the race have evolved through the generations.

The second is that when one's cultivation reaches the peerless level, one can detect and simply use the power of faith, and as long as the power of faith is enough, it can be used to condense the divine status.

The authority of the divine position is related to one's own practice and spiritual desires.

Of course, the God Realm is still connected to the Douluo Star by a space channel. No matter how much faith there is in the God Realm's existing divine positions, they cannot be successfully condensed because the corresponding rules and authority have been taken over by others.

Therefore, for soul beasts that are more than 100,000 years old and can take form, it is best to take form and go to the human world.

It was very dangerous before, but now, with her as a big sister, she will be able to grow up safely, reach maturity, and have a more exciting life in the future.

Although human life is short, but——

Without ambition, you can live in vain for thousands of years.

However, in the end, it still depends on Gu Yuena's thoughts.

"Young girl!"

However, after Gu Yuena heard the words "good sister", she immediately cursed, "Do you really think that just because I called you 'Sister Xiaowu', you really think you are my sister?"


(End of this chapter)

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